168 street, Vancouver, B. C., is reported to be con- templating the erection of a drydock at Vancouver. An addition to the plant of the Ohio Shipbuilding Co., Cleveland, is under consideration. L. J. Weatherwax, Aberdeen, Wash., plans the erec- tion of a plant for the building of small boats. The Foundation Co., Victoria, B. C., has awarded a contract for marine boilers to the Vulcan Iron Works. The Empire Drydock & Contracting Co., Prince Rupert, B. C., is contemplating building car ferry shops. The Todd Dry Dock & Construction Corp., New York, has increased its capital stock to 70,000 shares of common stock and 5000. shares of pre- ferred stock. The active working capital of the cor- poration is’ $850,000. : The boiler house and sawmill of the Russell Ship- building Co., Hast Deering, Me., recently were dam- aged by fire. Plans have been completed for the erection of a torpedo storage building to cost about $250,000 at the naval torpedo station, Newport, R. I. - The Mobile Shipbuilding Co., Mobile, Ala., recently increased its capital from $1,000,000 to $5,000,000. The Boston Marine Works, Boston, has been incor- porated to build boilers and machinery with $50,000 capital by Thomas McGrath and Comelius J. Dono- yan, both of East Boston, Mass., and Wallace J. Hatfield, fverett, Mass. The bureau of yards and docks, navy department, Washington, is having plans drawn for a galvanizing plant, to cost about $110,000, to be erected at Norfolk, Va. The bureau of yards and docks, navy department, Washington, has awarded a contract for the installa- tion of two cranes in its machine shop at Ports- mouth, N. H. The government recently closed a contract with the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co. for the construc- tion of six steel barges to cost $390,000. This is part of the allotment of 18 barges the government intends to operate between St. Louis and New Or- leans to test the practicability of using the upper Mississippi as a transportation route. The Seattle Chain Co., Seattle, recently was award- ed a contract by the government for anchor chains to equip 40 steel vessels. The metal used in making these chains will weigh approximately 2,500,000 ' pounds. The officers of the company are: G. P. Goggin, president; Mr. Kjos, vice president and A. J. Kellogg, secretary and treasurer. | The Merchants Shipbuilding Corp., Harriman, Pa., has just completed a hotel for its shipyard workers. This structure covers nearly a full block and has a frontage of 439 feet with four side wings 162 feet long. The structure contains 479 rooms. ‘The hotel will be under the management of Paul R. Boardman with Robert C. Hintz as assistant. The machine shop owned by the Canada Steamship Lines, Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., located at the foot ‘of James street, was damaged by fire with a loss of $15,000. Plans have been prepared for the erection of ship- yards for the Foundation Co., Ltd., Victoria, B. C. Bayley Hipkins is manager. The Marine Engineering & Drydock Co., Providence, R. I., will build a 1-story, 60 x 305-foot shop and office to cost about $85,000. The Crowninshield Shipbuilding Co., South Somerset, Mass., is to build a 3200-ton marine railway. The Baltimore Dry Dock & Ship Building Co., Baltimore, Md., has opened an office in New York in the Equitable building, 120 Broadway. A $20,000 shipbuilding plant is being contem- plated by the Hudson Shipbuilding Corp.. Tarrytown, New York. ; Wendell P. Baker, Lester B. Donahue, Ira L. An- derson and George W. Wylie have formed a copartner- ship for the general practice of law. The firm name is Baker, Donahue, Anderson & Wylie and the of- fices are located at 27 William street, New York. The harbor of Philadelphia now has an additional THE MARINE REVIEW pier which is modern in all respects. It is located at the foot of McKean street on the Delaware river. Owing to war conditions, the pier had to be com- pleted while it was in use by the United States quartermaster department. The pier will continue un- der government control for some time to come. A ship repair plant will be erected at Perth Amboy, N. J., by the Perth Amboy Dry Dock. The plant will include a drydock, with a capacity of 12,000 tons, machine shop and other facilities. Announcement was made recently that Director General Hines had authorized construction’ of 20 steel combination cargo barges to be placed in opera- tion in the New York state barge canal next spring by. the railroad administration. The boats will be 150 feet long, 22 feet wide, and will have a carry- ing capacity of 500 tons. The barges will be pro- pelled by 400-horsepower motors. City Engineer Cromwell, San Diego, Cal., is pre- paring plans for a mole, or filled pier, to be con- structed 250 feet north of the present municipal pier. The government will furnish the material for filling the mole when the harbor in the vicinity of the pier is dredged. he structure will cost approxi- mately $300,000. The Anchor Co., Washburn, Wis., 623 Thirty-ninth avenue, plans the erection of a shipbuilding plant, to include a machine shop, 120 x 200 feet, black- smith shop and punch shop, 160 x 300 feet and a forge and foundry, 55 x 270 feet. The Boston Drydock & Shipbuilding Co., Boston, Thomas 8. Baker, 721 Hotel Touraine, is taking bids for the erection of a ship repair plant, estimated to ~ cost $6,000,000. ' A new ocean pier is to be constructed at Van- couver, B. C., by the Canadian Pacific railroad. The National Shipbuilding Co., Goderich, Ont., is in the market for new machinery. William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Building Co., Philadelphia, is building a 1-story, 20 x 85-foot machine shop. i Several improvements are in Point Shipyard, San Francisco. A new spur track will be installed in addition to the two miles of track already in use. Space is being prepared for a new 100 x 100-foot warehouse. Other. improve- progress at the Bay UINUUUUUUEULL UL = il WELDING APPARATUS.—The Torchweld Equipment Co., Chicago, has issued an illustrated catalog de- scribing its line of welding and cutting torches. Among the appliances described are those adapted for machine shop and shipyard welding. In_ steel shipbuilding, these torches are adapted to a variety of operations such as welding sheets and plates for various cutting operations. The torches are made In various sizes from 8 to 24 inches in length. The largest size weighs 35 ounces while the smallest weighs: 3 ounces. The smaller sizes are particularly adapted for use by women. BOILER CLEANERS.—A circular. devoted to the boiler cleaning appliance manufactured by the Geyser Boiler Appliance Co., Detroit, has recently been is- sued by that company. It is pointed out that the ‘use of the appliance makes unnecessary the periodical cooling down and washing of Scotch marine boilers, which practice sometimes results in injuries such as broken staybolts, fire cracks and leaky tubes and joints. : It is said that the device removes all mud sludge and other sediment from the boiler. In many cases, it is pointed out, scale formed previously to the in- stallation of the apparatus falls from the heating surfaces, exposing the bare metal. The circular includes an_ illustration showing the principal component parts of the device which are named for ready reference. Among the vessels on March, 1919 ments include an addition to the employes’ restaurant and housing quarters. The yard is building 10 yes- sels for the government. The Chester Shipbuilding Corp., Chester, plans for a plant addition, 37 x 120 feet. The Sun Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Pa., plans to erect a plant addition, one story, 45 » 80 feet. Plans for the erection of an additional machine shop at the plant of the New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J., recently were filed with the city building inspector. The Gaspe Shipbuilding & Trading Co., Gaspe, Que., recently was incorporated to build ships, ete., with $75,000 capital, by Alfred -Lacouvee, H. J, Hyman and Thomas H. Jopling. Improvements including the erection of a boiler house will be made at the plant of the Dominion Shipbuilding Co., Toronto, Ont. The total cost wilt be about $60,000. Plans are being prepared by the Lyall Shipbuilding Co. and the Pacific Dredging Co., both of Vancouver, B. C., for the erection of a drydock estimated to cost $3,000,000. Incorporation papers of the Piscataqua River Towing Co., Kittery, Me., recently were filed. The company is capitalized at $10,000 and was incorporated by H. A. Yeaton, E. Curtis Mathews Jr. and Aaron B. Cole. The company will build boats. The American Pipe Bending Machine Co., Boston, is establishing pipe bending plants in several im- portant manufacturing centers. The first plant is in operation at Lowell, Mass. Pipe bending appliances manufactured by the American company, will be used at all the plants. The company intends to specialize on pipe bending contracts which must be filled on short notice. Each plant will have the necessary facilities for turning out from 1000 to 3000 com- pleted bends per day. The company is capitalized at $100,000, but will be reorganized with -a capital of $1,000,000. The Independent Pneumatic Tool Co., Chicago, has opened a branch office and service station in Cleve- land, ‘at 1103 Citizens building, where a complete line of pneumatic and electric tools, together with repair parts, are carried in stock. The office is in charge of Hayden F. White who has represented the company in Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee districts for many years. Pa., has = IUNUUULUUTLUL NL UNL Which the apparatus has been installed are the Essex, John P. Reiss, Harvey H. Brown, EF. J. Earling, Calcite, M. A. Bradley, Columbia, St. Claire, Brittania, C. W. Cadwell, Annie Laurie, Ariel, Chas. Heidan, John McKerchey, William Livingstone, W. K. Bixby and the Harlow. TOOL STEELS.—A booklet devoted to electric tool Steels has recently been issued by the Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburgh. The booklet contains much valuable information for the buyer and user of steels, written in clear nontechnical language. Several illustrations are included showing fractures of test pieces, as well as views of electric melting furnaces. Two color charts are also included. One gives heat colors with the corresponding temperatures in both Fahrenheit and centigrade while the other gives temper colors with the corresponding degrees of heat in both centi- grade and Fahrenheit. Several useful tables are in- cluded giving weights of flat rolled steel, square, round, hexagon and octagon bars. ARC WELDERS.—A folder devoted to are welding apparatus has been issued by the Wilson Welder & Metals Co., Inc., New York. It is pointed out that the are welding method was successfully employed in repairing the broken cylinder castings of interned Ger- man ships. The folder contains several illustrations showing welder installations and damaged and re- paired castings,