Rospert W. MorreELL, of the Tidewater Oil Co. has been added to the technical committee of the American Steamship Owners association, Mr. Morrell, the eighth member of the committee of which William Francis Gibbs is chair- have charge of the tank man, will steamer tonnage. x ook me Harry J. Leirer, formerly connected with the Neptune Shipping Corp., has been placed in charge of the chartering department recently added by the Metrol- itan Shipping Corp. * Ok Ox Joun D. HasHacen, formerly with the American Glue Co. at Seattle, has been appointed traffic manager of the North Atlantic & Western Steamship San Francisco. * kK OK Joun T. Cowtes, president of the Cowles Marine Salvage & Mfg. Co., is in personal charge at Chicago of ef- forts to raise the steamer PERE Mar- 'QUETTE which sunk 11 years ago. * ok x C. Henry Smit, San Francisco, is at the head of an enterprise reported to be attempting revival of the old Lind- vig line, operated by A. O. Lindvig under the Norwegian flag, between Port- land, Oreg., and the west coast of South America. * Rosert Henesy, vice president and general manager of the Neptune For- warding Co., 17 Battery Place, New York, has. resigned. ae J. H. Lawrence has engaged in the ex- portation of coal with offices at 82 Broad Street, New York. ee Eowin F. Harprinc, for several years trafic manager of Alfred Herbert, Ltd., has become vice president of the Allied Forwarding & Shipping Co., International Commerce building, New York. ee. Lee M. Carroiin, vice president and general manager of the Tracy Steamship Co. New York, has resigned to en- Sage in ship brokering at 78 Broad street, ok oe Joun W. Brasstncton, formerly chief Mgineer for Pusey & Jones, Wilming- ton, Del. shipbuilders, and later for the American Writing Paper Co., Holyoke, Marine News in a Personal Way Intimate Gossip About What Leaders in the Maritime World Are Doing Mass., has taken charge of the new department of the Port Arthur Ship- building Co., Ltd., Port Arthur, Ont., which will manufacture pulp and paper machinery and_ digesters. Joun B. Purves, a mechanical engineer with 26 years experience in building this type of machinery, is his assistant. oe Capt. Reginatp R. Betknap, who laid the North Sea mine barrage, and at pres- ent is in command of the United States destroyer and submarine base at Squan- tum, Mass., has been ordered to Newport, kK. I, as a member of the staff of the War College. 8 * Lizut. Commanner S. A. Dosin, U. S. N., has been appointed executive officer at the New London, Conn., submarine base to fill the vacancy caused by trans- ter of Commander G. A. Alexander, who after two and a half years service has become executive officer of the U. S. S. RocHESTER. x ok ERNEST LEE JAHNCKE, president of the Jahncke Dry Dock & Ship Repair Corp., New Orleans, and councillor from the South Atlantic and Gulf section of the Atlantic Coast Shipbuilders' association, Philadelphia, has been authorized by the association to enlist the marine inter- ests of the South in the association's work. x kOe R. A. Dean, assistant to the chairman of the United States shipping board resigned when the new board was named and JoHN CALLAN O'LAUGHLIN was ap- pointed his successor. Mr. Dean ex- pects to open an office in Washington and to pay particular attention to mari- time matters. k ok x Harris LIvERMORE has. resigned as president of the United American Lines, Inc. New York, to undertake special work in foreign fields for the company and affiliated organizations. H. M. Rob- inson, chairman of the United Ameri- can company, for the present will also act as president. x * * Arruur T. Henperson has been ap- pointed passenger traffic manager for the United States and Canada for the French line, succeeding the late Col. M. ; W. Kominsky. Starting as a4 substitute stenographer in 1892, he became a 381 traveling passenger agent in 1897 and eight years later became assistant general Passenger agent. ee ae] W. G. ANNABLE, general passenger agent of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Ltd., has been made assistant general traffic manager; WILLIAM Bat- LANTYNE, assistant general passenger agent becomes general passenger agent; and H. M. McCattum, general agent at Toronto, Ont., succeeds Mr. Ballan- tyne as assistant general passenger agent. * * * : Capt. D. GEREN, for many years affli- ated with the shipping and transporta- tion business both in this country and abroad, has associated himself with the Maritime Forwarding Corp. 116 Broad street, New York. ee ae S. V. Mc Leop has been appointed purchasing agent of the Algoma Steel Corp., Ltd. with headquarters at Sault Ste. Marie, .Ont., . succeeding 1. Io JAcoss, resigned, effective July 1. a The Union Shipbuilding Co., Balti- more, has engaged the Crandall En- gineering Co... Boston, to idnstall @ railway drydock of 4000 tons lifting capacity. This new dock will meas- ure 360 feet over the keel blocks; 70 feet wide, with 15 feet of water forward and 20 feet ait over the block and will be-capable of docking vessels up to and including the 8800- ton class of ships. The Crandall com- pany designed and is building a 1200- ton railway drydock for the Sydney Foundry & Machine Works, Ltd, Sydney, N. S. This new dock meas- ures 200 feet over the keel blocks; 50 feet wide, and gives 10 feet of water forwar! and 16 feet aft. Modern machinery for the propulsion of vessels, and motors for increasing the efficiency of many types of craft by the introduction of electric auxiliaries, were featured at the exhibit of the General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., at the Baltimore marine show and export and import exposition, July 11- 16. Certain types of propulsion appara- tus were represented by models and actual parts of equipment. Among them was a model of the electrical machinery of the Ectipse which recently completed a voyage of nearly 27,000 miles with electric drive.