peereary, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 105 | } | SSN 2 ee SSS ——S—_E_ - PR) eS rm sae ee AIS So ESSE Z = << ALBERT J. GILCHRIST C. E. KREMER, : COUNSELOR AT LAW AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Rockefeller Building Suite 1012-1016 Insurance Exchange Building CLEVELAND, O. CHICAGO, ILL. Walter I. Lillie Leo'C. Lillie Hugh E. Lillie LILLIE, LILLIE & LILLIE LAWYERS Proctors in Admiralty, General Practitioners and Commercial Collections Business Address, GRAND HAVEN, MICHIGAN GOULDER, WHITE AND GARRY ‘LAW OFFICES Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. S. H. HOLDING, F.S. MASTEN, T. H. DUNCAN and F. L. LECKIE HOLDING, MASTEN, DUNCAN & LECKIE ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY 840-848 Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. Spencer & Spencer ATTORNEYS AT LAW PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY Alworth Building, Duluth, Minn. HOYT, DUSTIN, KELLEY, : WARREN, CADY, LADD & HILL McKEEHAN & ANDREWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY LAWYERS AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bldg., r d Claudius B. Grant, Counsel CLEVELAND, O. Sad ac teaP stage J Union Trust Building, Detroit The Diowified Means Whereby every professional man interested in ‘the ‘marine field may in- crease his clientele is offered thru The Marine Review. Proctors in Admiralty, who keep their names constantly before our readers, have a distinct advantage over non-advertisers—there’s a prestige gained thru The Marine Review that cannot be obtained in any other way. Your professional card on this page would cost a very small amount and the investment would prove the best you ever made in publicity service. Rates gladly quoted upon request. THE MARINE REVIEW — s3 :: Cleveland, Ohio 110 Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers