March, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 65 Solid Block Cork Life Preservers Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full weight of Cork and Workmanship as required by U. S.. Inspectors. SAFEST CHEAPEST SOLID CORK LIFE PRESERVERS RING BUOYS AND FENDERS Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. METALLIC AND WOODEN LIFE BOATS Awarded four Medals by World’s Columbian METALLIC LIFE RAFT Sincere Exposition. MARINE DRAGS EEE OA OUR Feed-Water Filters will keep oil out of’ your boiler They Have No Equal Write for list of users Ross Valve Mfg. Co. Troy, N. Y. The Barton Steam Trap For General Use on Steamboats Listing of ship does not affect its operation. It cannot freeze or become air bound. Keeps pipe lines free from condensation, there- by insuring your cargo. Makes the heaters heat. Does away with cylinder cocks on deck engines. Does its work regardless of temper- ature. More than 1,000 in successful operation on lake boats. Barton traps are dividend makers. A Barton trap installed on trial will answer the question of ecoriomy. : Barton traps used on 150 boats on the lakes. (Used on steering, deck engines, forward auxiliary lines, forward main exhaust lines, after radiator lines, hot water tanks, in fact any place where a steam trap can be used the Barton trap is successfully operated.) When in Cleveland call Harvard 1532 and learn more about it. JOHN W. BARTON Owner of : Barton Steam Trap Co., 2707 Vestry Ave,, Cleveland, O. Formerly of Automatic Steam Trap Specialty Co., Detroit. H. G. Trout Company King Iron Works BUFFALO, N. Y. Manufacturers of High Grade PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines Brass and Iron Casting Large variety of Grate Bars in stock Write for particulars and testimonials. LYLE GUNS WICKS’ PATENT RELEASING BLOCKS FOR LIFE BOATS DAVID KAHNWEILER’S SONS 260 FRONT ST., COR. DOVER ST. NEW YORK CITY Reilly Marine Specialties Feed Water Heaters Fuel Oil Heaters Grease Extractors Evaporators Distillers Filters, etc. Built in accordance with U.S. Steamboat In- spection and Lloyd’s Rules. : Write for Bulletins. The Griscom-Russell Co. 2121 West St. Bldg., New York Ashton Highest Grade POP SAFETY VALVES AND STEAM GAGES Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction. Special Features in Valves Outside Pop Regulation, Cam Lever Attachment, Jessop Steel Spring, Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements, Accurately Graduated Dials, Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY 271 Franklin St. - BOSTON, MASS. Branches; New York Chicago Philadelphia San Francisco Equip your boiler with a reliable VANDUZEN Patent Vertical Water Gauge Commended by Steam Boiler Inspectors. Used extensively on most large River Steamers, in Water Works and Stationary Engine Boilers. Simple in con- struction, durable and reliable in operation. The dials are large and easily read. Reliability and effectiveness guaranteed. THE E. W. VANDUZEN CO. 428-434 E. Second St. Cincinnati, O. Please mention THE MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers