July, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW 29 THOMAS ELLIPTIC GRATE BARS STEAMSHIPS Scotch Marine—Marine—Locomotive Fire Boxes and Furnaces THOMAS WIGGLING—SHAKING—DUMPING GRATE BARS PATENTED SIDE VIEW BOTTOM AND END VIEW OF BAR SHOWING STRUCTURE THE BAR That saves its cost in fuel saved in a few weeks use. That makes a poor steaming boiler, a free steamer. That eliminates the cleaning period. That reduces the fireman’s labors. That eliminates grate bar mishaps and shut downs. That cannot get out of fix and refuse to work. 7 THE WHY STRUCTURE-—ls made up of two curves, one top and one bottom, joined together at each side with spacing and connecting lugs of one-third contact and two-thirds air space, forming a ‘structure in which the heat cannot equalize; the under portion can not get hot to break or become distorted and refuse to work. MATERIAL—Made of pure Pig Iron (no scrap) nua on analysis, standing 2370 degrees before fusing. OPERATION—The Elliptic shape, eccentric movement slips under the fuel or fire bed, peels the ash from its lodgment ‘and deposits into ash pit and does not disturb the fire, tearing the fuel bed into streaks, seams, holes and pockets, as other shaker grates do. RESULTS—The fire is kept at the highest state of efficiency at all times—never fouling, giving more steam and substantial savings in fuel. For Use with Either Natural, Induced or Forced Draft FOR DETAILED INFORMATION WRITE THOMAS GRATE BAR CO. oi stritue oi cua Birmingham, Ala. 518 Railway Exchange Building, Chicago, Illinois Please mention THE MarRINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers