July, 1918 > AULD < “QUITETITE” Reducing Valve In use on Merchant Marine Service with results un- surpassed. Write for Catalog 8-R. Schutte & Koerting Co. 1239-57 N..12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ssssss* / cH ee aia pa Less FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS THE PENBERTHY INJECTOR has enjoyed recognized leadership, not alone in the United States, but throughout the world, The Penberthy never disappoints you—it is invariably dependable, That’s the reason, a pretty good one, too! You should have Penberthy feed your boilers, Catalogue on request. PENBERTHY INJECTOR COMPANY Established 1886 Canadian Factory New York Depot Windsor, Ont. DETROIT, MICH. 71 Beekman St. S.S. KRISTIANIAFJORD. 16,000 tons. Fully equipped, 32 sets. WAGER PATENT IMPROVED FURNACE BRIDGE WALL is a preferred and valuable feature in marine and stationary boilers— endorsed by steamship, freight and passenger steamer companies, pri-_ vate yacht owners, railroads and stationary plants. ECONOMICAL SIMPLE IN DESIGN DEPENDABLE Literature mailed on request. ROBERT H. WAGER, Singer Bldg... NEW YORK OUR Feed-Water Filters will keep oil out of your boiler They Have No Equal Write for list of users Ross Valve Mfg. Co. Troy, N. Y. Please mention THE MARINE THE MARINE REVIEW 129 CAST IRON Mooring Fixtures AND GENERAL MARINE CASTINGS FOR Deck, Dock and Pier Emergency Fleet Standards Mooring Posts, Belay Posts, Bollards, Capstans, Cleats, Snubbing Posts, Chocks, Mushroom Vents, Deck Scuttles, Fairleaders, Hawser Reels, etc. General Castings of every description made to your own specifications and blue prints, in Foundries with ample facilities for most exacting requirements. Convenient locations of Let us Foundries quote on mean all your prompt require- shipments ments. M-100 CENTRAL FOUNDRY COMPANY s2eesEr2 -—~ NEWYORK, CHICAGO, ATLANTA, DALLAS, SAN FRANCISCO. i~ BALTIMORE, MD.~ LANSDALE, PEN PENN~ NEWARK N.J.~-DMEDINA ICY. ISTON, ALA~BESSEMER, ALA—HOLT, ALA-~YINCGENNES, IND. Commercial Boiler Works Manufacturers and Repairers of Boilers ~ Marine Work a Specialty All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work SEATTLE Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers for all types of vessels Providence, R. I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE FREE Review when writing to Advertisers