12 THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1916 OUR DRY DOCKS SAVE TIME Two Docks, coupled with Complete Shop Facilities, cut repair periods toa minimum Upper Dock Lower Dock Length on Keel Blocks, feet - - - : - 600 437 Width of Dock Floor, feet .- - ee ee - 62 50 Draft Over Sill at Low Water - - -4 - 221% 2214 ‘ | ; | A A COMPLETE SHIP BUILDING PLANT : i : i Our new building slips take vessels up to 325 feet “al : long, 50 feet beam and 32 feet deep. Our yard is j \ ‘ | \ : : | \ Specially. laid out for fapid construction. We also © i Se ' 4 : |}. have auxiliary building slips for small craft. Baltimore Dry Docks and Shipbuilding Eomne , BALTIMORE, MD. CABLE ADDRESS—BALTODOCKS, U.S. A. MODERN MARINE BOILERS and STEEL SHIP BUILDING Moore and Scott Iron Works Engineers and Ship Builders TUGS, PASSENGER STEAMERS and SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION WRITE JOHNSTON BROTHERS SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. FERRYSBURG, MICHIGAN Please mention THe Marine REvIEW when writing to Advertisers