June, 1917 “City of Sydney,” Provided Throughout with Waterbury Ropes WATERBURY WIRE ROPE HERE is a Waterbury Rope for each of your requirements, one that will withstand the strains and _ stresses of years of service and severe weather con- ditions. We are the only manufacturer making every kind of wire and fibre rope. Our nearest office will be glad to serve you and tell you all about Waterbury Long Wearing Ropes. CATALOGS Wire Rope Armored Wire Rope Fibre-Clad Wire Rope Cordage WATERBURY COMPANY ‘63 PARK ROW, NEW YORK 1315-1321 West Congress Street A. T. Powell & Co., 911 Southwestern Life Bldg. ‘1018 Maison oe Bldg. beicer i Dauphine Sts. 1-61 Main Street Chicago ‘ Dallas, Texas New Orleans, San Francisco THE MARINE Pade om REVIEW Varnish on shipboard The exposed parts of vessels can be thoroughly protected only by the best of marine varnishes. The im- pact of waves, the alternate soaking in brine and standing in the sun are severe tests of the toughness, elas- ticity and durability of varnish. No varnish can stand this service long unless it is real varnish with the wearing quality that comes from the best oil and gum and from scientific exactness in manufacture. No varnish can live at sea if quick and easy methods have been substi- tuted for the slow and thorough methods that experience has proved necessary for the production of the most serviceable marine varnish. Murphy Transparent Spar Varnish “<the varnish that lasts longest?” is one of the 200 different varnishes we make, each for a particular purpose. It is full-bodied, but flows easily and works well under the brush. It dries rapidly, but not too rapidly for service. It is tough and elastic but keeps hard under the hottest sun. For fifty years it has been going to sea on every kind of craft, earning the standing it has with shipping men. Write for more information. Murphy Varnish Company Franklin Murphy, jr., Newark New Jersey President Chicago Illinois Dougall Varnish Company, Ltd., Montreal, Canadian Associate 19