THE Marine REVIEW December, 1909 PROFILE OF THE STERN- WHEEL STEAMER ANTELOPE. Stern Wheel Ferry Steamer Antelope NTELOPE is. the «name 'of A an old. well' known stern wheel steamer that has been operating for a good many years on the inland waters ot the coast of California. Her history is that of the usual pioneer vessel in a new country. She is now owned by the Hammond Lumber Co. and is do- ing service on the run from Eureka to Samoa on Humboldt Bay, Hum- boldt county, California. Recently, however, it was decided to build a new steamer which will be able to more effectually cope with the com- petition which the old steamer has encountered from motor launches, which have been taking a great part of the passenger traffic without being able to handle teams and other traf- fic. The new Antelope, also a stern wheel, light draught steamer, was de- Sereda by D.. W. and R. Z, Dickie, naval architects, San Francisco. The new steamer is being built by her owners, the Hammond Lumber Co., the long-length ship timbers being manufactured by the Bendixen Ship- building Co., Eureka, Cal. The dimensions of the vessel are as follows: Length of hull, 100 ft.; depth, 5 tt. 6 in.: beam, molded, 22 {S$ \in; beam overguards, 26 ft. 5 m+ cdraveht, 2-ft..1114 in. One feature of the hull is that the entire bow is. framed with natural crooks, such lumber being easily ob- tained at the Hammond Lumber Co.'s mills. The floors are sided 3 in., except under the boilers, where they are sided 334 in. They are spaced 18 in. and molded 10 in. at the keel and 9 i at the turn of the bilge. The frames are natural crooks sided 3 in., at the head. The keel is 3% x 12 in.; the bottom planking is 2% x 14 in, at the turn of the bilges 24% x 8 in. and on the sides 2% x 6 in. The en- molded 8 in. at the foot and 6 in. gine timbers are 67% x 17% in. fa Hl i IY He | | 1 | ae ATES elt Nob Cottonlanvas Carlins\ ¥ Ens 2 Plate 26A 4% | mW u ~7-5 vi Ls Poppe u ! Siding 3*A Te Bye outgr -O-- Frail 34Galv. Pipe Deck 3*%4 TEGV es: 2 My Lee cy Linoleum hn Ie anvas "4 on Felt ae 4 : Sil BS Poo en Pare cB (| Dat Awning DkBeamdy 4535" Plate 4AL™ f VW il. eh a Spaced 1: Crome) 4 in 22-0 x Ends lx a3 ou Ly ZA. 5 Siding Bx wg Stud 28+ | Hl Fae Bt cc S malas Siding 2e%k! || B34 'TEGY. aT SN 8 Se a "ZCanvas onfelt \I\\| S& W SiO | RY pee ee "EStvingar 2 24%, ---- ih Saloon Deck Beams "Clamp [34x38 1452) Spaced |B" Btanchions, iS Crown Hine oN] 2Axe iS 3 sect WR : D é x i ih ee ee -- 265" Se OX Dia, Deck 1% a SN 4 DechBeams 5434 | Sil 4g" NB, a : Crown 4'in 22-0 \e2*/0 7 AR glog i RS h noe GBS. rae op HH} : tase y R 2 *//5 a y Oth x AF ~8') | nt et ee t x sill 5314/34! 2» 5% ' tea, Cd Yen 15% ase Od pe a oN iss s Zided, goaced |e. } imbers | */4 i lass LES TSS EPSP 7777777] Do rae BSUNS7Z ESS 40 =p i-- Planking 2sx/4 mer MipsHip SECTION OF THE STERN-WHEEL STEAMER ANTELOPE