72 THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1917 Your Ship Needs The ULTRA VIOLET RAY SYSTEM Drinking Water Purification and Sterilization ee —the standard ye "weatherproofing for canvas Makes canvas not only absolutely watertight, but strengthens and preserves the fabric. Used univer- sally on the Great Lakes, and extensively on the eastern seaboard and southern waterways. Any ship chandler can supply Preservo. If you want special information, write to us at nearest address. Robeson Preservo Products Company Port Huron, Mich. EASTERN BRANCH: 342 Western Ave., Boston, Mass. CANADIAN BRANCH: Sarnia, Ont. The Hunter-Jchnson Co., 311 California St., San Francisco, Distributors for Pacific Coast. Blackmer pumps have been in use now over twelve years. Ask your competitor what he has to say about them. Capacities from 5 to 500 gallons. Wear automatically taken up. Installation of STERILIZER and FILTER on S. S. ALABAMA No Heating, Cooling, Chemicals or Extra Pumping Operates by use of electricity and consumes the current of but about seven incandescent lamps. The temperature, taste, odor, color, mineral and gaseous content remain as before steril- ization. Bacteriological Results Guaranteed. Complies with U. S. Government require- ments. Write for Bulletin. THE R. U. V. COMPANY 50 BROAD STREET NEW YORK _ Guaranteed Latest ae against catalogue ei. " pressures. giving full BY. particulars is yours for the asking. Blackmer Rotary Pump Co. Petoskey, Mich. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers