556 THE MARINE REVIEW U.S. Bio 8. West GOPAINA oss 6s oe o cjciele oo. 0:07 6,047 Bat Be VRE OVO oi oss ose sie is wae a0 5,815 Bi 6) WeRTHAMDLON oe ase ss sire eos 5,832 St. s. West Harcuvar .....sccsccescces 6,179 Rie Bi WERE, HATORWAY yc cies eee ee es 6,179 Mtr Bic WeSL FAIQIANG cats eves vee e+ s 6,280 BES. OW CSU GEOPION © ce ces one cs eee wee 6,267 MG 8 West Hatshaw °c 556g ee ec ones bes 6,267 BE, Ss: West FIBVED . . cocie es cia wec ee cco 5,699 SE, A WeSL PICUX os oust b cwls st ecicle e's << 5,801 St; 8) West: Hematite. c... 2.7 Wesco 5,778 Mis 8 West? Hembree 3 oss. se. see ss 000 Ds Lio St. s. West Henshaw .......-+-seeees 5,780 St. go West HeDDOIN: "ois cs cae cc ces ss Bethe ie si West HODOMat 40x. seis en's 6,087 St.-s, West Hosokie .....06.sss00000 6,087 Sts Seo West. HMAAW > 55 . < sic 0's oisis 1.0.0 6,087 St, 8: West: IMDOMCN 2 Vn cs. a os sieene eels 6,179 St: 3. West Wodian 6408 oc ee cee os 5,828 BES WESH EO oo i cies co cre re er: 5,900 SE; oS. WES USIAY: -- hepsieid o's cc's sce sere coe 6 6,366 Rtsont WEST ISLOLN fo ao cies oisieis o tro.0 iets 6,368 i 6 WES SINASSON: a sce 5 sos axa veces wie 6,085 be Bea ESE INCRNC cs xp scsi tes poe'e 6 ote oe 6,067 tS WSL KVSKE ccc wne sew cleecee 6,198 US WRU 2.5 oo lolere cas o's ce 0) 5 00 5,852 SE Sh WEStIANG 5 ce eee we ase ose 5,832 NE, Sic WESt LASHAWAY (swiss wise oe eits ors oe 6,087 Rtas, WOSE NANG: 2 60 crore ocd « afeeie uso 6,222 Siz s: West WOdUaSSUCK. 6.654). se tiee oe 6,087 St oc, West: Madaket 28....%... 2600s « 0 6,087 Sis West: Mahomet =... .3 2 i. ee a ores ae 6,087 ie Seo West MAXIMUS © <7... tess oss ea cleseis\e 6,087 Rte WESHIMCAU: <5 wterte cease ej he wie ors ee 5,618 NG oe West MOUS: ociec' ciscs o's « ele sueir = 6,188 Bt. sc, Westmoreland oy ..5 0000s wines wc 6,831 te. WeSUIMOUG = 5 cc elsie reise ose eee exe 8 5,584 Me ag. "West MUnMAM 57. «cao clelccn os sce 6,179 St.-s. West: NOMNO 2.0... 2. 3 ccc wen ae 6,298 ASE Se WEST INOSSRA foo a as ce miele cies sais 6,267 Stors. West <Bolnt. ....05 2/5 <2 cseisiers aie'ei0 ope 5,676 SG: 8: WeESUMOOL® 23.0). 000 oon tice me see 5,724 Ste Ss) WESUDGDL <a. 55s cs fos eerie se 5b tL Bt. So West Quechee. (22.0.6 v0 clon sineic «© 6,280 St. 8. West SQQUana 2.066 fs cece e's 0 <ce 6,128 te Ss WESUCHOLG, oa) 5 cine hs cietsislione's 01 5,831 Bt 7s Wiest PACOOK © <..c% scciletersioie's wine oe 6,298 Sis8- WEST LOGUS © 5 oo o:0:4'0'o cad clei ates wei ese 6,188 St. Se West LOtant <6 o..6 ois craic es we « 6,280 Sie Si Wests VACA ©. 26.5 << cite ees Shes e's 5,629 Se Se WOSbe VIEW.) 2s a « os sin lee ects cis © ¢ oe 5,871 Sie So epowald. HO... «ccs ste so wiee-e 5,814 SiseSs West) WAUNA") 2c c'cislecle oh sp sce s 6,188 St. 8. West Wauneke.. .. ss csictac ec c'sec 6,179 SURE WVESE WANG ss viele so ors'ec cisicias Coe 5,814 Rte Sy WVESCWOOU@: 2c. cigs 1s: cieie sheie p00 -= «1s 5,612 Rie Se West ZCOd 9.5 5 cc vnc sie ws clots nie 0 6,188 SiS WeStt AINA 2 sice coerce eloisictene os 6,000 Bre Se WV CS FUCKER. oo wciu avers(pi co's s ase .ce 6,000 Si Ss Western AllY: 2% 6 cie's,s cicsts ossieie os 5,860 hose Western Belle... .< «cs tec oie sis «6 5,698 fue Se Western Cileh: 2.5 63 comisiece cis « Nico. 0,009. ie 8s Western CIty... ia ccs o's ciste ewes 5,828 Sie si, WESLeIN: COMPLE oics%s nieis'e 016 oc cveise ¢ 5,871 Sic Se WESTIN: CTOSS 5.0 5:6 5 «aie aie einie sieves 5,778 Sie Western! HTOMG <5. 2%. 6700s «is pisie'e's © 5,742 St. se Western: Glen oasis cies sera ctyeverese ele 5,831 GB WOStRIT) HOO. = 6 cos s o's si s'picies-e 6 5,564 DU Be WVESLEIM HOPG) icin. nies 6 wheielare ne a' 5,676 StS: WeSteINGKINE =o 5035 6 ecce welelere o10'e 0 5,659 Bi St WESTCINE KDC 20 cccis 5 cise sekerernece's 5,834 WEe BS WV CSLEIM: ICING = 25.4.0 .cle oc cis 010500 005 5,869 St. 8; VeSPeIMG MAId (os cone as ove ote ore 5,871 Rios: Western OCCAD soos sic -or0%5-5 «6s 5,869 Bie 6 WeStetn: PAINS ne ode srs se we ee 5,688 he Si WeSLEIN: PIiOG: <.cc.5 6 ace ¢ oo cteye 0.0 6 5,688 Si. 8. wwestem Queen ....s. 66120. c0 eee 5,853 5b; S. WESTCIM (SCOUL 55 6. ccjce cle orosc eo we 5,871 Si Ss WCBLOIN: DCAG oleic sree oe aeie.tie oss 5,813 RES WV PSLOIN: DIME oc. cores wigs siouers 0 6 5,869 Rei Se WOSLCIN, SEAL co's. co's sicesieie etc 5,628 fel. Be WRSEOIN WAYG. 927 ccc da vie weiee s s'0 5,832 Stk. WeSECINOR: 530035 < cccew cine yicecyc 5,699 BUR WVUCHLONY 2 oo a5 6 cisieree ocr gciclerecese' + 9 6,867 Re SANA, oes icici t a otetiie ie ieee ocecas 2,537 Sion: Walheim: Jepsen... sc 00s sence s css 7,204 Riese WALMAMIIG <5 feiiciee os cc ieee crs.e 6 5,237 MON e WANNER ANCO. <5 cc siseus > <p sieeve ess «6 1,327 RES VA rales is scsie cree nieces s 6,128 Bt. 8; yscousin. Bridge 2... ...s,0c0 8,656 Bele Re WVASIMAR oo oe cocks 6) ¢ oie holm go's o'e 2,924 Ri Be NV DDOMANBIOS O50 6c sp sas Sleds se <6 3,642 . Woonsocket . Worcester Woyaca Wyandotte Wynooche Wytheville Yadkin Yakima Yaklok . Yamhill Yaquina Yawah Yellowstone . Yesoking York Harbor Yosemite . Youngstown Yucca eee rece r ere er seer ere sere reese eee esses eere eee e eee ewer ee ee eee ees ee ee OO. 656 WO USO 0c01 08) 0. 066 ©) 6.45.8 ee ee ee ee Pee ee eco emer ere ee ro es rere ee ese ee Swi 6 og 0.006 0.6.6 0p oreo le ere ote see; e eke. 6: 069160 0 6 61 076) 6,018 06.8 wee e ere rere reser ere Ce eee reer errr ee eesee We oh /0ise0 6766; 0.6 6 4) 40700 06.60 ee eee ere ese ree reser ees eee eee eee errr errr ese rer ene eee eee reer reer eres ere ese of @1€ 06 0 6.0 0 6 0 0 6 e 000 0 6 00 6 wR ot aaa meee eas Fei A Da 8 RS a ay Oy ee ee DA OR 0a ae a Sts CE a oe Ora) @) 66 6.6, 0.0.00 © 00. 60:10) 6 00's) .0y0 0 Steel Products. Co., 30 Church St., New York, N. Y.: StS Banta oes 62a eww stele es St. Charlton Hall St. Craster Hall St. Crofton Hall St. Howick Hall St. Saint Francis St. Santa Rosalia Vacuum Qil Uo., 61 Broadway, New York, Ne Ys : United States cee em ee wwe ere eens eee meee wwe weer cree eee ee eee eee ewer ees eee ee ere e reer erese Pe ee panna n ee ee ee Ga. s. Bayonne Ga.sss Bramell "Point 0. ies ea cae St. ss Chariess Ms Mveresticin. cuties. cece St. s. Gargoyle s s eee ee weer eee reer ee eee eee em em ew reer reer eene St. s. Olean St. s. Paulsboro Vance, J. W., San Francisco, Cal.: Bkn. Retriever Vestkysten Shipping Corpn., 27 Sts; cNew. York, N: -Y¥<; Gay ste Pauline. ooo crs cours reuse ree res Viking Shipping Co., 808 Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Oreg.: Ga. s. Astoria Vindal Co. (Inc.), York, N..oY.: St. s. Vindal Vizard, William, Mobile, Ala.: Gae si "Alla Gi Turmer.. ss ose ess ote os Wahkeena §S. S. Co., San Francisco, Cal.: Stas Si Wahkeena. . cs cece cc ats baleiere es Wapama S. S. .Co., 1 Drumm St., San Francisco, Cal.: DU 8s WADAMAG ce oe ees es Warren Transportation Co., 35 Congress St., Boston, Mass.: ' SPSS MALO co ess ves eo ce seule css 8 Webb, Charles F., 110 State St., Bos- ton, Mass.: Scbe Hespere gs ce es si shstecie kins oe Sch. Wuthers Uittles se ee cies 6 oe Weidner, David, 656 St. Nicholas Ave., New York, N. Y.: St. s. Berkshire St. s. Pathfinder Welch-Fairchild & Co. Ne Yas See ee se mee eee eee eee eee r eee eee errr weer rer eee erece William 50 Broad St., New eer meer ewes ewe e eres ees Cee errr ree ree nrerere (Inc.), New York, Ga. s. Elvira SOG ee eos ince nc ce Wells, Robert F., Stony Brook, N. Y.: Sch, Vane ear BIACK. oc. accessed « eo Wergeland Motorship Co., Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Oreg.: Gia 78.) Wereeland: 2 oo sc iict +i ies es eee 3 Western Fuel Co.,. 430 California St., San Francisco, Cal.: *Sch. Acapulco Western Mercantile Marine Co., St., San Francisco, Cal.: core tere ere eee rer ee eee 110 -Market St.-s. Charles: Christenson: <2. <2... 3. ;. Western 'Transport Co. (Ine.), 430 San- some St., San Francisco, Cal.: Ste Sy WIGOPAd Os os cee ocsees ree hase slaoe Western Union Telegraph Co., 195 Broad- way, New York, N. Y..: Sires sRoperb OC; Clowry .3'ec8 a. hee ae West India Sugar Corp., 911 Munsey Bldg., Baltimore, Md.: Bie Sy IGUS Mi oii secre a eiurele oils' do o's ob oée eagoing Merchant Vessels 1,750 1,611 1,290 677 1,030 951 2,311 1,348 1,234 2,014 2,792 2,457 2,436 839 2,310 ' Whitney S. .S. Corp., Westmoreland Coal oe 224 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.: *Sch. Charles F. Prichard Pelee case cs *Sch. Elk Garden *Sch. George R. Stetson.......--+++eee *Sch. Horace A. Allyn......--eeeeeeee *Sch. Irwin *Sch. Larimer *Sch. Manor Woh. "OSteola: ik Pe cca wees bes *Sch. Penn *Sch. Westmoreland White, R. B., Salisbury, Md.: Sch. Purnell T. White..............-. Whitehall 'Transportation Co. (Inc.), 108 West 130th St., New York, N. Y.: St. si Cape Code: cic fcec cee eialas ehiste 2% White Oak 'Transportation Co., Searsport, Me.: St. s. Bay State St.°s.. Baw View sec c occ ie ee ais rie oe os Whitney & Bodden Shipping Co. - (Inc.), 822 City Bank Bldg., Mobile, Ala.: Bkn. Benecia Sch. Ludlow Sch. M. Turner Sch. Sehome Sch. Stranger Se rece eLese 606-6: 1014 6.6 0 0.0 Wee ee 9 a6 16.0 676 0 sre evecare wre ie. 0/0: 91a e).6 Ciwd wb.056 06 01010 6 656 6.6/8) 618/69 9.0 0. sie 6:4, 010 6.6.8 Ge 58:0 6.6 68 ec e weer ere eres eeseres See oe) Wa fare oe 6 6906 19 60, 0)0 6 Sede! 06 6 0 6 € ©: ¢:0¥ 6 108: 60:00 0:0 6 eee eccee een cec eee eos eer reese reer eee sees eeese weer serene eee rere eee rere 11 Broadway, New York, NiYa: Ste 6. He Me Winltney. 3b. ees es oe Whittemore Navigation Corp., Charles, 220 West 42d St., New York, N. Y.: Sch. Charles Whittemore GAN Sicias Sas ee be « Willamette S. S. Co., Fife Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.: Stes: Willamegiecs 66 <i4c0c ws wee es ore os Wilmington Steamboat Co., Foot of 4th St., Wilmington, Del.: St. s. City of Camden St. s. City of Chester St. s. City of Philadelphia St. s. City of Wilmington Wilmington 'Transportation Co., ton, Cal.: Sts 82 CAD Ors eco ous s sees coserare's slecs Wilson, Henry, 112 Market St., San Fran- cisco, Cal.: St. s. Idaho St. s. Oregon St. 8) Svea eee crocs wee rs cc e's Wilson Fisheries Co. (Inc.), 2701 Smith Bldg., Seattle, Wash.: Gas 8: -ADEX moe es sects eck cee Winett Operating Co. (Inc.), 78 Broad St., 5 New York, N. Y.: bs oS: Wood, W. H., cisco, Cal.: St. s. Claremont St. s. San Diego St. 8. SOlanOWt oe. ek ccc ae Wood Lumber. Co., E. K., 112 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.: Deh: Alene eee og os eh ee heen Sch. Dauntless Sch. Defiance Sch. Feerless eee eee ero esse eee sem eee rere ese see eee ee eet er ere Wilming- eee m eer reer ere rere ees see 1 Drumm St., San Fran- ee ey Corre eres eres reese eeese Cee e eee errr seerereeeseese See meee reer reece enseeee Ga. s. Lassen Sch. Resolute St.8::San Jacinto... «. 2.32 ce St. s. Shasta Ga. s. Sierra St...s. Siskiyou 22203. cnt St. 8: Tamalpais: 202. eee Woodin 'Transportation Corp. .» 165 Broad- way, New York, N. Y.: sch: W.: H- Woodin Baas we aes oe e Woodside, Alexander, 2790 Filbert St., San Francisco, Cal.: Bre. C.D. Bryanten eel Wootten, Orlando V., Bethel, Del.: "Sch. Charles; S.3 Weare: o-oo Nghe, Walter, Ashland Place, Mobile, ass Sch. Copperfield) 33.3. 5 Yeilowstone Navigation Co., 1 Drumm St., San Francisco, Cal.: St. 8, -.Yellowstoe. ... 20. 3 Seem e ere reer e rere resere Pewee errr cress eeeeecves Official records of Sept. 1 show that 2884 vessels of 500 tons and over, aggregating 8,554,7 M4 gross tons, were > then under the American flag. Owego: cris ine. Bee Lar ateile lah cleiereia te November, 1919 557 1,245 1,399 674 762 816 680 640 2,654 693 903 730 611 749 749 611 1,047 989 618 785 3,069 1,291 1.487 943 623 548 604 736 681 717 684 614 878 1,034 884 574 1,488 929 657 691