December, 1920 THE MARINE REVIEW Profile No./ a Bevel Board -- , foep ag hese "Poop Deck ar Ofte ki~uck/e /o Upper Deck SHAUAG AN ®@ METHOD OF DIAGRAMMING BEVELS ON PROFILE--ALSG BEVEL BOARD FOR USE OF YARD FORCE tances A, B, C and D, and set them out from squared line on cant fra:ne No. 8, plan view, as shown. Now draw lines from cant frame No. 9 to these points on cant frame No. 8, thus giving you the desired bevel required for No. 9 cant frame. These bevel! lines are marked 1, 2, 3 and 4, with 1 representing the bevel at transom end of cant, 2 the bevel beiow knuckle, 3 the bevel above knuckle and 4 the bevel at deck. . Now transfer them on a bevel board as shown in illustration, thus making it easy for the furnaceman. Design New Type Of Dock Engineering developments of the last few years have resulted in bringing out the design of a new type of floating drydock, a longitudi- nally trussed sectional dock. This type of drydock was designed to overcome the flexibility of the ordinary sectional dock and still retain its ex- cellent self-docking features. Fur- thermore, it was designed to produce a floating dock that would be equally rigid whether built of steel, of wood, or with wooden pontoons and _ steel wings. For some time, the Crandall Engi- neering Co., East Boston, Mass., had been studying this problem and _ its researches resulted in this new type. This drydock is sectional. In the wing walls of each section is con- structed the panel of a_ longitudinal truss so designed that when the sec- tions are connected together these panels form one truss in each wing and a_ stiff backbone for the dock. The panel points are made to come at the ponittoon connections and at these points the truss members termi- nate in steel castings which form the lugs for the pin connections which join at the same time the ponitoons and the truss panels. To separate the pontoons, it is only necessary to re- move four pins. The pumping machinery consists of four electric or steam operated centri- 669 fugal pumps in each pontoon, the size of the pumps depending upon the desired speed of operation. The con- trol of these puanps is centralized at some convenient point where the dock- Niaster may see the gages indicating the depth of water in each compart- ment and govern the pumping ac- cordingly. For supporting the vessel in the dock, the bilge block system is used. These docks are equipped with the patent releasing bilge blocks of the designers operated by endless chains and hand winches located on the wing walls. Successful instaliations of drydocks of this type have been made at Charleston, S.C, Savapnak, Ga, Jacksonville, Fla, and Beaumont, Tex. Another dock of this type is now under construction at Pensacola, Fia. Standardize Motorships British shipowners and shipbuilders, according to information obtained by. the Bankers Trust Co., New York, through its foreign information depart- ment, are not only increasing the out- put of motor powered ships, but have begun to standardize this type of vessels. Standardized construction is regarded as a means by which the handicap of higher building costs of motorships as compared to steamships, may be offset. Standardization is illustrated in a Bel- DRYDOCK BUILT ON NEW CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLE 8000-ton docx at Charieston §. C, employing the longitudinal truss method of construction