130 THE MARINE REVIEW The Anderson Model “D” Steam Trap makes your steam using apparatus more efficient by delivering live hot steam fo it It also permits you to obtain the highest efficiency from each square foot of heating surface in your plant, by removing the condensa- tion of your steam as fast as it accumulates. It operates continually and automatically at pressures varying from 250 pounds, to gravity. All parts of the Model “‘D”’-Steam Trap are accurately machined to solid gauges and can be replaced at any time, as every part is made interchangeable. WRITE FOR CATALOG We are also manufacturers: of Steam The V. D. Anderson Company, Cleveland, Ohio 32,0) SP Gi Misia atten Ballin Water Tube Boilers The only SECTIONAL BOILER with VERTICAL TUBES INSTALLED IN S. S. “H. B. Kennedy” ........... Fireboats LANE cians cise Cela 5004.H. Pe ee Ma S'S) ?Tacoma’™’. vis; 3680 I. H. P. Geo. H. Williams” . .1000 I. H. P. Ferry “‘Leshi’”’........ 12501.H.P. ‘David Campbell’ ...1800 I. H. P. S. S. “Rose City” ....3000 I. H. P. 5eS3“Soldug’ esis 1500 I. H. P. Suction Dredges U. S. Seagoing Dredge “Duwamish. s/osss:6 1500 I. H. P **P-'S. Michie” ........ 2000 Ten Pe Tualatin’ <; cxcccsese 2500 I. H. P U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp., Supple-Ballin Shipbuilding Corp., 16 3500 sq. ft. H. S. Boilers. G. M. Standifer Construction Co., 20 3000 sq. ft. H.S Boilers. - Steam generated in Vertical Tubes can escape to the steamdrum by its natura! buoyancy, while in horizontal tubes it can only be liberated after being forced with the water into the steamdrum. ‘Think about this important feature and understand why BALLIN BOILERS furnish dry steam. Because of Vertical Tubes BALLIN BOILERS can use smaller tubes, which means Safety, Light Weight, Ease of Repairs and Compactness. BALLIN BOILERS have a large Combustion Chamber; all Engineers know its importance. Sediment will not lodge in Vertical Tubes, for this reason the Engineers like them. For Further Information Address Belin Waicr Tube Boiler Co. East Oak and East Water Sts. Portland, Ore. -Eckliff Boiler Circulators J-H Lifeboat Win dlacces and Rapid Releasing Gears Write today for New Descriptive Folder with =p list of Eckliff users—also Iliustrated Pam- <= phlet showing J-H Windlasses and Gears. 263 The Badenhausen Boiler Is the latest and most important ad- vance in steam engineering. It has absolutely positive, continuous and unrestricted circulation. In consequence of this, its capacity is limi- ted only by the amount of fuel burned. It eliminates all moisture from the steam and su- perheats it 5 to 10 degrees Fahr. which feature alone insures a saving of 5% to 10%. These points of superiority are peculiar to the Badenhausen. boiler and are not found in any other design. Give us the opportunity of explaining to you why the Badenhausen boiler measures up to the requirements of the ideal marine boiler so: successfully as to make May we give you test records and operation data the equal of which you cannot find on any other boiler ? Write us for catalogue and information. _ Badenhausen Co. 1425 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Works: Philadelphia, Pa., on Delaware River You cant operate your Scotch boilers economically and efficiently without Circulation. You can operate them at highest efficiency and lowest expense by install- ing Eckliffs. These Life-saving inventions are the fastest, surest and most economical appliances in the world, for the safe handling of lifeboats. They enable one man to do the work of eight, or more—and in a fraction of the time. ECKLIFF CIRCULATOR CO. Detroit 54 Shelby Street Michigan New York Philadelphia Chicago San Francisco Portland Seattle Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing lo Advertisers CU LET. VT Rae RN GC it the unique boiler among modern steam generators. — Pee ee = ER Peer ee ee