June, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 61 =e MARINE PAINTS -22* FOR EVERY PART OF EVERY SHIP For IMPROVEMENTS, for PROTECTION, for ECONOMY you will find that there is no other paint that can equal “B. P. S.” Ask our nearest branch for particulars and prices. ) THE PATTERSON-SARGENT COMPANY ) Cleveland Chicago | New York | McArthur Jacob’s Ladder This ladder embraces several new features which have been dictated by experience and is the ideal ladder for use aboard ship. G. H. Breymann & Bros. It is now made in sections of any desired length. The sections can be instantly connected by means of snap hooks, adapting the ladder to light or loaded conditions of ships and eliminat- ing the telescopic feature of the former type. CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC WORKS The cable is of plow steel com- bining lightness with great strength; the steps stamped sheet metal with two -tooth prongs giving a firm foothold; hooks bronze and rivets copper. Dredging, Dock Building, Etc. The ladder can be compactly rolled up for storage. “We beg to advise that the Jacob’s Ladder furnished the steamer MARINE B UILD ING Castalia during season 1913 has proven very satisfactory indeed. The master, Capt. W. L. Girardin, reports that these laddérs should be TO LED O OH I O installed on all the boats as they are very efficient and much safer than ? the old style roper ladder. The Brown Steamship Company, Cleveland. McArthur Portable Fire Escape Co. CLEVELAND OHIO The McArthur Jacob’s Ladder is patented and all infringements upon it will be prosecuted STRATFORD OAKUM QUALITY GUARANTEED JERSEY CITY and EVERYWHERE Branch Office, East Boston, Mass. ———— et GEO. STRATFORD OAKUM CO., 165 Cornelison Ave., Jersey City, U.S.A. Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers