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Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), February 1919, Advertising, p. 78

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78 THE MARINE REVIEW. INL ANIIVUNTTUTAUUTLUT i TN a ae Fr Gti im: TTT HUIINAUUTTAUUE UU a i { 4, Carried 110,591 U.S. Troops Across| as cing 1: ee ne Ie Woo s 2 Atlantié in 10 Trips, on One Trip “Aca ae ; :* s x Fe hn , ‘ Wotld’s Troop Transportation cg nai: ; Se ay! a ile ao Record—Men Whe Commanded|||?::< OD Cae Te ae We a ees 1) . oS Soa i ; eat’ f L 3 t i : ; Her Om Her History - Making\\\.:3.% Veyages. ‘ é “ge - f ry f ; : xy Ss : eae By John W. Lawrence, ‘ a ‘ : , SAL: re ‘ sale - bee thoy. i ERE A® tho stor} of thd Leviathan, ‘told in coniplete and authentle ‘ dae kp eee Sy 2 ; Ke sym 4 , Stall for the fry time. The tog ob {his ship. greatest of all float- : Ing things, dates {rom September, 191\ whén she was seized by the Unlteg/States Government and converted from \he Hamburg-American pas- sengrr liner Vaterland to the United States Naw! Transport Leviathan. “*. The story of-her career since the Stars and Stiges displaced the!three- barred flag of Gormany at ber taffrail constitutes on, of the most‘remark- mble and brillivut chapters iv Uhe maritime history of this country. ‘The {eats che bas performed under the direction of Uuited States naval officers <**H1 live in bistory fong after the famous Leviathan has folnd her way to] t scrap heap or to Davy Jones's jocker. ‘The¥ will pro\ably, never bo é z 3 hy, me Kvn mooms, 2606 * : si . oot i ie : cM " er " hdalled, : : mie _Hvia the best part of It all is that | se The Germans eald it couldn't be dote. |) the U boat crew that ewitd deliver ‘ sie her deathblow. et Nhea tuey left thelr biggest we in} But the Leviathan steamy on un Me world Hig atushe ‘Hamburs- N Marrying 11,478 Men, Breaking ors a Peer. a ee Cees ies : Sa ahs thundle thé. work-of any New York ‘ i acathed, lugging thousandy wid thou-| American pletd' In Hoboken, Jn. Sep-] Sands of ocean miles, deliv eting ative temben 1M7,.and American aval of- | drab armies to France ant gles Seers nud Jackien swatmed gboard,|U>.recor@ In apegd and eificiencas $¢ ¥ 3 ‘the Germans Jadulged m a sly smirk, which the Germans tlonselyed gover Thoy Ayuyed that tivis 58,000-ton thought her capabie, All this was accomplishod by Mnited queen of tha sever scaa would prove on Unansweruble puzzle’ to the Yas- States naval officers why bag never’ had any previous experience in thy kees, - ‘ operation of transatlantic. passenger * “They wouldn't be able to run-her/liners and by seamen who, for tho even if we bad left her in perfect} most part, hud never becn on a siip eondition,” they’ xaid. “But with all «rections for operating the ship do- of even half the tonnage of «tie Ktroyed and a few German nionles Leviathan. ‘ {An the opinion of all thoxe fami) ivrencher dropped eurefully into “her bidar Vitols, ‘the great Vaterland will stand With the great steamer’ war record she hus been handled better and these Americans on their heads,” more efficiently by her American , Seecc“ace Xoo But the Germans hadn't Ngured on 4 ul i the Ingenuity, {nitlativesand pluck of FORMERLY SWIMMING Pool. through thé Narrows, a record the}with Her she ‘was In bettér ehape, The ship had been lying at Hoboken | Commander Harold Cunnineneam U. y re than i 3. Frese pia Alesis vole ent Ger aver sfonye vith the am isha ute Pula [ae May ag ug WE Ce i on ON Dae Wakag ihe hint bee ante Ee Vaterland or the Impetator. — fyards In Hamburg: It was on tb | Woodwird sbcveeded ae tanine up her | versel’s skipper, the work of etcer! oth ry ¥ hold of the Vater- ay ip Din paca Arab tiers rat Nala f fagines to he point where they woul nd directing bor course hus be nays: took hold uf ¢ omhmander of ‘the lathan and to} she develoned_a ( By jdeevioy sutittfent power to arve wer “ulfoaG air y- Corn Rian daatere edi 1 x + |53,v00 tons at twenty-four kuvt« per|der Cunningham, ‘Those, who hy great deal of the credit} The Leviathan's log eurds for Hee ye her i rind pun to Guantantne| Watched hint at his Sreusdeciure thet for the vast amount of work whicn}two ea3t and weft bound voynig: Com:nander Woodward's: hottie is he could tell Commodore Ruser and had to be done before the liner could] when she was flying the German tox | Charleston, W, Va. He if a graduate} his five Captuins o great deal abput be put into commission as a transport. |do wot show that sh® ever attained a St Aninipolis and 16 Sok vot thirry-five’ Bavigal ing the Lasteviany Reon: has new eo ne - . idm | YOars A 4 ef Enginecr of the | der Cunningham {s one o: or the Ley vanaaegd: with by any of ioe bac ae medio on the Levin-|speed jn extexs of 22 khots. COM-Ihigeost steamer in the world. he was|icaa naval officers aboard the Levi- aval commanders “who havi iG resulted in his promotion to’ the}modore Ruser, her German commAn- |louth to talk of what he had done to} athan who has successiully ‘handled been. on her bridge since phe wil arid ‘of Reay Admiral. ‘a der told the (writer when the ship Aisne Tavistbae fo do‘her part in} the that ‘couldn't be doh “at tuken over u . Capt. Oman re ed in coffipand S dew | helping to subfue the coyntry whos« | work has won the admiration and ce- xs y this Government. hei i eit in toi made her malgen voyage to wor Gar aheanch ten. rah " Fee a Konnelouakipoers) Bayh will bf remembered ‘that bovd{et the-Leviathan Mnti) March 1, 191% | York that she had been designed’ for | “jie smiled bashfully when avked to|here'and abroad, He took the que the Vateriand and her. sister ship.J V2" be was succgeded by Capt. Ha susthined apéed of 21 knotg. He tell of bis work in the ae eh the Imperator, created all sorts of F Bran, C. 5. NP IN bealth caused} denied that alte shad been constructed | gine room of the exsVaterland, “i}erous Mersey and put her, :nto the confusion in the North River eve: Capt, Bryan to relinquist-the. bridge, |to compete with the Lusitana-ahd Wasnt the Sanast doe ever tacjsldg," |eomplicated and intricate Lavetpont lime they arrived ‘ere, It took any, | ahd Ne was, succeeded by Cape: W. W. |Alauretuna and said be did ndk-be ‘couldn't be dqne.” “That kindof artey on cata e Syalsioon itatawad Hy 2 fe tn ° ec y uF ai I m the ig ova at . whérg from’ two to, five near fe P¥elps, U. 8 N., who Is ndvt the.Le- [vere she could a, peti doesn't exist tn, te United Staleblones the Valeriand’s luxuriuus” “lis land, changed har nume to the U. 8, 3. Leviathan and in a few short weeks she was arrying a ktokied urmy Of doughbolys to Prance. Whon the armipticd was signed, this Uhree-funnelled dnonster had made ten round trips a&yoss the Atlantic as ‘w payd tronspor$ and had deposited u& grand total of (110,591 American sol- diers in France dind England. “LEVIATHAN’S fever CARGOES é * The great diMculty exporiphced by Commodore Hans Rusor, her German spoimander, and-hig five Captains In dooking the big liner in Hoboken THE GREATEST EVER CARRIED. Last July the feviathan agiled out of the Port of ww York bound for Brest with Atotal of 14538 souls aboard, the atest number to cross “apy ooban on avy ship. On that voy- ‘age abe expAbiished fer world’s rep- s* ‘a bractlo: er 3 u these vessels to tie up at the Mdm. | Vidthan’s skipper. 1 ae pies heist poet ri Rie RU AVE HES secugh Umelot ft fot} orary, on E deck, sity jhe man who burg-American piers after leaving | NAVAL OFFICER PERFORMS THE| ‘The Leviathan as she {x runniis | just how ava it was hard to tél) tacts ‘in the capacity, of “business Be - Ls ge the Germans nager” of the ship. To say that he Quarantine. . TASK THAT “COULDN'T to-day witb an American «rew| bad done “ > Lasers reraen ae reve: MOtIS On one occasion the Vaterland, in| BE DDNE.” D aboard would give the Maureiaiia al “They did all sarts of tricky,things| fiver would he stating the case con- : e 088 uss bis UCed, Ute vl | wit . ‘ backing out o¢ ber pl Tee man who Refinfly chargdd tne |r Zane maton tne wees, Ue | mith tnewe eneinen. and Nt mgs Recte Vearvacivey., be iy Lieut Commander . H. Bla! . Ue BD : = At the Hegin- |. ord 1b tps Perec Sho car] ning of an Giatwardlt Veragee Sei bambchger Iiner-Vaerland: amd Athe ltt the proper cowl were use 1a Ayn hilirey the steam into Mer. Af we had {25 eles vied yelis eyidiers, completely across tho Hudson aaj | tansport Léyiithan, however, i8i cient Yuuutities, that ine Leviagbsb | overlooked anything there mieht have Cae eee ea cides hear hee. recurd eclipses that made by cond lower the Mauretunias Urfins-|becn an accident that would have huge White Star ner Olympic, Vsland'’s sine troopship, when she ‘Sailed from Montreal in the suamer vf 1915 with 8100 Canadian troops aboard.* as ‘The Leylathan ‘eeldom: made “an eastward Veyage’as a transport with teas than 16,490 figitingymes, On sov- cral trips she had close to 11,000, . Im moving this American Army to Sr Commander V. V. Woodward, |r ticsworid's tewutd gor ivur uy | Jone more damage thitn ie Germans executive, officer of tie: Levintinn B. N., the ship's chief engineer, [Cy hours aud fortysone winuess did. tabbe thate what they were |ever sincs she was’ tikeh-avar bythe On Lieut. Commander, Woodward’ | Rear Admiral Oman, Cape: yan Agusing on. panes stuff up a pipe Boxer ane the eae pe Bele sho’ A the we r and Capt: Phelps are bberul in i@ewr sortewhere about forty feet below the Lp th gi aha . baths tate ntind praise a the wotk done on thle. | waterline, and it would take usa week }mass of detalls-that netessarily arise e. “Feviathun's crippled. engines.) Vithan by Lieut: Coumanicr W ‘tolocate it. Most of ‘the trouble took | in conducting ths affairs Gia Hoating whichghad becn mutilated, scarred ward. To lim and his Staff thay §.ve | «week to Jocate and a few hours to! city... ries A ant refidered uséleds by Ker German j the, credit for the splerdig condition Mx. Bua Ranged about him- tn hig officé are : “But the gtedit doesn't helong to| Ns staff of ‘assistants mostly petty Bs 7 the giant transport ls In’ to-day gine- ¥ crew, He aa the xask that enmcioalty: : Baad me. It belongs ‘to the officers arid | oMcers, and a corps of stenogréphers. > Most of the engineer:ng force pnat | men whoeworked umier me, They | Newrby “1s a tolephone pwitchboard, ne Leviathan waw lurned nt aboard the Lev.athan when the! worked duy and night lo get those} Which. connects him with: nearly « Garman, fg was huuled down =. engines in ‘shape so thatthe yésao}| thousand Rhee ne the, ship and rauinmed the Southern Pacific piers on the New York wide. Two coat barges were sunk and a aleamer damaged, © The smoothness wit “which the mammoth Leviathan has becn han- died by her United States Navy navi- gators has been ttip marvel of ship- ping circles both hee axd abroad. When Capt. J. W. Oman, U. 8. 'N.. took the Leviathan out’ fer the nrsi@pver lo Woodward her ‘engines had ard. Besides Licut, Comniafder| could get in line and do her bit’ in sahil the outside | Framip tho Lpiiuthan neler lost @| time there were those whi were wiloeen all but wrecked. A Well-known cdward they ure Dieuté, TClsakiae behins Lei tor seaken in ihe cOurse ofa five minutes’ man, ‘Never bad a xcrious accident,/ing to wager that he wduldiq't react firm Of marine’ contractors..4n ; this |jMes, W. H. Schluter, Xe Wy; Andis, }it' you're Koing to give ang credit te conversation with an Evening World never varied from the schedule laid port lobed her ‘over and ag I, Edwards, W. Lau, J. Hi, Pithker, | anybody give it to them, They de- reporter ; to-day ;Commander Black- Ambrose Channel without a jymahal Capt. Oman, now a Rear . Aqipir backed the 950-foot transport aut g fy c 5 e: E e kod found’ tine to -issue -twenty- *it couldn't. 60 done." One ex irge Kreser, James Watson, W. S.| ydrve it, burn if —— atts, L. D. Miter, R. C. Byght: seven .orders, sign.@' doten papers, T would take six months and ian Lewy Leventhal: Magnints! GERMAN-. EFFICIENCY PROVED talk: to Washington on the long dis- her Hoboken pier, took_her to'Guanggmose to-a-million to put the big Wilson und W. H, Dunden—all-ogshc| !N DAMAGE TO YATERLAND.- |tance phone and: decline two dinner mninsion, : ited States Nuvy. Commander Woodward refused to}invitations. t. wax duc’ to Com- bcteia fine 2 eNerene the freacher— . When itis conwidered Mhat Afere| go into details segarding the nature | Mander Blatkburn‘s courtesy that/.an ous shoals of the West Indies, and was no dry @bck on the ftlantiowes lof the damage done by the Vater- Evening. World representative was i si J down for ber by, the Navy Depari- ment and accomplished all this in tho fxvo of determined and repeated cf- forta on the port of combined U boat tieets to “get” her. ‘The Leviathan was the most hunted brought, her back. to New. York us|ward, idea utenantw;one|poard large enobgh tq-accomm@Bate |land's German crew, He admitted.) ablé-to Inspect the Leviathan from ship om the North Atlantic. She was|though it Was an‘ everyd +| Easign cand: two hinists from ‘the | the Leviathan. an all the Jr |.however. that German efficiency char-| stem to stern, Jt was the firat tine the prizewe tune for which og b- es fal EySax eect orn ys paki 9 » 3 . f while shtsaay.| anterized their methods of rendering | that such pernii: ag. been given tata : <2 Shea eras es “ oe United States DUA went gud the | fe , the Tevoyg’ of] the Levlathun’s machinery use strep -w: a marine.commendor alpoxa- The Kai-!-- Capt, Sqn “iick ani eienin Pyhis and had wr ready Yr sea in-' Commander Woddward and his abi -| The actual navigating of the ii orking smoothly. with” Command- fter passing side of two mgMths. Whenehe finished tonts Is all the More ramorkab)as {transport has been. directed by Lidot. er. Blackburt is Paymaster N. V. oer Rimself offered a purso of $10,000 an hour and a, hay Sa Seer TROOP CANT. | 2a os : . Leet CEN A - ERR Bah ec A MS ey mer pT Tce me AD TEENY yyy ee - . . : "| : SWING FOOL. of the seas up the narrow phd treach- DESIGN OF THE NAVAI-TRANSPORP LEVIATHAN, SHOWING HOW TROOPS WERE ACCOMMODA ori iC CA Plastic-Are TORY OF THE LEVIATHAN, GREAT W. oMficer, His duties are a9 numeross Blackburn, {t is his job to provid ror the feeding of a crew of near, 2,000 tm addition to the number of {rodps the vessel happens to be car- tying.‘ All manner of supplies re- duived by the ship, from the 4,500 tons Of coal she Consumés in a single voy- age to the soap used in the baths, ba to be ordered through Paymas- ter Farwell. The Levyiathan's medical officer is Surgeon George T. Vuughan, U. 8. N. K. ¥,, one of the most popular officers nbourd ship, Under Surgeon Vattghan ix w staff of doctors Jarge enough to hobpital os x5 tn : ‘Surgeon Vaughan in 1908 performed un operation on.the throat of Kalser Wilhelm Ll, In recent months he bas bean heard to express the wish that bad that uperation to perform over aguin. “It would be one of those suc- cexstul opetutions in which the pa- tient dies,” he said, to-day... |» Sensational stories of thrilling en counters between the giant transport and ficets of German subsea fighters. have been circulating through every State in the Union from the day dhe made her first voyage to Liverpuot with the Stars and Stripes flying trom her taffrall, “She made teat par- ticular voyage to’ Liverpool for’ the purpose of going into arydock to’have her bottom scraped. THE LEVIATHAN’S ENCOUNTERS WITH, WV BOATS. : To listen to the Jackies aboard t Leviathan one ‘would believe she’ dé- stroyed at Jeast one submarine every voyage hey felate thrilling tates thar crow more colorful with every telrfing: ‘The dea hus bad the w 1 known effect of keying up their im pemetions aS ‘The crutn is very modestly told by the Leviatoan's officers. They de- ciare that re dig steamer has had shree actual brushes with U_ hoats. ine occurred in midocean and the others within a day's run, of re French coast. There have been numerous submarine “scarps,” bth the snip’s oricers will vouch for only reat conflicts, % See of «nese attacks enemy. sub- marines were actually sighted. In the other a torpedo was seen to pass’ 150 yarde astern of the ship This, accoraing to her officers, Is tne nearest the Leylathan ever came (6 being hit. She was never shelled. €6- spite numerous stories @ the aireot that she had exchanged many sbom with pursuitig U boats. One attack in July of this year Wal, ‘earried out by a Meet of at leawt wit wooatsxand, the Leviethan'’s offers peli@ve, was. planned after the Germay cormmanders had received accurate in formation as to the big. transport’ Moverfrents. * Ry dn this fight one rine was sighted by the Leviathan aid stink by a rata of explosive shells from her bat- tery of, ¢ight six-inch guns. , Two of these rifies are perched on the fo'castle head, two in the forward well deck: two in the after well deck and two on the poop. The submarine in the July attack Was seen to aitk, the Leviathan's of+ ficers say, her back-broken by‘ explo- pions .and her ‘bow and stern pointed skywards, The transport’s convoy drove off the other raiders aid sank at least one of them. ca The Leviathan gets no‘credit for or body of picce of wreckage was picked up., This is retired by the Governme: before officlil -credit 19 given for the sinking.” °".. In this encountur the pliant. troop- ship employed for fhe first time i the history of naval warfare a syste of defense that was “made-in Amer- leg.” It consists of a submarine bar- ragé laid down by an American 3 ventign khown as a Y gun. The Lo- viathan hasawo of these, Ong mount- ed jn the sjern’ and the other in the bow. From aach end of ve” ¥% in hurled a depid bomb containibg 350 pounds of TNT, the most deadly ex- plosive_known. The homba drop into the water at a dixtance of-300 yards on each side of the vessel and expldto at a depth of seventy-five feet.. . _ HUGE SHIP EQUIPPED WITH sinking a submarine, as no a Used um tne sveuing foi Ome MOV “SUBMARINE BARRAGE” GUNB. | When both of the Leviathan's ¥ guns are working the sbip is com- plaey cncircled with submarine tarrage thot would. acedtding to her gunyers, destroy any U bout in the viciaity or at least start ber seama jleakdng.and force her to"comé to the surmce. This burrage would divert or eause the premature explosion of ny torpedo, the Leviathan’ = he jare that one bt effective Doge attacks of any weapon invented R FERRY ‘ ! Karwoll, U. 3. N., the’ abip’s eupply dnd exacting as those of Commander! uring the war, The big tray rried ninety-five naval gunners The amount of food carried dy the Leviathan since the United States entered the war is #0 mong. ical that her officers bave ytvey up trying to keep trac! figures. 5 Fs tated Commander, Blackburn fold the writer to-daye that it was inipomine to give figures that would even ay. prodiners the Ne Let ep OF food aken to France “Eng! big ship. ; . aes “We have figured ‘that ‘im a sing? trip we have carried partes food ts aupoly. phn peorld - for months," xa mmander Black! “That would’ Mean that tn mer ta voyagt across .the . Atlantic” the Leviathan nhs transported: samt food to supply a city of 130,000 pe Sapa eh ki tii nm every one of her ttl Leviathan left this Dore wit toe ‘D—Drawn by L. BIEDERMAN jammed into every concet pact that wasn’t occupled. by a gt Having been designed for’. passengers, the Leviathan yee Wane jodde for cargo. Her regtat cargo arrying capacity js only’ 3,000 tons, jowerer, she has ‘the most spacioun Méerage quarters of any slip: afoat end _thte'was packed solid, with foog- stufir om every voyage, E The ship has ‘almo, dreht: “ohilict rooms,” which Were designed Yor tii: transportation of imported German beers to this country. Thee ‘were * turned to valuable account whet ®¥o. became an American transport, Ther, accammodated thovsangs of tons of perishable food. =. * CARRIED 11,000 TROOPS ACROSS, WITH NO CROWDING. Although more than 11,000 troapa {were carried hy the Levikthan’ in a single voyage there was no crowd- ing, no contuafon, and every may had his owp bunk, ‘There war. Mubling up. except at meal tiny: when the Joughboys were” feu ise three relays. . < * When the soldiers. go dhoafd ship they ore handed amay poi My booklets with complete Instautw - covering everything reauirea Of thaw i during the voyage. The seldigr’s lin. jon, the anip has Véer 96 rosoughl,* ayntemutized that it baw Suse sible for the ship's ninet¥-f¥e took», yeelght bakers and seventers stewards to feed 11.609 men im just neventy minutes. biv ws the Labvie- than’s record, and der ofits ore roud of it. Lt neve? takes more thin Wo huwrs to (eed 10,0 men on the ‘ranaport. Bo mM wio knew whe Viteriand” a: she Was ih 1911 wowid reeagniz- tls ‘heriot of the Leviathan meafar Most Bf the beadtiful cabled hate out eway TamK¢ soem Es) | este Drew nysb lieow ah Ls weliiere | An Sifstrutew of this be etn fn vhar was nite the ohty secona Omae eubin. Here one spilt aettion 7 sigteroome nas heen moved an ah atince now ancomme dates 2,000 troop» What wan once fe grand salon ana dallroom in now tae nompita ¥ sick Day with 146 beds. two operti: ing rooms and 4 bucterlologteat je Dboratery, The moun dining rou with ‘ta beautiful pillars ond ..eure’ decorations Jw now the Tun tro: mess. da). he foriner smote loung- ig now & « officers, What wo» oved the Ril cae vestuurint is ROW the mexe all for Ce und navy officers an? .any drat, puss Civitan puanengers who Mapoen to be abodyd » & ie alr br, Reid » The Ole gmowing rod. wil x Wood CATY > ings i: ollicers~. Cirxplan ola polde ‘religiou¢ wry ‘het was fhe Mijn hall aie acund Rairway nag sow deoh' decked cver and is belng ufea as an ix-lation ward‘ for contagious cuses. The hdge entrance ‘hall.on the mai deck ix now a diet Kitchen sand sleeping quarters for ‘pentries, , The famous Pompeian: bath with its Ge«foot swi ming.pool iv how used lor hag and njail. All the snip's luxutons sttin: hie: been removed: : 1 away in‘one-of the forme: Memburs- ‘American Line piers. . Ht wouldn't de right to closet this gtory -withoyt mentiontge one ofr who is ay proud of the: ship's reto~t as though she hud fhevor been Gi man, He is Lieut. Commander Jouu Metayer, French Navy, whe dg, the vessel's French pilot. If Count William Hoh@@Pollern: reads this.record of tis fore? mari- , time pet It ought to provide ding witty much food for melan iy ro. pection, It might bring Neagre: & goypt and filmy apparitiqs of a ed Albert Hallie. swan of. inariit suprewaer OT Ine uy jade this story powuth', 3 Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers

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