September, 1916 Remittance should accompany order for one-time ads. THE MARINE REVIEW of the month. To insure insertion, copy should reach us before the 9th 71 ea OOO Tt tT citi ttt tnntntTttttititttitititttittttKtTtnttttttitxKnNZ, E Wanted and For Sale 2 y RATES IMPORTANT a a All classified ads.—four cents (4c) per word. No. ad. accepted Seven (7) words must be allowed for box address. = = for less than $1.00. = ec Help Wanted ENGINEER FOR BOAT, FOUR LARGE oil engines, capable of making own repairs and handling electrical machinery. State fully experience, references, age and_ salary required. Address St: Louis, Mo. 316 Security Bldg., Wanted WANTED: — SAILING VESSELS, OIL Tankers, Whaleback and Freight Steamers, large or small, old or new, at once or close of navigation. John A. Moody, London, Can. Agency Wanted WANTED: — ACTIVE CONCERN TO take agency in Great Lakes district for a good line of metallic packing. Address Box 132, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. For Sale FOR SALE. LAKE AND OCEAN VESSELS, Dredges, Scows, Tugs And Lighters Clarence L. Parker, Vessel Agent Foot of First St., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE:— LOCOMOTIVE CRANES, McMyler revolving derricks, with clam shells. The Cleveland & Erie Machinery Co., Rocke- feller Bldg., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE:—STEAMER MOHEGAN IN thorough condition throughout; rates 95 high two new Scotch boilers 11 ft. 6 in. x power ; : : 14 ft. 6 in.; steel boiler house ; recently in dry dock; will run 12 miles an hour light or loaded; capacity 1,200 M. ft. lumber; 1,600- 1,700 tons coal. Address Graves, Bigwood & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE GASOLINE TUG “HAROLD A” DESCRIPTION. 50-ft. keel; 55-ft. overall; 10-ft. 6-in. beam. Equipped with 4 cylinders, 40- H. P. Fairbanks, Morse Engine. We are operating the “Harold A” at Ash- land, Wis., where same can be in- spected. é ; : For further particulars inquire John Schroeder Lumber Co. Milwaukee, Wis. or Ashland, Wis. FOR SALE:—WOOD FISHING TUG 68 ft. x 14 x 7. Scotch boiler and 13 x 14 en- gine. Steam net lifter and all complete ready for service. Bargain price $1,750 spot cash, Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich. For Sale _PLANT FOR SALE:—ONE 3-CU. YD. dipper dredge; 1 Tug boat, 13 x 15 cylinder, hull 40 feet x 13 feet x 6 feet; 3 derrick scows; 1 flat scow 76 feet x 24 feet x 7 feet 6 inches; two 300-cubic yard mud scows; one 1%4-yard orange peel bucket; one 14-yard Williams clam shell bucket; one direct con- nected %-cubic yard concrete mixer; one marine lake type boiler 16 feet long, 9 ‘feet in diameter, but for 145 pounds working pressure heating surface 2,400 square feet. Great Lakes Construction Co., 1020 Leader- News Building, Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. TUG “SAUGATUCKR” DESCRIPTION. New Hull built at Toledo, O., 1914, Gillmore Bros., Ship Yard. Hull, Wood, Ohio White Oak. Gross Ton 88, net 77, Length 84 ft. 7 in., Beam 17 fe Sin: “Depth Sits Qaine SiC. Engine 16 in. and 30 in—26-in. stroke. Equipped with Sheriff’s steam re- verse and Sheriff’s Wheel 8 ft. 2 in. diameter. FE, Bi Boiler’: 12-in: in length, 84-in.-in diameter. Built in 1906. Steam pressure allowed 134 lbs. Coal capacity in Bunkers 60 ton. Can carry additional 15 ton on deck. Ordinary Speed, 12 miles per hour. Fast Speed, 14 miles per hour. Equipped with Steam Steering gear and Electric Light plant. We are operating the Saugatuck at Ashland, Wis., where same can be inspected. For further particulars inquire John Schroeder Lumber Co., Wis. Ashland, Wis. Milwaukee, or FOR SALE:—CAR FERRY — 263 FT. long, 45 ft. 6 in. beam, 15 ft. 6 in. deep, ton- nage 1,522, horsepower 2,500, repaired and overhauled only two years ago. The Kelley Island Lime & Transportation Co., Cleveland. FOR SALE Life Rafts—Life Boats—Life Preservers — various sizes. Miscellaneous marine equipment almost as good as new. Let us know your needs. Roosevelt Steamship Co., 350 North Clark street, Chicago, IIl. FOR SALE:—TUG RUNNELS, 58.9 x 15.3 ft. depth 6.9, draws 8 ft. of water. Gross tonnage 37.87, net 18. 16 sq. high pressure engine. Boiler about 120 lb. Dorr E. War- ner, Atty., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. Three Boilers, which have been used very little in about eight months, dimensions as follows: 66-in. diameter, by 18 ft. long, fitted with 70—3%-in. by 18 ft. charcoal tubes, thickness of shell 7% in., thickness of head % in. gages of tubes No. 10; tripple riveted butt straps on longitudinal seams; horsepower from 125 to 140 each ‘‘Normal’’; allowed govern- ment pressure 150 lbs. to sq. in. (Dimensions of one Boiler same as above, except 2 ft. shorter. ) For particulars ‘write, TOWLES STEAMSHIP LINE, W. H. Towles, Owner, Fort Meyers, Fla, Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to For Sale ARTHUR LANGELL, _ Ship Building and Repair Yard Electrically equipped. Best of service and rate guaranteed. Steel parts reinforced and shaped. Machine shop conveniences. ST. CLAIR, MICH. NEW SCOTCH BOILERS For Immediate Delivery 2—10'%4-ft. diameter by 12-ft. long, two corrugated furnaces each Boiler, steam pres- sure 180 lbs. Complete with all fittings in- cluding sheet iron breeching and double smoke stack arranged for Boilers to set side by side. Boilers now on -dock of the Thames Tow Boat Co., New London, Conn. Marvin Briggs, Inc., 167: Sixth St Brooklyn, Di eae & A_ Bargain FOR SALE A Bargain Alma Boiler and triple expansion engine, size of engine 6% in., 11% in. 16% in. x 8% in. Boiler only used 3 months. Will sell or build boat to suit machinery. T. Thurston, Alexandria Bay, N. Y. FOR SALE—LARGE TUGS Business requires only one tug, we will sell either: Built. Tonnage. Tug John Hunsader....... 1910? 5210 : Rebuilt Rigs eSmth- ty esses cee let 1904 191 Leathem & Smith T. & W. Co., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. | FOR SALE—SCOTCH MARINE BOILER 6 ft. 4 in. diameter by 9 ft. long, allowed 140 lbs. pressure. First class condition. Also 13 x 14 high pressure tug engine complete from throttle to wheel, in good condition, Johnston :Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich. SE EN Sa oN sy GR eR 9 FOR SALE:—MOTOR LAUNCH, 42 FT. long, 9 ft. wide, 10 ft. afterdeck, 40 H. P. Globe engine, in good running order; suitable for hauling truck,, towing purposes or boating parties. Apply to John McAteer, 2916-18 Richmond St., Philadelphia, Pa. BSB SESS Ea ane RL Ea ee ees FOR SALE: — PASSENGER STEAMER Grandon, composite build, in good repair, very economical, in motor boat class. Also 6-in. direct connected sand pump. Freyensee Bros Sandusky, O. ef z meee FOR SALE. STEEL STEAM LIGHTER, BUILT 1909, 140 ft. x 36 ft. x Depth 12 ft. 6 in. Speed 10-12 miles per hour, A-1 condition. Deck load capacity 500 tons. Very economical. Low price for immediate disposal. Will con- sider coast delivery. : EDWARD P. FARLEY CO., 80 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Harrison 1344 Ill. BENDING ROLLS: 18-FT. SPUR GEARED steam driven, two 16-in. and one 24-in: rolls, Top roll adjustment with motor drive. Ma- chine in good working order.. Photo upon request.- Address Box 487, Erie, Pa. Advertisers