‘enuugexqnseucrnvenecenecenvenvncnnnnecenecueeaanenecaneuceueenenaee cca ccec cece es . WHERE TO BUY CODEC EUAEEU TELE UTEAET EE July, 1918 MMi mmm mn BURNERS (Acetylene.) Linde Air Products Co., 42nd Street Bldg., New York City. BUSHINGS (Bronzed, Oil Grooved.) Wellman ——— Co., The 444 E. 49th St; CABLES. Durable Wire Rope Co., Boston, Mass. Waterbury Co., 63 Park Row, New York City. Whitlock Cordage Co., New York, N. Y; CAM SHAFTS. Camden roves Co. Cleveland. h and Bulson Ave., Cuniden; N. J. CANVAS ROOFINGS. Robeson Preservo Co., 401 White Block, Port Huron, Mich. CAPSTANS. Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co 436 Ne Wells St., Chicago. W., Cleveland, O. Chase Machine Co., T Hes 2313 Elm St. Dake Engine Co., Grand Haeek. Mich. CAPSTANS (Cast Iron.) Central Foundry Co., 90 West St., CASTINGS. Chattanooga Roofing & Foundry Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co., Collingwood, Ont. Crane Company, The, 836 S. "Michigan Ave., Chicago. Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich. Louer, Co. ‘Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Murcott & Co., Inc., 253 Broadway, Scranton Foundry & Engine Wks., New York. Sun Sonat: Co; 8 S. Penn Sq,, eee Thacher, Geo. H., Co., Albany, N United Engineering & Foundry Co., CASTINGS (Bronze) American Manganese Bronze Co., Holmesburg, Philadelphia, Pa. CAULKING COTTON. Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co. 165 Cornelison Ave., "Jersey City, Ne 4. CAULKING HAMMERS (Pneu- matic.) Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co., Dayton Pneumatic Tool Co., Pittsburgh, Pa, Cleveland, O. PP: OO. Box "4116, Dayton, O. Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, IIl. Ingersoll-Rand Co., Broadway, New’ York City. 11 CAULKING TOOLS. Topping Brothers, New York City. CEMENT FINISH. Copperstone Products Co., Toledo, O. CHAINS. American Chain Co., Carpenter, Geo. eve Inc., Bridgeport, Hobbs, Clinton Ae ‘Ss Boston Ce earkin; J. We, & Co., New York, Schaper. Construction Materials a West St., 90 CHAINS (Marine.) American Chain Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. CHAINS (Ship Cable.) , American Chain Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. CHAINS (Steering Gear.) American Chain Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. CHAINS (Stud Link.) American Chain Co., Inc., Bridgeport, Conn. CHIPPING HAMMERS (Pneumatic.) Chicago samen nS Tool Co., 097 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, Il. Cleveland, O. ° Cleveland eerie Tool Co., Dayton Pneumatic ‘cl Coz; Box "1116, Dayton, O. PIO: CHISEL BLANKS (Pneumatic.) Chicago, bee rag Tool Co. 097 Fisher Bldg., Cleveland Pe eralt Taot .Co;; Dayton Eaeumolic Tool Co. O. Box Mais, Dayton, O. Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, Ill. CHOCKS. Thacher. Geo. H.. Co. Albany, N. Y. CHRONOMETERS Cerf, Lester, 47-49 Maiden Lane, New York City. CIRCULATORS (Boiler.) Eckliff Circulator Co., 4 Shelby Sti McNab Co., Bridgeport, Conn. Detroit, Mich. New York. New York, N. Y. Conn. 0., 6 N. Wells sts Chicago. New York City. Chicago, Ill. Cleveland, O. CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY. American Bureau of Shipping, New York City. CLEATS. Schaper Construction Materials Co., 90 West St., New York City. Thacher, Geo. H., Co., Albany, N. Y. Copping Brothers, New York City. CLEATS (Cast Iron.) Central Foundry Co., 90 West St., CLINCH RINGS. Schaper Construction Materials Co., ; 90 West St., New ‘York City. Topping Brothers. New York City COAL HANDLING MACHINERY (See Machinery (Coal Handling) COAL (Producers and Shippers.) Hall, Geo., Coal & Transportation Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Hanna, M. A., & Co., Cleveland, O. Lorain Coal & Dock Ce., Columbus, O. Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland, O. COLUMNS (Water.) Anderson, The V. D., Co., Cleveland, O. COMPASSES. Ritchie, E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. COMPRESSORS (Air.) Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. 109 7 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. Louer, W. B., Co. Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, Ill. CONCRETE BARGES. Federal Shipbuilding Co., 220 Majestic ° Bldg., ‘Detroit, CONDENSERS. Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich. Smart-Turner Machine Co., Ltd., ‘ 191 Barton St., East, Hassilton, OntaCan., ES Pittsburgh, Pa: Westinghouse Electric & Mf CONDENSER SHELLS (Welded Steel.) Continental Iron Works, West and ‘Calyer Sts. Brooklyn. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., f Lot "Piisburel, Pa. CONTRACTORS (Shipyard.) Chase, Frank D., Inc., : Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, Ill. CONVEYORS. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. COPPER FLOATS. Reliance Gauge & Column Co., 5902 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland. COPPER PAINT. International peane ie Co., Inc 18 Broadway, New has City. CORDAGE.,. Carpenter, Geo. B., New York. Mich. & Co., 436 N. Wells St., Chicago. CORDAGE (Manila, Sisal and Other Hard Fiber Rope.) Waterbury Co., 63 Park Row, New York, N. Y. Whitlock Cordage Co., 46 Church St., New York. CORK JACKETS AND CORK RINGS. Williams, Wm. E., New York, N. Y. CRANES (Electric Traveling, Hand.) American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Dravo-Doyle Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. General Electric Co., Schenectady, Nee: * Jib, Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co., 121 vas St., Milwaukee, Wis. Louer, W. B., Old eblone Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Milwaukee Electric Crane & Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Payne, N. B., New York, N. Y. Whiting Foundry Equipment Co., CRANES (Hand.) Milwaukee Electric Crane & Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. CRANES (Hydraulic.) United Engineering & Foundry Co., Pittsburgh, Pa; Harvey, Iii. CRANES (Locomotive.) Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich. Milwaukee Electric Crane & Mig. Co., : Milwaukee, Wis. CRANES (Steam, Electric Gasoline.) Byers, John F., Machine Co., 230 Sycamore St., Dravo-Doyle Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Industrial Works, Bay City, Mich. CUTTERS (Pipe.) Curtis & Curtis Co., 525 Garden St., Bridgeport, Conn. CUTTING APPARATUS (Oxyacety- lene.) Milburn, The Alexander, Co., Baltimore, Md. CUTTING AND WELDING (Elec- tric Arc.) Pioneer Boiler Works, Bard and Merchant Sts., Port Huron, Mich. Westinghouse Electric & "Mig. Co., E. Pittsburgh, Pa. CUTTING AND WELDING (Oxy- Acetylene Process.) Linde Air Products Co., 42nd Street Bldg., New York ‘Cie: CYLINDERS (Welded.) Continental Iron Works, The, Brooklyn, N. Y DAVITS AND DAVIT FALLS. Welin Marine Equipment Co., 305 Vernon Ave., Long Island ee ING. XE DECK BOLTS. Bayonne Bolt & Nut Co., Bayonne, N. J. Larkin, J. K., & Co., New York, N. Y. Milton Mfg. Ga, Milton, Pa. fopping Brothers, New York City. DECKING (Marine.) Marine Decking & Supply Co., 1011 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. DERRICKS. Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Louer, Co. ‘Old Colony Bldg., Chicago, Ill. DERRICKS (Steel.) Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co Ravenna, O. 121 Villard St., Milwaukee, Wis. DIES. Curtis & Curtis Co., 525 Garden St., Bridgeport, Conn. DISTILLING APPARATUS (Water) Guecent: Sa Co:; 2121 West St. Bldg., New Yo k Cit Hodges Weer ee Co:,; Inc : Ba 4 Callowhill Se: Philadelphia. Schutte = Koerting Co., ae 2th and Thompson St., Philadelphia. DIVING APPARATUS. Morse, Andrew J.; & Son, Inc., 221 High St., iy ae ye 3 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. DRAFT (Artificial and Mechanical for Boilers.) American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O. Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich. ‘Howden, James, & Co., Ltd., 81 New St: "New York City. DREDGING MACHINERY. American Engrg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Dravo-Doyle Co., Pittsburgh, Pai Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich. Morris Machine Works, Baldwinsville, N. Y Superior Ship Building Co., Superior, Wis. Ccicadcra Boston, Mass. _ DREDGING OUTFIT CON- STRUCTORS. Buffalo Dry Dock Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Dravo-Doyle Co., Pittsburgh, Pa, Morris Machine Works, Baldwinsville, Wee DRILLS (Air.) Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. 1097 Fish Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Be: DRILLS (Electric.) Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Ingersoll-Rand Co., uae Bldg. ie! 11 Broadway, New York Cit ’ y- DRILLS (Pneumatic.) Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Ingersoll: Rand Co., Thor Bidg., Chicago. 11. Broadway, N York DROPS (Wharf.) y ew York City. American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Bldg., Chicago. Cleveland, O. See Index to Advertisements for pages containing advertisements of companies listed above