August, 1917 THE MARIN j UNION STEA J Fas BATT M PUMP CO, LE CREEK: Mich, y UNION DUPLEX BOILER FEEDERS MADE IN TWO SIZES 24x 114x3, for 30 H.P. Boiler 3 x2 x3, for 50 H.P. Boiler E REVIEW 71 NION DUPLEX PUMPS are the most adaptable for your new drinking water system. That is why there is so great a demand for them. That is why we have already sold over one hundred from our Cleve- land office alone. IF YOU WISH TO BE SURE OF GETTING ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION insist that your drinking water pump be a ‘UNION DUPLEX.”’ gineer. is guaranteed for a year against defects in material and workmanship. It must stand a fifty per cent excess pressure at full speed, on a half day run. Every pump, before shipment, receives a thorough test by a competent en- g ‘The Union Duplex’ Ask us at once for full details. THE UNION STEAM PUMP CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SHIPS TELEGRAPHS Rudder Indicators Shaft Speed Indicators Electric Whistle Operators Electric Lighting Equipments, Fixtures, Etc. Electric and Mechanical Bells Annunciators, Alarms, Etc. Loud Speaking Marine Telephones Installations Chas. Cory & Son, Inc. 290 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK CITY “Captain Dake, You're Right, The Records Prove It” Captain Dake said his boat was making 4 knots. Captain Blaw said she was making 12. The court agreed with Blaw until Cap- tain Dake produced the speed record from a Nicholson Recording Ship Log. Then another “circumstantial evidence’’ case fell before ‘‘positive proof’. At all times the dial shows the exact speed of the vessel; also permanently records it with the time and date on the record chart. This instrument pays for itself many times over in preventing damage suits for alleged excessive speeds in dangerous passages. Many lines require their Masters to turn these records over to the manager, who can see at a _ glance the whole performance of the ship while underway, and he files them for future reference. There isn’t a ship in the water that shouldn’t be equipped with this Nichol- son Recording Ship Log. Let us tell you more about it. Write for booklet and catalog. ~ Nicholson Ship Log Co. Cleveland, O. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers