Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), February 1919, Advertising, p. 224

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AN ii TE RA ut A Air Reduction Co........+-++e0% 17 ee Dry Dock & Shipbuilding ane Water Tube Boiler Co....... 196 American Balsa Co., Inc........- 29 American Bitumastic Enamels Co... 174 American Blower Co.......+--++s 31 American Bureau of Shipping...... 36 American Chain Co., Inc........- 197 American Engineering Co........- 199 American Flexible Bolt Co........ 197 American Injector Co........+..- 166 American Line .....-.e+e+eseeee 221 > American Manganese Bronze Co.... 190 American Manufacturing Co....... 26 American Pipe Bending Machine Co. 203 American Screw Propeller Co...... 203 American Ship Building Co....... Ae A Sa RY Cp ae IS 87 to 44 incl. American Steam Gauge & Valve Mfg. COs oie ee rome elciiniors ects wb 179 Anderson, V. D., Co., The Speer o tere 166 Ashton Valve Company ay Sd a 196 Atlas Steel Casting Co..........- 185 B Babcock & Wilcox Co., The....... 170 Badenhausen Co. ....--.-eseeees 170 Ballin Water Tube Boiler Co....... 162 Baltimore Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Oe Bia ak a ereeiere serie are weer Barton, ohn Wisse als oes 226 Bayonne Bolt & Nut Co.........- 209 Beatty, M., & Sons, Ltd......... 58 Benjamin Electric Migs: C05 cies 19 Benson Electric Co...........--> 15 Bernstein Mfg. Co............+> 198 Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd. 189 Betsy Ross Flag Co., Inc......... 197 Boland & Cornelius. Pi roa ei Cee 200 SoBOKeN: 00.5) THC s sere soins c's cece 11 -Borne & Serymser Co............ 205 Boston & Lockport Block Co...... 215 Brauer, Justus & Son........... 219 Bryant Electric Co............%- 183 Buffalo Dry Dock Company..37 to 44, inc. c Camden Forge €o..........-.+++ 80 Carey CG.) THC fein hws eo se 162 Carlin Co., Anthony, The........ 196 Carnegie Steel Co........005-ss- 12 Carpenter, Geo. B., & Co......... 59 Cassco Bar-Metallic Packing Co... 162 Central Foundry Co............+. 195 Champion Rivet Co............. 63 Chase Machine Co............-- 219 Chelsea: > Clock C05. <cies . cie ieee 196 Chesapeake Iron Works........... 182 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co....... 209 Chicago Ship Bldg. Co....37 to 44 incl. Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co Sat etait 217 Cochran Pipe Wrench Mfg. Co..... 192 COCR WIEN CO, scapes ia ie ce bin 0 195 Columbus Bolt Works Co., The.... 25 Collingwood Shipbuilding Co....... 54 Columbian Hardware Co.......... 192 Commercial Boiler Works......... 204 Continental Iron Works, .The...... 172 Cory, Chas, c& Son. Ane... 66 3 191 Covington Machine Co............ 184 Crandall Engineering Co.......... 56 Crane: Coe wccs e's ore Ai somerak o Wreck ie 88 Crescent Machine Co. Pe her Eid arbooe 194 POUSE- HANGS: COs; ie ace ofc acacia es a8 NS er ONIITIB CO's. 5 vis oic'e wise cso 193 D DAKO FINGING: COs, ie: ops oc ele oie ee 0.0 176 Davidson & MHudson............. 202 ‘DeLaval Steam Turbine Co........ 161 Denver Rock Drill Mfg. Co....... 222 DIGWP RTO MILE, OO rics vont 'e ecb-sotis'e « © 169 Detroit Shipbuilding Company..... riety cere vie ds wesol cto; -44,, ine). De Vilbiss Mfg. Co Diamond Power Specialty Co Diamond Rubber Co., Donnellys Wes, :2 Gis sieves be cee Wi E ee es ee Dravo Contracting Co Drein, Thos., & Son Co Duquesne Electric & Mfg. Co Durkee, Chas. D., & Co., Inc Eckliff Circulator Co Edes Manufacturing Co., Electric Hose & Rubber Co Electric Steel Foundry Electrose Mfg. Co Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical eee e eset ewe eee ere reene ee ee eee ee Fairbanks, Morse & Co Farley,.Edward P., Co Ferdinand, L. W., & Co Ferro Supply Co. Fletcher, W. & A., Co Agra Co. - Port Huron Ship eee eee ewe eee meee ee Pe ee ee ey Galbraith, C. C., & Son Gas Engine & Power Co. & Charles L. Seabury & Co., ts pea 189 General Asbestos & Rubber Co. General Electric Co Geyser Boiler Appliance Co Pe ee ed Pee ee Goodall Rubber Co., Inc ich, B. F., Rubber Co White & Garry Gracey, R., & Sons Co Great Lakes Engineering Works.... Griscom-Russell Co., Hanna, M. A., & Co Hardie-Tynes Mfg. Harsch, John, Bronze & Fdy. Co., Ea Pry ener ie AO tae I aN A Heinie Safety Boiler Co Heppenstall Forge Co Heppenstall Forge & Knife. Co Hobbs, Clinton E., Co Duncan & Leckie 202 Homestead Valve Mfg. Co Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co eo eee eee eee ee eee eens Howden & Co., James Hutchinson & Co eee eee eer see Independent Pneumatic Tool Co.... Industrial Works Ingersoll-Rand Co. International Mercantile Marine Co. Irving Iron Works Co Isherwood, J. W ee ee ee ey ee Johnston Brothers Keller Pneumatic Tool Co Kerr Machinery Corp Kidd, Joseph, & Son Kilbourne & Clark Mfg. Co Kingsford Foundry Klaxon ats Cr ere eC ee ee ee ey Ce ee ee Kroeschell ce, Ice Mach. Co. THE MARINE REVIEW HAMA HAT HA A mm LN L Lake Erie Boiler Works........+- Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co...... Lane, C. M., Life Boat Co....... Larkin, J. K., So CO Siar ses stators Leschen, A., & Sons, Rope Co..... Liberty Shipbuilding CO Se eke. Liberty Steel Products Co., Inc... Lidgerwood Mfg. Co..........- Sore Linde Air Products Co., The...... Livingston, J., & Co., Inc....... Locomotive Superheater Co....... Longmans, Green & Co.........-. Lorain Coal & Dock Co....:.... Lunkenheimer Co. .....2ee--eeere McDougall-Duluth Co. .........-- McIntosh & Seymour Corporation. . McLouth, Sydney C............-- McNab Company, The..........-- Malleable Iron Fittings Co....... Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co........ Marconi Wireless -Telegraph Co. FARING ICR Fo city cco wbetete wis te'eiarars arwt Marine City Reporting Co........ Marine Decking & Supply Co...... Marine Equipment Co.......... 64 Mark Mion CO. cc cet ce ee ties Martell Packings Co............. Mechanical Rubber Co........... Metal & Thermit Corp........... Milburn, Alexander, Co........... Milton Mfg. Co., The............ Milwaukee Dry Dock Co...37 to 44 incl. Milwaukee Electric Crane & Mfg. Moon;Geos Ci, CG ace eeieieis ones Morris Machine Works........... Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc.... Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co..... Murphy Varnish Company......... N National: Chain Cossiii 3. ees National Life Preserver Co........ National Roofing Co............. National Transit Pump & Mach. ; Natroco Paint & Varnish Works... . New York Blue Print Paper Co.... New York Engineering Co......... Norbom Engineering Co........... Northern Engineering Works....... Norwalk Iron Works Co........... 0 Ober’s Mig. Co. Thes <2 ie: Ohio= Blower? Corks cee Ohio Shipbuilding Co............. Oldham, George, & Son, Co....... Oldman Boiler Works, The....... Oliver Iron & Steel Co.......... Osho SG CO sii eee a Pane born: Corps. ssi: cosa is wena es Penberthy Injector Co............ Pickands, Mather & Co.......... Pioneer Boiler Works............. Pittsburgh Thermoline Co........ Pneumercator Co.,' Inc. ....:.0.... Polson Iron Works, Ltd.......... Bowery Tas Ge COM weaionsce aren Raymond Releasing Device, Inc... Refrigeration Engineering Co...... Reid, QOD ACO ics ste oee Ritchie; Bs Sax: Sone icc ect Rocky River Dry Dock Co....... Roebling’s, John A., Sons Co..... Rounweilen 65: Core ce ec Please mention Tue Marine Review when writing to. Advertisers A A February, 1919 Rulotsony-cAe Oop COs bs 6 ocic cee Russell & Watson, Inc......... o Saginaw Shipbuilding Co........ ee Savage Arms CO......ssecceves Schutte & Koerting Co........... Severance, S., Mfg. Co........... Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co. Sanco take a eteleceoeinene Front. cover, 227 Shearer, H. T., Machine Co..... <1 243 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co...... jan oO Shipbuilders’ Machinery Co., Inc... 72 Shipbuilders’ Pneumatic Tool Co... 228 Siggers °& Siggers.. 2. fois cece c's 198 Skinner & Eddy Corp............ 52 Smart-Turner Machine Co., Ltd.... 201 SinithGe Bros: orc ase ce poe ee cae 204 Smith, Fassett & Co............ ST Sperry Gyroscope Co., The........ 183 St. Lawrence Marine Railway Co... 199 Stanley, We: Wiis sth 5 < oc ceve ap one 180 Stimpson, Edwin B., Co.......... 219 Stover: Go Stover oii.) vis ferscsesip-e's o> 202 Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co........ 30 Sullivan Lumber Co., Inc......... 193 Sun Shipbuilding Co............. 50 Superior Iron Works Co.......... 200 Superior Ship Building Co..37 to 44 incl, Wy Taylor Instrument Co............ 203 Taylor, S. K., Lumber Co........ 220 Thacher, Geo. H.,: & C0, ..csisen ce 187. Thatcher Furnace Co............ 198: Thomas’ Grate Bar Co... 2... 0066 20: Thomas Spacing Machine Co...... 228 TORI cab eas 5 COlace cuaisie ae eeeereteteres 201 Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co...... 48. Tioga Steel & Iron Co........... 82 Todd Dry Docks, Inc............ 48: Toledo Shipbuilding Co., The...... 49: POPPING. SBROSss sescerel stis <i ehe eis pees 28: rout, Has Gis COn swiss oe bes 201 U Union Steam Pump Co........... 22 Union Water Meter Co........... 195 United Engineering & Foundry Co.. 73 We Ss Brae?’ CO ast cues os ecas eee 198 U. S. Metallic Packing Co........ 217 United States Rubber Co.......... 211 Upson-Walton Co., The.......... 24 Vv Vanesres JOS COs c's sen biace wins 200 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co......... 75 Vulcan Iron Works, Inc.......... 168 W Wagers ROWBI SH <c's.0 wi elb eis 5 occ .. 198 Walker, Thomas, & Son, Ltd..... 196 Ward, Charles, Engineering Works.. 86 Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill....... 202 Waterbury Company ............. 173 Wellman Products Co...........- 199 Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co. ...... 74 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.6, 7 Wheeling Mold & Fdy. Co........ 167 Whiting Foundry Equipment Co.... 186 Whiting, John L.-J. J, Adams Co.. 225 Whitlock Cordage Co............. 187 Williamette Iron & Steel Works. . 9 Warns ewe jose 82 Wilson Welding & Metals Co., Ine Pirate gine cutee Siac aeieck NG AD Woodworkers Tool Works Sete seieaee 193 Woven Steel Hose & Rubber Co.... 217 Wyatt, Thomas Mfg. Co.......... 185.

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