20 THE MARINE REVIEW July, 1918 Thacher Flawless Marine Specialties Cleats; Chocks; Bitts; Double Bitts; Mushroom Anchors; Mooring Posts; Snubbing Posts; Spud Points; Kedge Anchors; ‘Trawl Anchors; Woodstock Fishing Anchors; Iron Stock Fishing Anchors; Grapnel Anchors; Stockless Anchors. Let us know your requirements for either boat or . dock equipment — our prices are right — our quality will please. GEO. H. THACHER & CO. Main Office and Works: ALBANY, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1852 10,000 Ib. Mushroom Anchor ELEVEN It took just 11 minutes to cut through this big girder—part of the mass of twisted metal left after the fire on the B & O Piers, in Baltimore. The McLane Contracting Co. knew all about the economy and speed of MILBURN OXY-ACETYLENE APPARATUS Discover for YOURSELF the advantages. of this combination torch—how a simple change of tips changes it from a welder to a,cutter—how it CAN’T flash back—its uniform action. Use it at night with the help of one or more powerful Milburn Portable Carbide Lights. THE ALEXANDER MILBURN CO. Baltimore, U. S. A. Circular 6 tells more about our line. STOCKED EVERYWHERE )) Please mention THe MarINE Review when writing to Advertisers