66 THE MARINE REVIEW March, 1917 NAVAL ARCHITECTS > ENGINEERS : To Vessel Owners and Operators: You’ll find here the announcements of several Naval Architects and Engineers who are reliable, waiting to be of service to you. w. I. BABCOCK H. PENTON EDWARD P. FARLEY CO. BABCOCK & PENTON Vessel Brokers . Naval Architects and Engineers Passenger and Freight Steamers, Tugs, Lighters, Self- CLEVELAND NEW YORK Propelled Canal Barges Penton Bldg., 1136 Chestnut Av. 17 State St. 1501 Railway Exchange Bldg. | Chicago, Illinois ENGINEERS AND NAVAL ARCHITECTS Cablegram: Curr, Port Arthur Telephone:. 1553 North ROBERT CURR SURVEYOR TO LLOYD’S REGISTER OF SHIPPING JOHN REID & COMPANY NAVAL ARCHITECTS Plans and Specifications furnished for all types of vessels. Careful attention given to superintending construction and repairs. Instructions onTheoretical and Practical Shipbuilding by Correspondence. 17 BATTERY PLACE 35 NEW YORK Offices: London Glasgow Montreal The Observatory 28 S. Water St., Port Arthur, Ont. WILLIAM T. DONNELLY Designer of Floating Dry Docks, Steel and Wood. JAMES GUTHRIE PLANS ON HAND FOR DOCKS FROM 2,000 TO 20,000 TONS CONSULTING ENGINEER ON GASOLINE Electricity pote tee to Marine Transportation AND OIL ENGINES arbor Improvements : Og ee Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect a eso Phones {Rtowpect G68 17 Battery Place NEW YORK =e Robert H. Kidd, Manager Telephone No. 1 Joseph Kidd & Son The price of one good cigar a day MARINE ARCHITECTS will put you in touch with the AND SURVEYORS Ship and Engine Damage and Other Surveys Carefully Attended To leading vessel owners and opera- tors of this country. 406 Palladio Building DULUTH, MINN. 620 HARRY G. SMITH Os egal a ica tee Each of the ads on this page is a SMITH BROS. seed planted in a large circle of ves- Naval Architects and Marine Surveyors sel owners. it LTOWS by repetition 535 Marine Bank Bldg. BUFFALO, N. Y. until it bears the fruit of business. 616 This page of Professional Cards is a directory for the vessel owner or opera- tor. You can have your card in this directory at a surprisingly low cost. If you will write us we will ex- plain in detail just how these pro- fessional cards can produce bus- iness for you. 621 Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers