July, 1918 a Peg ty Radio Sets Pay HIP owners who own Radio appar- atus quickly pay original costs through the delays eliminated when ves- sels need repairs. Wireless sets become profit-making machinery. . Days lost when vessels are delayed in port, orat sea, because they are out of communication with the home office, mean dollars taken from the profit side of the ledger. Red Gen THE MARINE REVIEW: an LL) oe” (Ko Bass ee as sk j Yr tp Hoy N / a se : a TZ neha be ———————————_———— Their Own Cost ITH Kilbourne & Clark K-C Radio aboard owners are constant- ly in direct touch with ships masters. Orders are given and received almost instantaneously. Think what it means to have con- trol of your vessels constantly within reach. May we give you more details con- cerning the sturdy, economical, efficient “KC seis) Kilbourne & Clark Manufacturing Compas New York City . 149 Broadway San Francisco Fife Building Seattle, U. S.A. 24 W. Connecticut St. Please mention THE Marine ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers