February, 1919 rchitects Eee eae Se pene ARES AES RE es So i SAR aT AEN ioe 1000 Ton D W 4-Masted Schooner Length 190 eu Beam 36 feet, 8 inches; Draft 12 feet, 10 inches uilt from our plans and specifications. See Dependable Refrigeration You can depend upon Toledo Refrigeration at all times. It will keep the refrigerators on board ship at a given temperature, and requires a minimum of attention. Scientifically designed, strongly constructed, thoroughly reliable—Toledo Refrigeration has stood the test. Orders from the U. S. Ship- ping Board and prominent shipbuilders, indi- cate their approval of it. The unit construction saves time and labor in installing and permits a complete factory test. One and two-ton sets only—ask for prices. Refrigeration Engineering Co. Toledo Factories Building Toledo, Ohio Please mention THE Marine REVIEW THE MARINE REVIEW GIELOW & ORR Ship Brokers eee Ae a sen alias Ali oi eel Marine Engineers Progressive and up-to-date plans and specifications. Supervision of all types of commercial work a specialty. 52 Broadway NEW YORK CITY ’Phone Broad 4673 Absolute Safety \ Highest : | Efficiency Least Bulk and Weight This equipment answers all possible require- ments. KROESCHELL CARBONIC ANHYDRIDE REFRIGERATING EQUIPMENT is in use on the following Lake Vessels: North American; South American; Northland; Seeandbee; City of Cleveland; Detroit III; Tionesta; Juniata; Octorara; Harvester; Noronic; Rochester; Hamonic; Toronto; Arthur Orr; Minnesota; J. H. C. Hagarty; Geronia; Alabama; Nevada and others. May we send you our literature ? KROESCHELL BROS. ICE MACHINE CO. New York City CHICAGO Detroit, Mich. when writing to Advertisers 207