December, 1920 637 THE MARINE REVIEW Ocean Freight Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated 'New. York Cott Coal from 0 Grin Provan. (HL D) He Soi Cargo tfFinished Virginia ie cu: ft; 100 lbs. Steel cities iverpool........$ 0.40 $1.00 $1.15 $0.45 $0.50 $1.00 $10.00T Bordon. «6. 0.40 1.00 .--145 045 = 9oe 1.00 10.007. Christiania «3.45 0.60 0.90 2.00 0.65 0.70 we OT 7 Copenhagen..... 0.60 0.90 : aT 2.00 - 0.65 0.70 1.50 15 Hamburg........ 0.40 0.40 100° 0.45 0.50 100 6.00 10:0 Bremen: . 1. 0.40 0.40 1 is 0.50 1.00 6.00T 10.50 Rotterdam. . 2... 0.40 0.65 1.00 0.50 0.50 eb oe 10.50 T Antwerp oe 0.40 0.50. 096 045 0.45 0.90 8.00T OB T DRTC. Pree ; 0.90 0.50 0.90 0. . : ae Bordeaux........ 0.40 0.90 0.50 0.90 0:60 158 3 00T 10:20°T Barcelona... 0.75 30.00T 1.50 0.80 --80.00 T-- 18.00 11.20T ee 30.00T 1.60 © 6.86 80.00 T-- : Marseilles....... 0.70 1.25 (70°) -6.% 0.70 Hae : i. ' 0 - : 1:50 15.00 T:, - 12,50 FT Peotone. 0.60 1.10 6] 0.65 0.65 : : i ; 1.20 12.00'T . 12.507 MacleSs. 22... ce. 0.60 1.10 1.10 0.65 0.65 Constantinople... ..... 28:00T 1150 16.00T --28.00T-- 18.00 15.00T Alexandria...o.s46.000 140° 16 00 0.624 1.12 15.00T 14.00T Pigiers. 65 .c 20.00 T 1.80 3: 20.00 T 0.87144 1.56144 14.00T 12. (oo Daler. 20.00T- 23.00T 23.00 T --28.00 T-- 20:00°T: a Capetown... 30.00T 27.00T 27.00T 30.00T -97-00 T= 20.00T = wenps Aires. ....0605. 6 7 4 --20.00 T--} 12:00 TT 12.507 Rio de Janeiro. -. ¥...5'° 5. oe --22.50 T--T 16.50 TT 12.507 Pernambuco... .-5.. 2 --23.50T--} .17.50 Tf - 13.75 T Havana.......-+ 0.55% 0.68% 0.55* 0.75% 0.94 0.71" 6007 Valparaiso piche ae 1.25 1.25 1 16 1.16 0.70 1.25 18.00 T 9.25 T Ban PTancisco.... 4.2. 2,252 L410. 2 ces 1.00 Sydney... see 25.00 to 30-00T 15.007 =) T--Ton. } Landed. f{ Heavy products limited in length. * Extra charge for wharfage. From North Pacific Lumber -- From North Pacific Lumber Ports to Per. M, ft. Ports to Per M, ft. Ban Prancisco- <<. $ 8.50 Peru-Chile 33.2557. 2 ee, $30.00 South California.................. 9.50-to 10.00. Sovth Altica..¢ 32.3: 42.50 Tiawatian Islands... 234.2 "16.0010 18,00. Cuba... 22.00 to 23.00 a Pegand:) .... Ge 30.00 United Kingdom..... epee ee 60.00 VORCY 0d 30.00 United .Kingdom (ties)... .....05.. 40. Melbourne-Adelaide............-. 32,5052 New Yon ee - } pi 2400 eae Criental ports... 3... 3) 12.50 to 15:00 - New York: (tiés).-..0..0 20.00 ay From North Pacific Steel From North Pacific Flour and Wheat Ports to Per Ton _. Ports to Per Ton Onental ports: .. 2. Be $11.00 Sriental porte... 3.6 i ee $10.00 From North Pacific Cotton United Kingdom................. 18.00 to 20.00 ports to -- : Per Ton Bcandinavia.. <4 55.4 55 18:00 to. 20.00 . Oriental ports... 7... $20.00 to 25.00 Principal Rates to and From United Kingdom ' S d s d Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom.... 80. 0 Iron ore, Bilboa to Middlesborough...... 19. BD Coal, South Wales to the Near East...... 45 0. General British market, six months time Coal, Newcastle to France........-.: ice 0 charters, per tom: per month.......,... 156: British Strike Settlement Aids Charters (From Our European Manager) London, Nov. 10. (By cable.)--Settlement of the coal strike has improved charter conditions. exports have been resumed. Coal In the Spanish ore rade, the flurry in the charter market has ended with the Bilhao-Cardiff rate relapsing to 17 shillings. Home- ward chartering is mcre active. Conditions in the River Plate trade are quiet but values are steady. Cargoes for the Near East are more plentiful. Con- siderable activity in chartering Australia wheat has developed.