Drift Bolt Driver—Saw Blade Sharpener—Electrical Dubbing Machine— Grip Windlass—-Hydraulic Plate Bending Machine—High Level Truck HE device shown in the lower recently designed by the Ingersoll-Rand Co., New York, for drifting up bolts in the hulls of wooden ships. The device is operated by air and is said to do the work of two men _ besides showing an increase in the number of bolts driven per hour. The distinguishing fea- ture. is a>, telescopic leg, vor feed, which con- sists of two sec- fions’. ma.de...of ‘seamless steel tubing; one slid- ing within the other. An air- tight joint is obtained by means of leather packing of the cup type. Air is admitted into the tube which extends it until the tool is against the bolt to be driven. ‘The device is firmly held in this position by air pressure while in operation. A sin- gle, 3-way throttle controls both func- tions of the tool. The hammer element of this tool is the same as used in other pneumatic tools made by the Ingersoll-Rand Co. The new tool is said to be quite powerful and, it is claimed, will drive 1%-inch bolts up to-.10..feet.° in. length. The~:device weighs 90 pounds, is 55 inches long when air feed is closed and 77 inches in length when fully extended. Saw Blade Sharpener Some years ago when hack saw blades were made of carbon steel thev were thrown away as soon as the teeth became dull. At the present time, how- ever, when the majority of hack saw blades in use are made of high-speed steel, it is evident that the average shipyard’s expenditure for blades under such conditions is comparatively high and attention has been directed to re- claiming worn blades. To enable the consumer of hack saw blades to conserve his supply as much as possible, the machine shown in the upper illustration was developed by the Wardwell Mfg. Co., Cleveland. This machine is especially designed — for sharpening hack saw blades and thin, soft-back metal cutting band saws. The operation of the machine is com- paratively simple. From the main drive illustration was a shaft, AUTOMATIC MACHINE FOR RESHARPENING HACK SAW BLADES PNEUMATIC DRIFT BOLT. DRIVER FOR WOODEN SHIPYARDS 317 , which extends across the back of the machine, a belt transmits power to a shaft upon which is mounted a thin, elastic-bonded grinding wheel. This shaft is suspended at the end of an arm, the opposite end of which swings in pivoted bearings, placed well apart to reduce side motion to a minimum. This feature is necessary to insure cor- rect spacing of the teeth in the saw. The arm is sup- ported on a segment which allows the wheel to be set at an angle. This permits one edge or corner only of the wheel to come in contact with the face of the tooth while the opposite edge, or corner, ‘bears on the back of the tooth. This action séryes’ to. keep ‘the wheel dressed constantly so that it always presents’ the proper shape for forming the. gullets of, the: teeth: Two adjustments control the movements of the grind- ing wheel head. One governs the depth the grinding wheel is allowed to sink into the gullet of the tooth while the other regulates the amount of cut to be taken from the back of the tooth. The last adjustment is made by an adjust- ing screw which comes in contact at the proper time with a roll which bears on, the. face of=4 “cam, ‘This. cam: is adjustable for forming all the different shaped backs of teeth. Power for the feed mechanism is derived from the main drive shaft through a worm gear to a shaft at the left-hand side of the machine. On the ‘end of- this shaft. isa slotted eccentric equipped with a screw feed. This eccentric governs the feed of the blade to the machine. The operation of the machine is said to be exact and it is claimed that as little as one-half thousandth of an inch can be removed from either the face or the back of the tooth. The machine is automatic in action and after being started it requires no further attention until the group of blades placed in posi- tion have been fed through one by one and sharpened. The blades are fed through the ma- chine by a _ double-pawl arrangement. The two pawls work at the same time, one on each side of the grinding wheel.