en \O -THE MARINE REVIEW acc Morison Suspension Boiler Furnaces July, 1917 lit For Land and Marine Boilers Easily Cleaned, Unexcelled for Strength. Also FOX CORRUGATED FURNACES Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS West and Calyer Sts.,. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1859 Greenpoint Ferry from East 23rd Street, New York ETHITITUUUUUVUUUULUIUUVUTULITUUUTULIUITIUTUUTTULTIUTTOTTUCTTUTTOTOTOTOOTTOTTOTOTIOTPOTV OTOL TT TPCT Wo Uniform Thickness, INCORPORATED 1887 = FIRE TUBE MARINE SUPERHEATER EIGHT REASONS WHY 5. It results in a saving of fuel over saturated plants, both operating under the same draft conditions, of 10% to 20%. 6. It reduces the maintenance costs by the prevention of water hammer, leaky flanges and con- densation in the cylinders. 1. It is adaptable to either new or existing boilers of the fire tube type and can be applied with no change pics in design or construction. ait 2. It renders possible an increase rt in output of boiler horse power from a given boiler plant, 10% to 20%. 3. It will produce the same power output with fewer boilers. 4. It reduces the size of the bunkers, thereby reducing the draft of the vessel with a given cargo or making possible an increase in revenue cargo. 7. It does not prevent rapid, thorough and frequent cleaning of the tubes. 8. Its construction provides easy access to all screwed joints and the easy removal ofthe parts. LOCOMOTIVE SUPERHEATER COMPANY 30 Church Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. Peoples Gas Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. P scientious service. ATENTS TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS Thirty years’ active practice. Experienced, personal, con- 1 business strictly confidential. SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. C. Works: 36-40 Illinois Street The Oldman Boiler Works Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers ELECTRIC WELDING BUFFALO, N. Y.