Principal Steamship Coaling Stations of the World, with Special Map of North Sea Area LES <p ¥ BERING SEA oe 7 . Dutch ees me : P. $00 ' Unalaska oo iS : ""opaUuloysy 2 26 G0 . ® a7 a Ny i te G / t oe ao CHINESE S A) 2 Qn A ; 7JAUSTRIA \ alatz : ~ ee ; i S70 e H \ odess i oe SS ox RY D 2}. Portland upearys oes oo ; BRAIL oe vy G ' furetar UNITED OTA LEO ve Ferroj Asn 4 be , oe @ ; X O -San fFranc/sco KJ oe AZORES Corunnag TK! ac 9 855° eee 4 J. Batum : - CHINESE ear ; San Jose% 2 6)" PBR niece CY Fayal® sigue! (P28 Me eo: USE ox Rople- eo UKa Redondo So "2, "O Ge, ( orn Dh jg z Horta cue mays _@ : Sy pi oe eee LIMP/IRE Be Woo,0r ermud ; dit (0 Ser SG, eS \ {A <---7 7 si -- Ch eS or Herr Nay Si Georgeand Medeirame ol ON Ice SE ein ut \ pers<' ae on G = NG , a 22245 xy Harney er AG fez NO Q (ak 3 G oe a, x) GULF OF Tatanngo? Canary ls : ee fe ey (yl : Sh NEPAL (TAWAKAN /SLANDS Oe ee a | pana' "ie 'ee Las Palmas yall "acl ON BHUTAN ¢. Honolvly a | mazat! n O sero = 3S santiago Wes > Ka Br BN Se et ? Weaen O Acapu/co Ci Le? SEI Fan yes ) C x 2 Pee eo ina CUZ Sone + Car Nantia: APE VERDE /s. q ad") oe QO eae AM gene R eee Woy; © SENEG. FRENCH WEST AFRICA nP Bomba ee t SEA ca a= | StVincent? AL ef pe Yy S BAY v yo + tO colQ? uracado te ag eFown ghar" \-4 | 0 pint OF : wick Christiansunge cn i 4 Fok ag 2 : Ls Bi ARAB/AN gp GENGAL » rne>? Bergen Pe ey Pain a 4G! Aye NS (eo) SEA \2aras fe sf inve eo DLOMBIA\ (~ 7 CU a eto" 0 top x aS 7 er ssiyjg/ Trincomayy > . d Stavanger avagy A. pas toe O x{e oe Na ne nef gSIALIAN commlo in are an DS ; peteren i 2 gran i oe CE ws Sx | see gallé gabang 2 goP or Solomon "ber Pi cuarow- | } e Ty" .o' /Be | Ae p 9 in YAva oe 5 6 'say oe ee Chrishiansand Sf a Para RCS e a Peruana / RONGO. | Ba a : Se ae > e5 d Ns ' BRAZ). 0 Kongor--%--~-, _, \ eae fzanzibar Padang 0 2 Peele enambuco Ascension /s rN NORA Dar-es-Salaam aravi ea ee % i Fiji island Callao & "e * i Bahia ' -- poanda ei ay Oe . a > } ' : i | "%. Us & 2 ia 'Bou Mossamedes ; o Juarez D/AN (Ore, 1? \ Vou . S = Antofagasta ' Ss ie. | 4 To de Janeiro er elena 50 ort Louis shane Ss Conk Taltal | La antos Ref sauritivs 1S. OCEAN Fremantle Newcastle Coguimbo { ie & ; * Catharina /s 1) 1S Nye rembla Valparaiso 9| t Pe" eG, : 0 Auckland : Wy, RANGE uck/lan | Corone/ Y) = Son ep (205) FREE STATE n>. NATAL TASMANIA Launceston" Pore fyiegelngron a ye aE S438 vo" 7 Ay 4 2, to oe sreva fl 3 Pag 72 fe bi he PS RINCIPAL Ne Ft afng. A 1 @ Ten Cc + c A ee Ig ADDITIONAL AMERICAN STATIONS ~~ MSHIP COALING STATIONS | ers/de by Falkland Is. Parr sbhoro Rockland O FE TH E WoO ° Pe P Annapolis a eat eunta A > Stanley Boncon Porrs/movr/) Be i EEG Be/fas? eye oe al River NORTH SEA Jour Ambay, Perth Amboy, Port Reading a ey Port, Port Johnson, Greenville," A REA OT LIDEL TY, (arslinws Cove, (tobores? Gutrenburg, Weehawken Bape Newburg Bordeaux avonne, Bayway, Constable took, Long bland City | Bayonne Newron Creek ~ Sait as