July, 1917 TE MARINE REV LEW : 71 Ne Kat “Known throughout the Maritime World.” The McNab Direction Indicators (Gold Medal and Diploma Awards) indicate every move- ment and record the engine revolutions on the bridge. Thousands installed and specified for installation on 90% of steam vessels building in this country. NO STEAMER COMPLETE WITHOUT IT. The Willet-Bruce S. S. Whistle Control The only control adopted by all Trans-Atlantic and other Lines; large number of installations on order and installed in this country. An automatic fog signal assured, and a dry, clear, crisp, penetrating blast guaranteed. Two Splenilid National Slogans: “Eliminate Waste” “Safeguard Life” Two good.rules—and the closer we follow them, the better for all of us. Experience has shown that no marine appliance is a greater waste eliminator and efficiency booster than Eckliff Circulators These Circulators create proper circulation in Scotch Boilers, equal- ize temperatures and reduce repair expense. They save fuel and time, and increase boiler efficiency. For safeguarding life at sea, no equipment is as SAFE, POSITIVE and RAPID as J.-H. Lifeboat Windlasses and Releasing Hooks These appliances enable ONE MAN to lower a loaded lifeboat and SIMULTANEOUSLY release BOTH ENDS with PERFECT SAFETY and in a FRACTION OF THE TIME required by other methods. NEW ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE now ready— SEND FOR IT. The McNab Pneumatic Engine Counter Connect it up by a pipe and install it on your steam gauge board; do away with your constant clattering rods and small gear; it is a ‘‘revolution in counters.”’ The McNab ‘‘Cascade’’ Boiler Circulator and Fuel Economizer Hundreds installed; a practical Circulator that does cir- culate and economize. Write for a full set of our books. THE Mc NABCOMPANY, Bridgeport, Conn. or EDW. P. FARLEY, 1501 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago, III. D. E. Ford, 465 California St., San Francisco, Cal. M. M. DRAKE, 17 Battery Place, N. Y. City. Write or See Our Nearest Agent Now Eckliff Circulator Co. Detroit 54 Shelby Street § Michigan | New York Philadelphia Chicago San Francisco ' Portland Seattle 260 Commercial Boiler Works Almy Water tube Manufacturers Boiler Co. and Repairers : of Boilers Builders of hierne Work 6 Sectional Water Specialty Tube Boilers Ail Rinds-bf Sheet Iron Work SEATTLE U. S.A. for all types of vessels Providence, R. I. U.S. A. MARINE MARINE BOILERS pe BOILERS Marine Repairs Newburgh OF ALL TYPES ‘Steam Boiler Works P. DELANY & CO. Newburgh, N. Y. KINGSFORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, Oswego, N. Y. Please mention THE Martine REvIEwW when writing to Advertisers