x i ‘ i ae ee or ‘3 104 Hull 125 126 392 THE MARINE REVIEW Dead- Contract weight or requi- Name tonnage sitioned AP RWATS cob ees es saint eie 5,075 Cont. Sagadahoe: .......,... 9,970 Rea. Camb age ck aw sireit 9,970 Req. Congaree cheeks oe 3,500 Cont. COWETA Nes a eee ieee’ 8,500 Cont. POYORG 5: cask ie ceiay. oes 3,500 Cont. ACUDUIE 2 scguisaiscete ke ee 3,500 Cont. Adlanthus cs a sates oo 3,500 Cont. BORAR cis see es Scie eit 85500: «Cont: BRIS ee ease eles soe . 38,500 Cont. AIT ie aoe aay reat AR 3,500 Cont. BES TER A aa ig er 3,500 Cont. OK CNS Eee akon es stat wie 8,500 Cont. Chiblaies 20; 3,500 Cont. Traylor Shipbuilding Corp., Cornwells Heights, Cont. Cont. Cont. Cont. _U.S.Ships Delivered by American Yards | Submarine Boat Corp., Newark, N. J. Type Cargo Texas Steamship Co., Bath, Me. Cargo Cargo Date launched 5-30-18 4-27-18 Sie Date delivered 12-17-18 7- 9-18 Speed, knots 10.50 11.00 Hey, shaft or indicated 1500S 31001 9-10-18 11-11.50 31001 Wood The Foundation Cc., Newark, N. J. Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo Groton Iron Works, Cargo Cargo 6- 4-18 T- 2-18 10- 1-18 9-21-18 8- 1-18 8-31-18 10-29-18 8-31-18 10-29-18 1400 I 14001 14001 14001 14001 Noank, Conn. 10.00 10.00 1400 I 1400 I Russell Shipbuilding Co., Portland, Me. 8-30-18 9-19-18 10-23-18 10.00 10.00 10.00 14001 14001 14001 Length overall, Length between perpendiculars, Beam molded, Depth Molded, feet, inches 335-6 x 324-0 x 46-0 x 28-6 435-0 x 420-6 x 54-23, x 31-5 435-0 x 424-0 x 54- x 33-9 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26- 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26- L. H. Shattuck, Inc., Portsmouth, N. H. Cargo Cargo Cargo Cargo © Cargo 7- 4-18 10-31-18 10.00 14001 281-6 8-31-18 " 9-24-18 10-29-18 11-27-18 10.00 10.00 10.00 - 10.00 14001 1400 I 1400 I _1400T Xx 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 Middle Atlantic District | Steel Baltimore Dry Docks & Ship | OST) eae aes nee pear ainta 6,200 Rea. | FATE aT een a aaa 6,200 ~=—‘Reg. South Pole oss we 6,200 Req. DAE NOW eos cock nacwieke 6,200 ‘Rea. Pober WANG. occ oxic 6,200 Rea. OER BORE. areas. aces 6,200 Req. NRIWE OS ei cGsoes eee 8,800 Cont. Fort Wayne ......... 8,800 Cont. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd. (Maryland Cargo Refrig. Refrig. Refrig. Refrig. Refrig. Cargo Cargo 10- 6-17 9-28-18 10-31-18 12-23-18 Building Co., Baltimore 1800S 1800 § 1800S 1800S 18008 1800S 2500S 2500S Pa. 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 281-6 x 268-0 x 45-2 x 26-0 853-6 X 339-2%6 x 49-14%, x 26-6 3538-6 X 339-34% x 49-14% x 26-3% 353-6 x 340-0 x 49-0 x 28-6 3538-6 X 339-3146 x 49-14% x 26-34% 353-6 x 340-0 x 49-0 x 28-6 353-6 x 340-0 x 49-0 x 28-6 423-9 x 410-5% x 54-0 x 29-9 423-9 x 410-5% x 54-0 x 29-9 Plant), Sparrows Point, Md. Cape Romaine ....... 7,400 Req. Cargo 5- 4-18. 6-24-18 13.48 2500I 391-9 = Cape Lookout ........ 7,400 Req. Cargo 6-22-18 7-25-18 13.48 25001 typo ; eae pete : a Wrmtegs 2 2c, 11,350 Req. Tanker 3-16-18 5- 6-18 10.52 28001 481-3 x 464-8% x 60-236 ; 29-3 Cape Henry ......... 7,500 Rea. Cargo «3-30-18 5-22-18 10.30 25001. 391-9% x3765° xsaah sone ime May: 238s: 3 10,100 Reg. Cargo 8-24-18 10-22-18 12.00 40001 429-714 x 415-9% x 53-6 - : 31-6 Wheaton KB a toie poesa cots 10,100 = Req. Cargo 9-21-18 11-21-18 12.00 4000I 429-7144 x 415-914 x 53-6 : 31-6 Mansi ae or ; Cont. Cargo 8-17-18 9-27-18. 11.00 25001 391-444 x 377-0 x 52-0 : 29-6 Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Newport News, Va Je Ce DONNGLL, 3452445 6 14,800 ‘Rea. Tanker 11-24-17 1-22-18 10.50 am Munaires ....... Reeser (400.7 hed, Cargo 11-17-17 1- 8-18 11.00 3200 1 385.0 : 370.0 eee Lees H. M. Flagler........ 11,375 Req. Tanker 4-27-18 7-16-18 10.50 26001 477-10 x 463.3 - ee Sales F. D. Asche......... 11,375 Req. Tanker 10-24-18 12- 9-18 10.50 26001 477-9 x 4633 - hr. cee Agwidale ..... TOCA S 7,200 Req. Tanker 9- 5-18 11-16-18 11.00 22001 _~—385-0 ~—x 370-0 : ot : te. February, 19 : Draft, ft. in. 22-6 26-0 26-0 28-1014 23-10% 23-10% 23-1044 23-10%