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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), September 1920, p. 502

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Marine Business Statistics Condensed Fix Pay for Officers ECK officers on American ships D plying out of Atlantic and gulf ports have signed a new wage agreement, which became ef- fective Aug. 1. No increase was fixed, but alterations in working rules were made to benefit the officers. Unwillingness to hamper the new merchant marine by higher wage costs was said by the officers to in- fluence their decision to agree to the present level. The details of the agreement follow: Wage scale and 'working conditions aboard ship for House deck officers transatlantic, Atlantic and ' G@ulf coasts as agreed on by and between the Na- tional Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots of America, the Neptune association, the American Steam- ship Owners' association and the United States ship- ing board. . Effective Aug. 1, 1920, to Aug. 1, 1921. CLASSIFICATION OF VESSELS (Figures are inclusive) Classes Single Screws Twin Screws eo ts it 6 oo Over 20,001 Over 15,001 Be cies ots . 12,001 to 20,000 9,001 to 15,000 Oe ouie ca se 7,501 to 12,000 5,501 to 9,000 Data e s os 5,001 to 7,500 3,501 to 5,500 Bee hese Below 5,001 Below 3,501 Vessels are to be classed according to their ""'power- tonnage," represented by gross tonnage plus indicated horsepower as given in. the latest "'List of Merchant Vessels of the United States,' compiled by the com- missioner of navigation. WAGES PER MONTH Classes A B Co.) E Captain... $412.50 $371.25 $357.50 $343.75 $330.00 lst officer 241.25 235.00 228.75 222.50 216.25 Ond officer 212.50 206.25 200.00 193.75 187.50 8rd officer 188.75 182.50 176.25 170.00 163.75 4th officer 165.00 158.75 ...... aCe cans WORKING RULES 1--Watch and watch to be maintained on sailing day and. at all outside ports and ports of call. No mate shall be required or permitted to take charge of a wateh upon leaving or immediately after leaving port, unless he shall have had at least six hours off duty within the 12 hours immediately preceding the time of sailing. 2--In the home port, a day's work shall be from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m., with one hour allowed at roon for dinner. 38--If a mate is required to stay on board at night in the home port, he shall be compensated with a full day's pay additional, or in lieu thereof be given a full day off with pay. (It is the inten- tion of this rule that no night work shall be per- formed by such night officer except that which is necessary for the safety of the vessel.) If during such night period, a mate is required to do any work not necessary for the safety of the vessel, he shall be paid in addition $0 cents per hour for the hours so worked, but payment for work so performed shall not be in excess of seven hours at 80 cents per hour for any one night. 4--When a night officer is furnished from shore he shall be paid at the rate of $10.60 per night for such service. Hours to be from 5 p. m. to 8 a. m. No additional compensation shall be paid when cargo is worked. 5--Any mate required to stay on board between the hours of 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. in any port on Sundays, or on New Year's day, Lincoln's birth- day, Washington's birthday, July 4, Labor day, Thanksgiving day or Christmas day shall have one fvll day off with pay, or be paid one day's pay additional, but this shall not apply to a vessel sailing or ready to proceed on her voyage. If any of the above named holidays shall fall on a Sunday, the Monday following shall be observed as a holi- day. In all ports of call and foreign ports on week days, Sundays or holidays, one mate shall be re- quired to stay on board at night. Mates shall alternate and shall receive no extra compensation for this work. 6--Regular sea watches to be maintained at out- sides ports or in port of call, provided, however, that, with the consent of the master, the mates shall make a mutual agreement relative to the night watch. 7---While at sea, no mate shall be required or per- mitted to perform any duty in excess of 8 hours out of 24 hours, except that actually required for the safety of the vessel. (This rule does not apply on routes of +400 miles or less from port of de- parture to pert of final destination.) 8--When subsistence is not provided on_ board, master shall be paid $4.50 per day and mates $3 per day subsistence allowance. When rooms are provided aboard ship they shall be properly equipped with light, heat, water, linen and service. Where no room is provided on board, the master and the mates shall receive $2.50 per night room allowance. Em- ployers shall furnish first class transportation and full pay to master and mates when traveling to join a ship or returning home in compliance with orders. When traveling by rail, berth to be provided, also subsistence allowance of $5 per day. This rule shall also apply to vessels sold or for any cause put out of commission, except by shipwreck. 9--A ship lying at anchor in a home port awaiting berth before her voyage has been ended shall have sufficient mates aboard at all times for the safety of the vessel. If, however, more than one mate is required to remain on board at night, the off- watch mate shall be compensated as per Rule 3. 10--If a mate is required to remain on board ship at night while lying at anchor in a home port awaiting berth, after her voyage has ended, he shall be paid in accordance with Rule 3. The voyage of a@ vessel shall be considered to be ended when the vessel is safely berthed, or the crew paid off. 11--In cases where a vessel is short of her com- plement of mates, except in cases of sickness, the _wages of the mate short shall be divided equally be- tween the two mates standing his watch. On June 30, 1914 the port at which shipping articles are opened, or the port at which crew is paid off upon completion of a voyage. NOTE:--Should any dispute arise during the life of this agreement, as to interpretation of same, the matters in dispute shall be submitted to a committee of three representatives of the Masters, Mates and Pilots' association and Neptune association, and_ three representatives of the American Steamship: Owners' as- sociation (who shall also be managing agents of shipping board vessels), with Winthrop L. Marvin as chairman; decisions of the committee to be final. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF MASTERS, MATES AND PILOTS OF AMERICA, John H. Pruett, : D. .W. 'Pratt: NEPTUNE ASSOCIATION, A. N. McGray, E. M. Foster, F. TT. Burkhart. AMERICAN STEAMSHIP OWNERS' ASSOCIATION, A. J. McCarthy, committee on wages and working conditions aboard ship. UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD, Bruce Gibson, Marine superintendent, division of operations, New York, (Subject to final approval of the board.) World's Tanker Fleet Number and tonnage of tankers owned by the different nations,of the world on June 30, 1914 and 1919, are shown in a table recently compiled by the bureau of navigation, depart- On June 30, 1919 Vice chairman, d Not including British navy tankers; 34. vessels, e Not including French navy tankers; 1 f Including 30 barges, 24,362 gross tons. 12--The master shall daily make an inspection of the ship, and particularly of the living quarters of the crew. 13--Overtime work performed by mates: shall be. first authorized by the master, and upon completion of the work the mates shall be given slips stating the amount of overtime worked and an entry also made in the official log-book, it being understood the over- time rate shall be 80 cents per hour. 14-- Authorized 'representatives of the Masters, Mates and Pilots' association and Neptune association shall be granted permission to visit vessels when presenting a pass signed by the owner at time of paying off and at such other times as are agreeable to the repre- sentatives of the owners, but under no eonsideration Shall representatives of the organizations interfere with the men at work. : 15--If a mate is absent from- duty during work- ing hours, except as compensation for overtime service, when the vessel is in port, the amount he would have earned during such absence shall be deducted from his wages on the basis of the daily rate of pay. 16--This wage scale and these working rules shall take effect Aug. 1, 1920, and shall continue in full force and operation until Aug. 1, 1921. NOTE:--A "home port" shall - be. considered to be 502 ----Steam------- ----Sail----. Total Steam Sail: Total Flag No. Gross No. Gross No. Gross No. Gross No. Gross No. Gross American . 55 201,160 30 60,207 85 261,367 a190 1,022,551 b72 101,364 262 1,123,915 Belgian 10 DORs ur 2 oe. 10 25,981 8 28:543 a ot eos 8 28,543 British ...¢181 819,993 7 21,56 188 841,554 d262 1,326,718 5 11,345 267 1,338,063 Chilean' 25. 1 BOt oe ees 1 DAO is cee 2,583 1 2,583 WUDEN eS ee ieee ies ee gees Reese. ance aig sesee 1 1,763 1 1,763 Danish) es Bes 735 1 735 ecb cee 1 731 1 731 Dutch o. eee: QT. 83,294 8 8,642 385 91,936 30 83,532 6 5,982. 36 89,514 French ... e3 W282) ea. 3 11,232 5 20,145 3,203 6 23,348 German ee AD 204,849 1 728 46 205,577 - 10 3(,00) 1 (2821: 38,289 Greek. 55 2 1 1638. 6 sce. 1 LG88 2 oe ec es renee pies Camkanae Stalian. 2.05 4 TS099) | 4 18,099 5 26083 So oe 5 26,183 Japanese -- 5 GIES Se ae ne: 5 21,887 2 MoOOU ee 2 2,607 Mexican .. 4 US AOR 4 13,464 3 TE1902 1: 1,342 4 12,541 Norwegian . 2 4028 1 1,254 3 5,982 14 GSesel 14 68,331 Rumanian . 2 8:990'- 5. oe 2 8,390 1 DOPE ee os cie 1 3,051 Russian ... 6 WOOT ee. 6 14,371 6 S805 oe ew ee 6 13,805 Spanish ... 1 Clare ee 1 672 Re eee Crees Bice isle eeterets Total .. 347 1,431,950 48 98,127 395 1,525,077 536 2,644,226 89 129,041 625 2,773,267 May 1, 1920 Steam: Sail --+--Total : No. Gross No. Gross No. Gross SAMCRCAN il et coe ce ee See les 227 1,276,108 C3 105,369 300 1,381,427 a Not ineluding navy tankers; 14 vessels, 93,669 gross tons. b Including 29 barges, 23,526 gross tons. ¢ Not including British navy tankers; 2 vessels, 6518 gross tons. 66,809 gross tons. vessel, 5179 gross tons. ment of commerce. The records. for the United States are brought up to May, 1920. The table is given above. When the Pacific Steamship Co. takes over its mew passenger liners WE- NATCHEE and Keystone Strate, it is planned to bring out two large part- ies of sightseers to the Pacific coast. E. G. McMicken, general passenger agent of the line, has gone to the Atlantic to make the preliminary ar- rangements. These vessels and _ others are to be operated in the Oriental route out of Seattle including Japan, China, Siberia and the Philippines.

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