374 of these committees will serve to in- dicate. the practical character of the work handled by the association. . Committee on Managing | Agency Agreement--The duty of this commit- tee is to deal with matters pertaining to the agreement with the United States shipping board, under which members of the association operate government- owned ships. Members of the commit- tee attend fortnightly conferences at Washington of a joint committee com- posed of representatives of the shipping board, the shipowners of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts, and the United States Ship Operators' association. These conferences deal with affairs mvolving a greater volume of shipping 'traffic in one month than half a cen- tury ago stood to the credit of the entire American merchant marine in a year. Franklin D. Mooney, presi- dent of the New York & Porto Rico Steamship Co., was appointed first chairman of this committee on behalf of the American Steamship Owners' association. During Mr. Mooney's ab- sence on a trip abroad, Oakley Wood, vice president of the Barber Steamship Lines, Inc., served as acting chairman. Committee on Wages and Working Conditions Aboard Ship--The_ negotia- -tion annually of a working agreement with representatives of the seagoing unions, on wages and working condi- tions (in conjunction with the United States shipping board), and the ad- justment of all differences between the labor aboard their ships and the mem- ters of the association, are the prin- cipal duties of this committee, whose findings are the basis of present wage agreements on all American ships plying 'out 0: Atlantic and gulf ports. - Capt. Eugene E. O'Donnell, manager, marine department, C. H.-Sprague & - Son, Boston, is chairman of this committee. - The names of the other members indi- cate the representative character of the committee: Capt. William Anderson, manager, marine department, C. H. Sprague & Son; A. G. Bates, vice president, Atlantic & Pacific Steamship Co. (W. R. Grace « Co.) ; Capt. John. G. Crowley, Coastwise Transportation Co.; J. D. Tomlinson, operating manager, American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.; A. S. Hebble, superintending -- engi- neer,- Southern Pacific Co.; E.- A. Kelly, assistant to president, Clyde Steamship Co.; Rk; C. .Thackara 'vice president, Luck- enback Steamship Co., Inc.; A. J. McCarthy, manager, American president, flag steamers, International Mercantile Marine Co.; F. C. Osborn, 'manager, ownership 'members of the association. 'views on the subject, swith THE MARINE REVIEW cperations department, Munson Steam- ship line; Robert F. Hand, assistant manager, foreign shipping department, Standard Oil: Co. of New Jersey. Committee on Depreciation -- The question of the proper depreciation to be charged off annually on account of vessels owned, for purposes of taxa- tion and otherwise, has been one of the most vexing to come before the This com- to their questionnaire seeking out a shipowners, mittee sent American the replies received in a report to be submitted to the association and by it to the shipping board and to the treas- ury department. The chairman of this committee is Alfred Gilbert Smith, president, New York & Cuba Mail Steamship Co. Another active committee of the association deals with the subject of the revision: of the United States navigation laws and rules, including the laws and rules of the steamboat inspection service, which is now be- ing considered also by a special com- mission appointed by the shipping Hoata. Still another. committee of the association is that which deals accounts and auditing, with especial regard to the accounts of covernment-owned vessels operated by the shipowners... This committee is composed of auditors of the mem- ber companies of the association. Its own solidarity assured, the as- sociation has established close rela- ticns with other shipping associations in the country. These include the following: Womed States Ship Operators' sociation, New York. Pacific American Steamship asso- as- ciation, San Francisco. Puget Sound Shipowners' associa- tion, Seattle. New Orleans Shipowners' associa- tion, New Orleans. New York Boat Owners' associa- tion, New York. Lake Carriers" association, . Cleve- land. National Board of Steam Naviga- tion, New York. Other business associations with which the American Steamship Own- = lo ar els association is in close touch include the following: American . Manufacturers Export association, New York. National. Foreign Trade council, New York. National Association of Manufac- turers, New York. : Atlantic Coast Shipbuilders' asso- ciation, New York. -Through the United States cham- and embodied July, 1929 ber of commerce, the association jx enabled to present data concer the economic phases of the shipping business to business men in alj sec- tions of the country. Illustrating this connection, it may be stated that after members of the association had ap- peared before the senate committee on commerce at hearings on the measure later known as_ the Jones bill, their arguments, printed jn pamphlet form, were distributed to the chambers of commerce of the country through the co-operation of the United States chamber of com- merce. Information on the mer- chant marine and overseas trade jis supplied this national body of busi- ress men -by the association whenever it is requested. Touch with the banking interests of the country has been maintained by the association through an_ jnter- change of views and information with the committee on ship securities, ap- pointed by the United States ship- ping board from among _ prominent bankers, with Henry M. Robinson, Pasadena, Cal..as chairman. This committee has made a study of the ning relation of present shipping values, costs and earnings to popular in- vestment in shipping securities and has submitted board. Other organizations with which the association maintains relations are: National Marine League of the United States of America, New York. National Merchant Marine associa- tion, Washington. Navy League of the United States, its first report to the Washington. These three organizations dissemi- nate information about the merchant marine through the press and by means of speakers. To each of the organizations named, the association sends its published communications, and in many cases special bulletins on matters regarding the merchant marine that are of cur- rent interest to business men. Fur- thermore, it has adopted a policy, now in effect, of supplying informatiom of public interest on shipping mat- ters to the business and daily press. Poncetot, the fifth all-steel steamer, of the LeParmentier, nonsinkable type, built by the Foundation Co., for the French government, was launched at New Orleans late in May. She is of 4240 tons, deadweight, 328 feet over all, with qa beam of 47 feet. Because of the high and increasing price of fuel oil, the Gulf & Interna- tional Shipping Co. is changing two of its steamers, Baya CairorniA and SINALOA, to coal burners.