January, 1917 THE MARINE: REVIEW — lo) VCC IT CAPTAIN N. SIMONSON, President T. R. ZICKES, Manager The Rocky River Dry Dock Co. | Rocky River, Ohio Our 500 ft. of MARINE RAILWAY and acreage of property give us‘an immense advantage over other dry docks. We can haul out craft, and by shifting them around for convenience, can work on an almost unlimited number. Our methods will save you excessive dry dock charges! We are now soliciting and booking orders for winter work. We employ a force of 75 men who have at their disposal every modern Our convenience including a complete mill for We have. CAPACITY getting out material; a large up-to-the-minute FACILITIES electric derrick; a great number of electric . We can handle any- drills, etc. All work is thoroughly guaran- For repairing Hulls,. thing that floats up teed, and we keep our promises. Boilers and Engines toa qi tek ee for tbe and small 40 foot beam, 12 foot vessels, tugs, power draft. TRY US— boats and yachts. AND SAVE MONEY HAA NN = ci M anitowoc Shipbuilding Co. Designers and Builders of Steel Passenger Boats Floating Cranes Marine Engines Steel Freighters Lighters Semi-Diesel Engines Sand Suckers Fireboats Marine Boilers Dredges Tugs Deck Machinery, etc. Dump Scows Facilities for prompt and economical repairs MANITOWOC, WISCONSIN eS ee ee BATH IRON WORKS LIMITED i | BATH, MAINE | Shipbuilders and Engineers [ Licensee for Particular Attention Given to [ Parson’s Marine Turbines, High Speed Requirements l Normand Express Water Tube Boilers. Estimates Furnished. ee Please mention THE MarINE Review when writing to Advertisers