‘July, 1918 This photograph was taken to illus- trate the combined beveling, reverse beveling and curv- ing possibilities of our Beveling ° sSide Head. Before _ photo- graphing this tim- ber, a cut was made for a. few feet, the bevel starting at eleven degrees to the left. The angel continu- allychang ed until it fianlly cut a bevel eleven de- grees to the right, as shown in this = illustration. Patented July 12, 1917. Patents applied for in Canada SHIP BUILDERS PLANING, BEVELING and EDGING MACHINE It is impossible for you to reach full capacity’ or efficiency without this machine. This machine SAVES FROM $60 to $100 A DAY IN SHIP CARPENTER WAGES, BESIDES DOING THE WORK ACCURATELY. It’s a Big Machine for Big Jobs! STETSON MACHINE WORKS SUCCESSORS TO STETSON-ROSS MACHINE WORKS SEATTLE, U.S. A. THE MARINE REVIEW 7 125 THE LARGEST as well as the smallest BRONZE PROPELLERS | American Capacity open for Manganese prompt Bronze delivery Co. Holmesburg, Philadelphia BROOKLYN, N.Y. 250 HURON ST. Lifeboats, Rafts, Davits Famous for their QUALITY and ECONOMY CATALOG ON REQUEST WELIN MARINE EQUIPMENT CO. 305 Vernon Avenue LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1844 weal ,SCHRAD ER’S SON, Inc. BROOKLYN, N. Y. HIGHEST AWARDS Jamestown 1907 Seattle 1909 San Francisco 1915 LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Furnishers to U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Engineer Corps. Outfits for Contractors, Waterworks, Sponge and Pearl Fishers, etc. THOS. DREIN & SON COMPANY Established 1866 WILMINGTON, DELAWARE We are sole builders of Patent Beaded Bottom Metallic LifeBoats, Life RafisandWooden Boatsofallkinds. Outfits for Lake Steamers a specialty, Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers