TMM MM 134 PTHTONHTITUUVTITTUVTTITIUGHTIIUVOVTIUUOTTT COHTITUUOTIVIUVHUILCUUTTIOUGTATIUGGHITICCONUONITIOUOIIUUOUOUULICOI LUCE UUCUOTIUULOTHUULLUILLUULEALUULOLAURLUULLULOCGAULULLEULGLeEULCOOOPCLGOAUUOLOLULULOLLUCGLELUUDOGUDCLOOELUUGEOLLOLGUUUOGOELOGEELOCOLULLUGeELLOceUUCOOeELPeCcGAO UCL LLU VESSEL AGENTS. Vance & Joys Co., é 1004-1006 First Nat’l. Bk. Bldg., Milwaukee. VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. ~ Boland & Cornelius, 1204 Prudential Bldg., Buffalo, N. vs, Chicago Steamboat Exchange, Chicago, Ill. Hutchinson & Co., 1011 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland. Page & Jones. Mobile, Ala. Richardson, W. C., & Co., 816-818 Leader-News Bldg., Cleveland. Vance & Joys Co., : 1004-1006 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg., Milwaukee. VESSEL BROKERS. Chicago Steamboat Exchange, Chicago, IIl. Farley, Edward P., Co., : 1501 Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Richardson, W. C., & Co., Cleveland, O VESSEL FITTINGS. Marine Equipment. Co., Dept. of Kerr Machinery & Supply Co., Kerr Bldg., Detroit, Mich. WALKAWAY GRATINGS. See GRATINGS (For Floors, Walka- ways, etc.) ; WASHERS (Iron and Steel.) Bayonne Bolt & Nut Co., Bayonne, N. J. Larkins J.cKij & Co., New York, N.Y Milton Mfg. Co., Milton, Pa. Topping Brothers, New York City. WATER COLUMNS (Safety Alarm.) Reliance Gauge Column Co., 5902 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, O. WATER CYLINDERS. ‘Camden Forge Co. 8th and Bulson Ave., Camden, N. J. WATER LIGHTS (Self Igniting.) Galbraith, C. C., & Son, 47-49 West St., New York City. WATERPROOFING (Canvas.) Robeson Preservo Co., 401 White Block, Port Huron, Mich. WHERE TO BUY WATER PURIFICATION SYS- TEMS. Griscom-Russell Co., 2121 West St. Bldg., New York City. Hodges Water Still Co., Inc., 1234 Callowhill St., Philadelphia. Reus: V.: Company, 120 Broadway, New York City. Schutte & Koerting Co., ‘ 12th and Thompson St., Philadelphia. WELDERS (Electric Arc.) Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., EB: Pittsbureh, Pa. WELDING (Custom.) Linde Air Products Co., : 42nd Street Bldg., New York City. WELDING AND CUTTING APPA- RATUS (Oxy-Acetylene Process.) Linde Air Products Co., p 42nd Street Bldg., New York City. Milburn, The Alexander, Co., Baltimore, Md. WELDING AND CUTTING (Thermit.) Metals & Thermit Corp., 120 Broadway, New York City. WELDLESS STEEL RINGS. Camden Forge Co., 8th and Bulson Ave., Camden, N. J. WHIRLER (Tower, for Shipyards.) Dravo-Doyle Co., Pittsburgh. WHISTLES. Crane Company, The, 836 Michigan Ave., Chicago. Lunkenheimer Co., The, Cincinnati, O. WHISTLE CONTROL. McNab Co., The, Bridgeport, Conn. WINCHES. American Engineering Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Chase Machine Co., e, 2313 Elm St. N. W.. Cleveland, O. Marine Equipment Co., Dept. of Kerr Machinery & Supply Co., Kerr Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Superior Iron Works, Superior, Wis. July, 1918 MMT TT UTTTTOCUTTUUTTTNTUUUUUUOTUTULUOTUULLOTOH CU UUULLLLL ULL LLLL LULL WINDLASSES. A i Energ. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ee Ship Building Co., Cleveland, O. as Phas O., ; Renae — 436 N. Wells St., Chicago. Dake i Gapnd Haven, Mich. Heklit Gerd Ghethy St. metmet, Mick. WIRE AND WIRING DEVICES. General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. WIRE RACKS Whyte, Oliver, Co., : : 21-23 Cornhill,. Boston, Mass. WIRING DEVICES Bryant Electric Co., Bridgeport, Conn. WIRELESS SETS AND _ APPA- RATUS. Cutting & Washington, aa 1172 Little Bldg., Boston. i & Clarke Mfg. Co.,. sas penile ice Colucthia St., Seattle, Wash. Livingston, J.. & Cos Inc., ; Grand Central Yerminal, New York City. Marconi Wireless Co., New York Citv. WOOD BORING MACHINES. See MACHINERY (Wood Boring Pneu- matic). WOODEN SHIP REPAIRS. Federal Shipbuilding Co., : ; 220 Majestic Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Tietjen and La.g Dry Dock Co., Hoboken, N. J. ’ WOODWORKING MACHINERY (Shipbuilders)’ See MACHINERY. (Shipbuilders’ Woodworking). WRENCHES. Coes Wrench Co., Worcester, Mass. YACHT BUILDERS. Lake Frie Dry Dock & Mill Co., Sandusky, O. YACHT ROPE. Whitlock Cordage Co., : 46 Church St., New York City. YARN (Lath, Fodder.) Waterbury Co.. 63 Park Row, New York, N. Y. WE ARE SPECIALISTS TAPERED or BEVELED LINERS or FILLERS for SHIPS IRVING IRON WORKS COMPANY, Long Island City, N. -Y. TRADE IN MAKERS OF [RVIN(S SUBWAY GRATINGS THE RETICULATED KIND Fireproof Attractive Sanitary The Copperstone Products Company Toledo, Ohio Composition and Cement Finish Floors Copperstone Cement Material has no equal for the Its density makes hull construction of Concrete Ships. WATERPROOFS and PRESERVES ' CANVAS your canvas covers ABSOLUTELY WATERPROOF and double their wearin qualities by treating them with PRESERVO G L * to your ship chandler for complete details: add est office for special literature. : dee settion ie ‘ROBESON PRESERVO COMPANY (Formerly Robeson Preservo Products Co.) PORT HURON, MICHIGAN Eastern Branch; 357 Western Ave., BOSTON, MASS. it absolutely waterproof and will surpass all tests for this class of construction. Liquid Compass THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U. S. Navy for over 40 years. Over 40,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12" dia. Magnets for Adjusting Purposes. E. S. RITCHIE & SONS, Brookline, Mass., U. S. A. TH 811 California St. Canadian Branch: SARNIA, ONT. E HUNTER-JOHNSON Co. nia San Francisco, Cal. Distributors for Pacific Coast : Boat Compass in Binnacle Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers