July, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW : 2/7 CRANE No. 1117 A.S. M. E. Standard . High Capacity Pop Safety Valves have the highest possible relieving capacities; high lifts without attend- ant shocks; and comply with all existing Codes, Laws and specifica- tions. Only the best material is used in all parts; made in sizes 2 to 44 inch—iron body or cast steel. Sales Offices, Warehouses and Showrooms: Chicago Fargo Salt Lake Cit pices, Grand Rapids Watertown Geden oe Boston Washington Muskogee Springfield Seracuse Oklahoma City FOUNDED BY R. T. CRANE, 1855 Davenport Aberdeen Sacramento : See Des Moines Great Falls Bridgeport Buffalo Wichita Oakland New York Savannah St. Louis : CRAN E. CO. Se ity Spat San Francisco Brooklyn | Atlanta Kansas City 836 S. MICHIGAN AVE. St, Paul ean Los Angeles Philadelphia Knoxville Terre Haute Minneapolis Portland, O. Winnipeg Newark Birmingham Cincinnati CHICAGO Duluth Bneaeelia Vancouver Camden Memphis ‘ _[Indianapolis : ; Baltimore Little Rock Detroit Works: Chicago and Bridgeport Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers