. a <ce 5 =. ~~ —s « , i Pee eae ais cle teal ea oe, rel 5 ee eet - im. \ VOL. 47 CLEVELAND AUGUST, 1917 NEW YORK ee ee ea This machine saves from $60.00 6 ee to $100.00 per day in ship | carpenter wages besides doing the work accurately , The 48” Top Beveling Head mounted in a heavy yoke which may be tilted 15 degrees, either way and fitted with scale indicat- ing, by degrees, the exact angle at which it is set. ‘This Top Beveling Head may be raised and lowered by power and is f: fitted with dial indicator to show thick- ness by 64ths. The Top Beveling Head i is used for beveling such timbers as can- not be worked to advantage on the- Beveling Side Head. : ‘ BEVELING TOP HEAD Write for List of j The 20” Beveling Side Head mounted in a heavy yoke which / may be tilted 30 degrees to the right and 20 degrees to the Users |; left, fitted with a scale indicating by degrees the exact angular position of the side head at all times. The angular adjust- ment of the side head is controlled by a large hand wheel and the angle of the head is changed while it is in the cut. The head is fitted with a guiding collar which governs the depth of the cut and which may be quickly adjusted to conform to the thickness of the timber to be beveled. This head is used for beveling ceiling, planking (including calking seams), forecastle deck beams, feying knees, rounding the edges of waterways, main rails, pin rails, etc. Machine ‘is furnished with iron work for 80 ft. traveling bed operated by a variable reversible feed. A Big Machine for Big Jobs ( — —_ SEATTLE. U.S.A: BEVELING SIDE HEAD Patent applied for in U.S. A. and Canada af Alphabetical List of Advertisers, page 96 Contents, page 5 “‘Where-to-Buy,” page 84 he @ .