| May, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW ol $$. $$$. —_ omnes WHITLOCK MANILA ROPE is All-Manila We are not satisfied to use such worn-out and indefinite expressions as ‘Pure Manila,” ‘Contains pure Manila Hemp,” ‘Made of highest (!) quality long fibre pure Manila,” _— , Lae etc., etc, <. ly wor Pe ( qe aes / MANILA is guaranteed to contain high grade Manila hemp exclusively. Its superior strength and satisfactory service are due to the quality of fibre used and to the unusual care taken in every process of manufacture. An exceptional rope for Marine use. Write for interesting printed matter WHITLOCK CORDAGE COMPANY Department B., 46 South Street, New York | IRE: PINTSCH GAS LIGHTED BUOYS Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Lighthouse Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting. Over 2,200 Buoys and Gas Beacons in service. Burn Continuously from Eighty to Three Hundred and Sixty- five Days and Can be Seen a Distance of Six Miles Controlled by SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING CO. 2 RECTOR STREET, NEW YORK Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisco, Cal. Boston Montreal Solid Block Cork Life Preservers Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full weight of Cork and Workmanship as required by U. S. Inspectors. SAFEST CHEAPEST SOLID CORK LIFE PRESERVERS RING BUOYS AND FENDERS Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. METALLIC AND WOODEN LIFE BOATS Awarded four Medals by World’s Columbian METALLIC LIFE RAFT Expositi on. MARINE DRAGS LYLE GUNS WICKS’ PATENT RELEASING BLOCKS FOR LIFE BOATS DAVID KAHNWEILER’S SONS 260 FRONT ST., COR. DOVER ST. NEW YORK CITY as os Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers