Late Flashes On Marine Disasters Brief Summaries of Recent Maritime Casualties-- A Record of Collisions, Wrecks, Fires and Losses + Name or VessEL DarTE NATURE * PLAcE DamacE RESULTING Lares or VESSEL neg Mabel E. Goss' Nov. 27 Grounded Portland None alem ov. Maul Nov. 28 Struck reef 'Hilo None oe ie M. G. Hausler Nov. 23 Listed Off Pelee Island Beached San Marcos a Marion Chilcott Dec, 3 Heavy weather Shetlands a Sails, anchor, Se. fee chain : J Dec. 2 Disabled Wilmington Dismasted South American Nov. Mee Dec. 2 Sank Off Fort DelawareTotal loss Silver Queen Nov. . Diebold Dec. 3 Struck wharf ; s ec uae grounded Newcastle None es Ne an ; ; 'Nov. 17 Grounded Off Gurnet Light Not stated erat Nov. 2 Collision Off Lamberts oe Somerset oe ' point cs ae side oe Aa i Nov. 8 Sank - Off South Pass otal loss : ne Tueland Nov. 16 Dragged anchorfompkinsville | Not stated Saucon Nov. Nora Nov. 17 Grounded Off St. George Not stated Solberg Nov. Noravia 'Nov. 15 Wrecked Daniel's cove Total loss Staunton Nov. Normania Nov. 13 Grounded Lour river Not stated ° St. Michael _ Dec. No. 58 'Nov. 17 Dragged anchorBoston harbor Not stated Schoolcraft Dec. No. 62 Nov. 17 Dragged anchorBoston harbor __Not stated No. 4 Nov. 10 Collision Philadelphia Beached Tuscan Nov. Neptune Dec. 4 Short fuel oil Key West None Ticeline | Nov. Nantucket Shoals Toledo Bridge er lightship 2 Heavy weather Nantucket Shoals Torn loose ae ee ies ¥ Tonesit Nov. aas Nov. 15 Disabled At sea Steerer trouble J cod Nov. 6 Grounded Nehalem Cargo damaged eae New. Oneka Nov. 24 Bunkers afire Honolulu Cargo damaged P . Oskaloosa Nov. 28 Disabled Bermuda Mach. damaged Uffe Now: Uffemas Nov. Patchet Nov. 4 Collision River Mersey Not serious Panga Nov. 5 Leaking Norfolk Beached Valhalla Nov. Pagasset Nov. 17 Disabled Baltimore Boiler trouble Virginia Dare Nov. (Nee 29 Disabled At sea: Not stated Poinsoot Noy. 15 Disabled Halifax Not stated Pochasset Nov. 22 Grounded Off Cape ElizabethTotal loss Westwood Nov. Polybius Nov. 22 Disabled St. Michaels Lost blades West Zucher Nov. Panama Transport Nov. 10 Collision Philadelphia Not stated West Eagle Nau Pierrepont fe ov. 29 Collision East River Not stated Westport Nov. Pierce McLouth Nov. 13 Explosion Off Thunder Bay __ ' W. M. Richard Nav Island Firemen killed Winnebago Nice. Perseus Nov. 12 Grounded St. Clair canal Not stated W. J. Pirrie Now. Parks Foster Nov. 20 Disabled Detour | Broken shaft Parthian Dec. 4 Collision Constdntinople Not known West Vaca Nov. Royal Prince Nov. 4 Fire Havre Not stated Royal Arrow Nov. 17 Dragged anchorBoston | Not stated Wilpen Nov: Rock Island Bridge Nov. 20 Grounded Helford river Not stated Wert White Nov. Skjold Nov. 4 Disabled Las Palmas Masts broken Winona County Dec. Scotsman Nov. 18 Overdue At sea Not known Waukegan Dec. Santa Tecla Nov. 16 Deckload shifted At sea Not stated Yute Now Suporto Nov. 16 Collision Off TompkinsvilleDavits damaged Sadko Nov. 16 Disabled Queenstown Mach. trouble Zarista Nov. + | NATURE PLACE Damace ReEsuttine 17 Heavy weather po eavile Disabled 19 Grounded yngvaer SmoelenSank 11 Collision Off Robbins Reef None 19 Grounded Off Bremerhaven Not stated 19 Grounded Spezia Arsenal Not stated 18 Snowstorm Fox river Grounded © 15 Abandoned Off Lisbon Dismantled, par- s tially burned 26 Fire Calcutta Cargo damaged 25 Heavy weather Off Washington coast Lost tow 27 Fire At sea Insulation damaged 27 Short coal St. John's None 9 Collision Hamburg Not stated 11 Grounded Off Aarhuus None 27 Disabled St. John's Mach. trouble 27 Collision Jersey City Not stated 2 Collision ay Ridge flats Not stated 3 Fire Wolfe Island Beached 20 Collision Ambrose channel Bow damaged 20 Collision East river Sank 22 Disabled St. Michaels Lost propeller 10 Disabled Barbados - Lost sails 25 Grounded Northeast Reefs Abandoned 27 Disabled St. Michaels Leaky 11 Fire Norfolk: Not stated 26 Heavy weather Aberdeen Grounded 17 Disabled Aberdeen Lost blades 16 Disabled At sea Not stated 2 Leaky Corunna Not stated 21 Heavy weather Norfolk Lost sails, anchor, deckload .2 Struck dock St. Nazaire Not known 4 Disabled At sea Engine trouble 16 Fire Montevideo Heavy 12 Disabled San Francisco Engine trouble 14 Abandoned At sea Total loss 19 Fire Barrow Not stated 27 Missing Off Washington * coast Not known 10 Collision Off Tilbury Bowsprit carried away, damaged stem 18 Struck dock Duluth Damaged stem and plates 16 Grounded Corsica shoal None 1 Disabled Norfolk Not stated 3 Disabled Honolulu Engine trouble 16 Disabled Off Cape May Not stated 26 Missing At sea Not known What the British Are Doing Short Surveys of Important Activities in Maritime N EXCEEDINGLY interesting ex- A ition dealing largely with ma- rine equipment was held between Nov. 8 and Dec. 4, at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow. It was officially designated, "The Shipbuilding, Engincering and Electrical Exhibition." Altogether al- most 200 exhibitors were represented, practically all of whom are associated directly or indirectly with the ship- building and engineering industries of Great Britain. The purpose of the ex- hibition was to convey to the public a comprehensive impression of the extent Centers of Island Empire of the work done in Scotch shipyards, foundries, machine shops, etc. Of course 1t was impossible to exhibit actual ships, but this difficulty was overcoine to a large extent by throw- ing open the extensive Clyde ship- yards to the visitors. At the exhibi- tion hail, in addition, a large number of models, small-scale sections, draw- ings, photographs, etc., were displayed, illustrating the different systems of ship construction. These displays in- cluded exhibits illustrating the Isher- wood systein and two other systems of 40 longitudinal construction which have been adopted by Clyde builders. A large number of small craft were ex- hibited. In marine engineering, the scope of the exhibition was wider than in ship- building. Various types of ship-pro- pulsion equipment were displayed, in- cluding a 2900-horsepower turbine, re- ciprocating engine, oil engines, -- boil- ers, etc. There was also a large num- ber of displays of auxiliary equipment, including an interesting marine engine governor designed to prevent propeller