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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), November 1920, p. 620

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620 Business Changes The New Yo°k marine office of the Diamond Power Specialty Co., Detroit, has been moved from 32 Broadway to 126 Liberty street. The Ward Tool & Forging Co., Latrobe, Pa., has completed arrangements with John D. Scott, Inc., with whom is affiliated John E. Love, for representation in Michigan and the northwestern part of Ghio, with offices at 1156 Penobscot building, Detroit. Joseph E. Benson has o-ganized the firm to be known as the North Atlantic Shipping & Agency Corp., with offices at %12 Insurance Exchange building, Philadelphia. The new firm will do a general agency and chartering business. Mr. Benson was associated with Furness, Withy & Co. fo: the past 10 yea's coming to that company wher it absorbed the Philadelphia house known as Charles M. Tay- lor's Sons. On Oct. 1, Raymond Lovekin, advertising en- gineer, occupied his new location at 10 South Lighteenth street, Philadelphia. These new quarters in the fuller building give the re- quired additionai floor space for his advertising and sales promotion forces. The Azores Commercial Co., successor to A. S. Gouvea & Co., is now established at 253 Broadway, New York. Rice, Unruh & Co., with offices at 403 The Bourse, Vhiladelphia, have been organized to conduct a business of steamship agents and brokers. The new firm will. take over the agency bus'ness previously conducted by Gailey, Davis & o., Philadelphia, and begins with a large number of ships on its lists. Mr. Rice of the new fim was formerly with the Cunard line, and Mr. Unruh has been associated with Gailey, Davis & Co. W. T. Kyle, F. W. Oberkirch and H. G. Thompson, 200 Fifth avenue. Capitalized at $25,000, the Bayside Shipyard, New York, recently was incorporated by T. Rummey, W. A. Lippincott and J. W. Ripley, Flushing, L. L., Noy. The Keans Transportation Co., Boston, has been incorporated with a capital stock of $150,000, to bitild yessels, shipyards, etc., by M. M._ Dillaway, and George L. Dillaway, Wakefield, Mass., and Doris Kinney, Hudson, Mass. The Dauntless Shipyard Inc., Essex, Conn., re- cently let a contract for the erection of a marine railway, storage sheds and yacht basin. The Disappearing Propeller Boat Corp., Buffalo, recently was incorporated with a capital stock of $600,000, by W. L. Marcy, L. B. Gulick and W. V. Moot. The Walker Navigational Instruments Corp., New York, recently was incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000, by C. S. Bryan, L. J. Hunt and H. V. Crawford, 120 Broadway, New York. A small power house addition will be erected at the plant of William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Building Co., Philadelphia. The Fred A. Havens Co. has been dwarded the general contract. The Kelly Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, Ala., contemplates the erection of a power house, machine shop, etc., at an estimated cost of $150,000. Eli Ness, Savannah, Ga., has purchased a_ plant from the shipping board at Jacksonville. Fla., and will continue to operate it after improvements, etc., have been made. The Standard Transportation Co., North Eleventh street, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y., has had plans approved by the United States shipping board for the construction of 10 oil steamers. Four of the vessels will be built by the Bethlehem Shipbuiding Corp. at its Fore river plant, Quincy, Mass., and two others at Sparrows Point, Md., and the San Francisco plants respectively of the same company. The other two will be built by the New York Ship- building Corp., Camden, N. J. The Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., Carteret, N. J., manufacturer of steam condensers. pumps, engines, etc., has increased its capital stock to . $1,500,000 preferred stock and 10,000 shares of common stock, no par value. The Simpson's Patent Dry Dock Co., East Boston, Mass., contemplates the erection of an addition to the machine shop at its plant, to be 24 x 66 feet. The Philadelphia Ship Repair Co., Mifflin street, THEY MARINE REVIEW Philadelphia, recently increased its capital stock from $200,600 to $600,000. The Marine Transport Corp., 908-10 South Broad- way, Baltimo.e, recently was inco;porated with a capital stock of $450,000, by Clarence B. Gore, Ar- thue E. Gore and George H. Kastendike, and plans to construct and repair steamers, cargo vessels, etc. Jt is proposed to erect a shipyard at Baltimore. The Columbus-Mckinnon Chain Co., Fremont street, Tonawanda, N. Y., manufacturer of chain for in- dustrial purposes, is reported planning the erection of an addition to its piant. Hoisting machinery, conveying and other equipment will be installed at the proposed new ocean and rail terminal to be erected at San Francisco, by the city, at an estimated cost of $2,300,000. Tue state board of commissioners has approved the plans. The bureau of yards and docks, Washington, has completed plans for the erection of a new mechanical shop at the Mare Island navy yard, near San Fran- cisco. The Mercantile Corp., Ltd., Montreal, Que., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $200,000, by Aubrey H. Elder, John deG. Audette, Felix W. Hacket and others, to engage in the manufacture of ratiroad, marine, foundry, and mining equipment, machinery, ete. The Glassmann-Bartha Welding Corp., 132 Tenth avenue, New York, manufacturer of welding equip- ment, recently increased its_eapital stock to $100,000. The John Eichleay Jr. Co., South Twentieth and Wharton streets, Pittsburgh, has been granted per- mission to build a new ship works on the left bank of the Monongahela river, which will include launch- ing ways, shops, ete. Cranes, hoisting, conveying and other machinery wiil be installed at -the new piers and warehouses to be constructed by the American Chain of Ware- houses, Cleveland, A. H. Greeley, president, Mill Basin, Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn, N. Y. A proposition has been tendered by the company to the New York dock department covering a leasehold of the November, 1920 - site for 5O years. It is proposed to buiid six piers and four supporting warehouses, with total cost estimated in excess of $25,000,000. The company is now operating warehouse terminals in more than i100 cities of the country. The Radio Corp. of America, Woolworth building, New York, has acquired the wireless station at Tuckerton, N. J., formerly operated. by the Marconi Co., and has plans under way for extensions to cost about $200,000, including equipment. The J. @. White Engineering Co:p., 43 Exchange place, New York, will be in charge. Plans have been filed by the Bethlehem Ship- building Corp., Frout street, Elizabeth, N. J., for tne construction of a 1-story machine shop to cost about $25,000. The company has also awarded a contract for the erection of a control house for the new dry dock at its Fore river works, Quincy, Mass. George F. Sproule, director, the department of wharves, docks and ferries, Philadelphia, has sent a 'communication to Mayor Moore of Philadelphia, covering the proposed program for pier and dock construction, estimated to cost $20,000,000, includ- ing cranes, hoisting, conveying and other machinery. Immediate construction is to include new piers, each 300 feet wide and 1200 feet long. Tue Globe Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Corp., Fair- field, Baltimore, is rushing work on shops and other buildings, and in the near future will employ about 1200 men. Work has already been taken up at the yard, including repair of a number of vessels. B. C. Cooke is president. The Marine Iron Works, Norfolk, Va., contem- plates: the erection of a 2-story machine shop, 60 x 175 feet. R. O. Coleman is president of the com- pany. The Union defer the erection of its 70 x 200 feet, until early next year, will be asked for at that time. Shipbuilding Co., Fairfield, Md., will 2-story plant addition, and bids manufactured telemotors by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd. Bethlehem, TELEMOTORS--Hydraulic Pa.. are described in a bulletin just put out by that company. These telemotors, which are of the duplex ram type, are designed so as to overcome many weak points which telemotors have developed in service. The bulletin emphasizes the elimination of Jeather packing in the construction of the work- ing parts. By this means, it is claimed, leakage throuph the ty-pass valves is eliminated. Absence of internal leakage enables a weather helm to he carried indefinitely, a decided steering advantage in heavy weather. ELECIRIC DRILLS.--An illustrated circular is be- mg distributed py the Independent Pneumatic 'Lou Co., Chicago, describing its electric drills which can be operated on either alternating or direct current, or metor wound for direct current only. ELECTRIC. HOISTS---A booklet descriptive of the standardized monorail electric hoits manufactured by the Link-Belt Co., Chicago, is just off the press. It describes these machines minutely, giving -de- seriptions, weights, clearances and speeds with as- distance of photographs. The illustrations show many actal installations in factories, machine shops and foundries of the surface as well as the overnead tynes. RUDDERS--NDesign and operation of its maneuv- ering and reversing rudder are described in a treatise put out by the McNab Co., Bridgeport. Conn., American representatives of the manufacturers, Kitchern's Reversing Rudder Co. Ltd., Liverpool. By the use of these rudders, which are a_ radical departure in design, the functions of steering and ew Trade Publications maneuvering are combined. By their use, it is claimed, the propelling machinery may be run at constant speed and the boat handled in any man- ner, both as to speed and direction with the rudders alone. WELDING.--The Metal & Thermit Corp., New York, has just issued a pamphlet outlining five laboratory experiments with the thermit process & welding. These exneriments have been prepared to acquaint the studeit with the substance, cnaracter- istics and results of thermit reaction and are in- tended to show tne speed of reaction, the heat pro- duced, and the effects obtained by the superheated fiquid slag and the superheated liquid steel. FUEL REGULATOR--The Uehling Instrument Co., New York, has issued a special bulletin on its car- bon dioxide equipment for both marine and_ sta- tionary use. This equipment is designed to effect a saving of fuel thvough proper air supply to the combustion chamber. A feature of the appliance is the auxiliary indicator for the boiler front for guidance of firemen with a recorder for the en- gineer's office. SHIPBUILDING--"'Progress" is the title of an illustrated book just issued by the Moore Ship- building (o., Oakland, Cal. which shows graphicaliy the complete facilities of this yard which enabled it to accomplish, among other records, the feat of launching six steel steamers on one tide. The booklet shows in detail the various units in the equipment of the yard which, since 1917, have replaced. the original buildings and equipment. Many of the boats built by this yard, also, are illustrated in this book, among them the famous Freperic R. KELLOGG, which was torpedoed hy a German U-boat off Sandy Hook.

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