THE MARINE. REVIEW July, 1918 _ bdo PIT UT TO Oe t ENGINES _ for immediate shipment Enclosed type, force feed lubrication, ALSO throttling or automatic governor. Feed Water ; . : Heaters Will quote prices on engines alone or Bie aaa or engines direct connected to generators or connected to centrifugal pumps. Immediate Lighting Sets Boiler Feed. shipment on the following sizes: 5x6, : Pumps 6x6, 7x6. Circulating Pumps Let us know your requirements. W. B. Connor, Inc. 90 West St. New York | ULL Ss MMMM “4 S Catalogue on Request THE COLVEN MARINE BOILER THE COLVEN | ae THE COLVEN stands for te < : gives SAF BE TY EFFICIENCY THE COLVEN THE COLVEN 2 means : 4 \ is RELIABILITY —— SIMPLICITY THE COLVEN MARINE BOILER is a highly specialized product, built only for marine work. No handholes and fitted joints to be kept tight. No flat surfaces to be stayed. The highest economy and steaming capacities within the smallest space and weight. IF YOU HAVE A RUSH JOB WE CAN HELP YOU. CONSULT US. Send for Booklets. NEW YORK ENGINEERING COMPAN 2 RECTOR STREET NEW YORK Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers