EMU LA First Electric- Propelled iE IIL ISTINCTION of being the first passenger ship in the world to be driven electrically rests with the CuBa, now in service between Jack- sonville, Fla.,-and- Cuba, for the Miami Steamship Co., New York. The Cusa formerly was known as the POWHATTAN. After an adventurous career of some years, during which she lay at the bottom of: Chesapeake bay for nearly six months, the buat has been completely rehabilitated ai the plant of the Morse Drydock & Repair Co., Brook- lyn, -N.: Y; The Cupa's principal dimensions are: length between perpendiculas, 300 feet; beam, molded, 40 feet; depth, molded, 26 feet 9 inches; load drait, 18 feet. The boat is primarily a passenger carrier. Accommodation for 260 first- class passengers is provided, appoint- ment oi cabins and saloons being such nmi' -- teciiiieng ee = BEFORE AND AFTER Boat deck cof the liner after the reconst:uction process had been completed. Insert shows the boat as it appeared after heing raised from the waters of Chesapeake bay as to compare favorably with the new- aboard through a large port forward est boats under the American. flag. Provision is nmiade for carrying a num- They are driven ber of automobiles. 13 on the dock level. Quarters for deck and wireless offi- ces are on the boat deck. Aft are a CUBA---WURLD'S FIRST ELECTRICALLY PROPELLED LINER