July, 1918 THE MARINE REVIEW Orders for Ship Steel In addition to suggestions made in the May and June issues - of ‘‘Marine Review,’’ there remain some which warrant careful attention on the part of men who order steel. A point sometimes misunderstood as to Shipping Notices and Invoices is the difference between the two. Through unfamiliarity with, or disregard of this difference, confusion and delay are bound to follow. A Shipping Notice is a list of material shipped and con- tains sufficient information for shipbuilders or their representatives at the steel mill to check the items shipped. An Invoice contains all that is on the Shipping Notice, but in addition gives the prices of the items and concerns only those interested in price features. Inspection. The Inspector’s name should always be defi- nitely stated. If no outside Inspector is employed the work will be done by the steel maker. There is, however, in the case of Carnegie Steel Company, an arbitrary distinction between ‘‘Mill Inspection” and ‘‘Carnegie Inspection.”” The first means that the steel will be carefully inspected by Carnegie Steel Company before it leaves the mills, while in the second case the same inspection is made, but a certi- ficate covering the records of the inspection is filed with the buyer. The points covered in this and the two previous advertisements mentioned are some of the principal ones to be carefully watched. There are, however, many more which cannot be touched upon in these articles, but .which the engineers of this company will be glad to discuss with shipbuilders. The mark of [Ame It protects the quality user Carnegie Steel Company General Offices: Pittsburgh, Pa. Please mention THE MarRINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers 35