Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), September 1921, p. 417

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September, 1921 MARINE REVIEW. 417 At New York Ocean Freight Rates : Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to Aug. 5, 1921, on Future Loadings New York Cotto se Coal from From North Pacific : to Grain Provisions (H.D.) Flour ae S06 ds iat oe oe Ba Liverpool........ $0.26 0.7 80.3734 $0.30 $045 g085 gsoor "US ot ata es Londons. / (ee a 0.26 0.75 0.3716 0.30 0.48 0.88 ae on San Francisco........ $8.00 to 8.50 Christiania' 0 90 0.50 0:67 0:35 0.58 ei ioner ee South California Cees 9.00 Copenhagen. .... 0.30 0.50 0.67 0.35 0.58 100 i000T ee Hawaiian Islands... .. 14.00 to 15.00 Hamburg... 00... 0.25 0.55 0.35 0.30 0.45 0.82% 9.00 .0OT New Zealand......... 18.00 to 20.00 Benen Os ae oa 030. Oe Reis BOR Acer ydney.. 4.2.0, a 18.00 to 20.00 Rotterdam... 0:22%'> 0,50 0.35: 027M Od cade e siQ00n ai door Sie tote ce ee Antwerp... ..... 0.223% 0.80 0.35, 027% 040 O78 BOOT 400r , prieenycre: 3o:cuiaae Havel joao 0.2234 0.50 0.3746 0.27%.) 040°. Oe Gor) aS0T 1k Gon eae ADO te Bordeaux........ 0.2244 0.50 0.37% 0.2746 0:40 0.72 2 00r coe South Africa: s 4. & 30.00 to 32.50 Pee oP pane 0.75 0.65 --20.00T-- 16,00. = 4.75T Unied Kingdom oe 180s, Lisbon. fc acuaake K ' ' : eo we : : . : aa Marseilles. 2111.) 0.30 0.75 075° Dae Cagagnes ad geRt ar New York nt ta egns Jenoay 2G 0.75 0.75 : eles Means ODN Cs. Naples. 2 0.25 0.75 O76 O50 Gen ae ogee rep Bare on Mage Constantinople... 0.26 12.00T 0.75 0.31 --22.00T-- 15.00T 6.00T Alexandria...... 0.2744 12.00T vee eae --22,00T-- 15007 5.507 'Fi Algiers... 0.2... 0.27 0.85 Ae one 99'00T_= 12.00T 3.00T Poniend a karts apes pote : ene 23.0 "23, _-- : i Capetown. ....., 20.00f 23:00T 23.00% 2000r --aaonr gO a Unite Benin et tee Buenos Aires.... .... eae ue ee --20.00T-- 12:00T+ 4.00T Scan anand. Aas 60s oer ane Rio de Janeiro... a Lo I este . L0eT Mediersnes 631068 aT Pernambuco... ON 8 os of.) age SOE. 7 SOT}. ASOT oe nage a avanaiac. ued: 0.4414* 0.50* a 0.4414* 0.47% 0.94* 0.4414* 2.00T yen Cruzor aes Ras Hey ie ay au 0.90 0.60 3.00T : Steel alparaiso.. 02 2a i 5 3 ; ; : i pee Francisco... 0.75 ne 0.85 ees ree : O75, ee ee J ioe Vdhneyees aes Aan 25.00 30. ; Calcutta 2 4 21.00T ee ia oder TBeOr yee Oriental. ports... .. Rea: T--ton tLanded ttHeavy products limited in length. *Extra charge for wharfage. fy : Principal Rates to and from United Kingdom Sd Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom: 147)... 42. 6 Coal, South Wales to Buenos Aires........... Se cia 14 j Coal, South Wales to: Near Bast...) 30.) 5 6 16: 6 Tron ore, Bilbao to. Middlesborough,.223,..9... 76 "Coal, Neweastle:to: Prance:t ia.) eee ee iO General British market, six months time charters, per ton . per months a). es uae ee eae 0 Bunker Prices At Philadelphia Other Ports Coal Fuel oil Diesel oil Fuel oil Diesel oil Alongside 16 baume gravity 25-30 Coal ..16 baume gravity 25-30 ~ * per ton per barrel per gallon per ton «per barrel per gallon Jan; <8 8. $7.00 $2.94 10 cents Jan. 10. $9.45 2.08 Re Boston wisi fe eee $9.00 Bebra 5333 5.40 @ 6.80 2.50 9 cents Feb. 8. 8.40 2°31 8.2 cents Boston, oil. per gallon..... $1.25 Mare 7 oe 5.25:@ 675235 9 cents Mar. 37.37.60 2.10 6.5 cents Cardiff, coal, per ton... o, 40s Apr On hse 6.40 @ 6.75 1.95 . 6.5 cents Api 2 (5-15: @ 6.00: 41.98" 5.7 cents London, coal,.per ton..... 40s Ma Te Fe 6.35 @ 6.50 1.85 6.5 cents May 10. 5.50@ 5.90 1.68 6.2 cents Antwerp, coal, per ton.... 52s June: 37 4. 6.00 @ 6.30 1.70 5 @ 6 cents: June §.8. 5.65@5.90 1.89 5.7 @ 5.4 cents Uys 8. 5.75 @ 6.25. 1.45 4.25.@ 5.25 cents July .°7. 4.90@5.45 1.4714 4.5 cents US Ds eee 5.75 @ 6.25 1.45 4.25@5.25 cents Aug. 9. 5.05@5.40 1.37 3.75 cents Trieste and Fiume. Inquiries for cotton from Bar- celona,_Bremen and the Far East. are on the in- crease. In the general cargo line, there is much competi- tion and hustling freight agents are getting a better share of what is offering than those not quite so -active. The impression prevails that the coming wheat season may not prove to be all expected of it in the way of demand and those who have been depending upon full cargoes of that commodity may find ing them. ee The ceasing of operations in the Mexican oil fields has*increased the number of tankers laid up indefinitely but. many operators are taking advan- tage of the lull to have their vessels put in repair. meas London, Aug. 10, (by cable)--Renewed negotia- tions, in regard to cotton rates, between the Alexan- dria Produce association conference lines and the United States shipping board have been broken off, -it is reported, due apparently. to prevailing strong ro-British influences. : Better feeling appears with the resumption of pos coal exports. Low rates are being offered on "mer some "disappointments will be await- Cotton Rate Conference Fails To Agree From Our Eurcpean Manager Mexican interests are reported to have been active recently in buying cattle and 'live stock for im, mediate consumption but steamship operators ar pointing out that the extension of rail construction in Mexico continues. Rates in the full cargo sailing vessel market con- tinue weak. with the only cargoes offering being lumber to Cuba and the West Indies, limited coast- wise trade and now and then a cargo of sulphur or phosphate. Some steam charters reported during July for grain included Gulf to Antwerp or Rotterdam, 27 cents, July; Gulf to Antwerp-Hamburg range, 26 cents August and Gulf to West Italy, 8c, July; August. A coal charter was reported Jacksonville to Algiers, July 15, at-$5.75. | can grain for fall loading, a typical rate being 2 cents per 100 pounds from Montreal to Denmark. Far eastern rates are steady, while those on grain from Australia to the United Kingdom have risen to 70 shillings. Coal from Cardiff to the River Plate now is being hauled for 14 shillings per ton while rates on grain from the Plate to the United King- dom are easier. »

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