August, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW 77 TRADE 1 TRADE MARK MARK Reg, U.S. Pat: O8. The Best Proof that pine ayer we can give you of the PACKINGS super-qualities of this DECK HOSE PUMP VALVES _iine of Rubber Goods STEAM HOSE is to. refer you. to the 3 people who are using “MARCO” Products. Any of our branches can furnish all the information you want. The Mechanical Rubber Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO Our Branches in the Principal Lake Ports UNITED STATES RUBBER CO. 379 Washington St., BUFFALO, NEW YORK THE OHIO RUBBER CO. 725 St. Clair Ave. N. W., CLEVELAND, OHIO THE OHIO RUBBER CO. 228 Jefferson Ave. East, DETROIT, MICHIGAN UNITED STATES RUBBER CO. 218 W. Madison St., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS UNITED STATES RUBBER CO: 41 Oneida St., MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN BOILERS TANKS STACKS 9 e e Cook’s Metallic Packing LIGHT STRUCTURAL IRON ay STEEL PLATE CONSTRUCTION especially adapted for marine service, highest efficiency guaranteed; extensively used by E. i. McCORM ACK many prominent Steamship Lines and Ship IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTS Builders. : GALVANIZED SHEETS TELEPHONE 345 BROAD For full particulars, address, C. Lee Cook Mfg. Co., Inc. ‘ Louisville, Ky., U.S. A. 18 BROADWAY NEW YORK PINTSCH GAS LIGHTED BUOYS Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Lighthouse Departments for Channel and Harbor Lighting. Over 2,200 Buoys and Gas Beacons in service. Burn Continuously from Eighty to Three Hundred and Sixty- five Days and Can be Seen a Distance of Six Miles Controlled by SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING CO. 2 RECTOR STREET, NEW YORK Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisco, Cal. Boston Montreal Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers