have been appointed respectively passenger and _ freight' traific managers of the Admiral line, with headquarters in Seattle, thus rounding out one of the most efficiert shipping 'organizations on the Pacific coast. In their new capacities, they will have jurisdiction over passenger and freight traffic respectively including bcth the foreign and domestic services. Both the new traffic executives are well known steamship experts and have been iden- titied with Pacific coast shipping for many years. The appointments are the E G. McMICKEN and R. D. Pinnvo E. G. McMICKEN outgrowth of a reorganization of the Admiral line staff just completed by "Vice President A. F. Haines in prepara- tion for the increased traftic activities to result from entry of the company into the oriental field on a large scale early next year. At that time, the company will receive five new passenger and freight vessels from the United States shipping board for operation be- tween Puget sound and the Far East. These vessels, 535 feet in length, are row being completed in eastern ship- yards and the first, the WENATCHEE, is expected to be delivered at New York early in January. They will be operated by the Admiral line from Puget sound to Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shang- hai, Hongkong and Manila, with a Maritime World Are Doing second service to Tsing Tao, Dairen and Vladivostok--establishing the only transpacific passenger service under the American flag that the Puget sound gateway has had in many years. The Admiral line is the largest steamship operator on the Pacific, its fleet num- bering J2& vessels and travel routes extending from Nome, Alaska, to Corinto, Nicaragua, and from the Co- lumbia river and Puget sound to the Orient. ee N. Karrve, former assistant general manager of the Pusey & Jones ship- yard, has resigned his office. with that company and set sail for a long vaca- tion in Europe. J. A. StTeEcKseL, formerly connccted with the Norwegian-American line at New York, has become assistant gen- eral manager of the Seven Seas Mer- cantile Transport Co., New York. * 2 4 Donato F. JENKs, until Nov. 1, vice president of Frederick A. Kirk & Co., Inc.. New York, resigned on_ that date to represent in New York the business of the American Shipping Coro, Jacksonville, Fla. The com- pany operates a line of steamers to continental and South American ports. C. W. Witey, president of Todd Dry Docks, Inc., Seattle, and the Todd Ship- building & Construction Co., 'Tacoma, Wash., recently was presented with . handsome silver service and a_ beautiful ship's clock by his associate officials. The delegation was led by H. W. Kent, treasurer of the Seattle plant, and J. A. Eves, general manager of the Tacoma yard. The gifts were intended for use on Mr. Wiley's yacht Hopesritt, which he recently brought out from the At- lantic. * *« x Murray S, Wesser, formerly with the Merchant Shipbuilding Co., Ches- ter, Pa. has become associated with Seabury & DeZafra, Inc, consulting naval architects and marine engineers, New York. 2k * * SHozo Murata, Osaka, Japan, over- seas traffic director of the Osaka Shosen Kaisha, and personal representative of K. Hori, president of the big oriental 662 Marine News 1 ina Personal Way, Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the steamship corporation, was in New Or- leans in October on business with the J. H. W. Steele Co., agent for the Japanese line. . ie os L. A. P. WarNER, general manager of the Mersey Docks & Harbors, Ltd., Liv- erpool, England, spent a week in New Orieans, late in October, as the guest of E. J. McGuirk, acting manager of the Leyland line. ie € W. O. Hupson was re-elected president of the board of commissioners of the R. D. PINNEO port of New Orleans, at the annual meeting Oct. 26. W. A. KEerncAn was re-elected vice president, and RENo CLERC, secretary. te oe Cart. N. B. Ketiey has recently been appointed pilot commissioner of Boston 'to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Capt Richard Banfield. Captain Kelley has been secretary of the pilot commissioners for the past three years. AK oe ok ArtHur B, Lang, formerly New Eng- land representative of the American Marine Paint Co. has resigned his con- nection with that concern to accept the position of district manager for the Goheen Corp., New York.