64 THE MARINE REVIEW July, 1917 PNEUMATIC HAMMERS The Hammer of Few Parts Dayton Hammers are built by expert mechanics, and of only the highest grade materials obtainable. They are thoroughly reliable and efficient, and are used in many of the largest plants in the country. Dayton Pneumatic Hammers are composed of but 14 separate parts. This feature makes them less sus- ceptible to wear and breakage—and because of the fewer parts to repair, the maintenance cost is reduced by from 25 to 50%. The best way to get acquainted with the “Dayton” is to use one. Let us send you one on 30 days free trial. Especially adapted to Ship Building for Riveting, Caulking, etc. THE DAYTON PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. P.O. Box1117 DAYTON, OHIO. The Whiting Type “R” Crane is fully meeting the demands of severe service. Very accessible, very simple and very rigid in design. Approved by engineers as meeting all ‘‘Safety First’? requirements. Trolleys made in standard sizes from | to 100 tons capacity. Specify a Whiting Type “R” crane on your next inquiry. New Crane Catalog No. 127 on Request Complete Plants WHITING Designed, equipped and put into operation FOUNDRY EQUIPMENTCO CRANES OF ALL TYPES _ [|/Xiiiimmetiethertctass Please mention THE MaRINnE REVIEW when writing to, Advertisers