June, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW ee 3 Westinghouse Marine Equipment my tind 732) t scerrcrowonmnanen Turbine Driven Condensate Pump Ss. S. “MAUI” This splendid passenger vessel is equipped with Westinghouse Geared Turbines and Condensing Apparatus, “In her recent trials, the performance of this? équip- vent was all-that could bé‘desired by both shipowner i * and shipbuilder. Furtherproof of the Riek: efficiency of our propelling machinery:has been obtained as a result of the “Maui's” subsequent voyages? in service. Ps aa f ae “Washington; D, C_—EastBittsburgh, Pa. Hunt, Mirk & Co., San Francisco Seattle Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers