134. THE MARINE REVIEW Me IN the three essential units of a crane—mechanical, electri- an Chesapeake Cranes are known 1 built’ cal and structural—where great strength, ruggedness and the most rugge crane e Sp rigidity are demanded, Chesapeake Cranes have provided tel Write for our booklet “‘How to Judge 4 cites é generous strength factors. Because of their unfailing depenca- It will prove highly interesting and in ormative. bility in standing up under the most gruelling service, t Unusual facilities for early deliveries. Chesapeake Iron Works 4) Baltimore, Maryland CLINTON E. HOBBS CO. Boston, Mass. Manufacturers Chains and Chain Hoists ce erg £5 a Say Pree ae All Kinds and Sizes MULTIPLY MAN POWER Long reach, with high factor of safety, and speedy operation result in maximum production from labor. Build Barges and Tugs With a DRAV Ship Cable Chain Steering Gear Chain > Stud Link Chain Marine Chain AMERICAN CHAIN COMPANY INCORPORATED BRIDGEPORT, CONN., U.S. A. == Standard DRAVO Truck and Gone: Whirlers used on our work for years have pean! their versatility, efficiency and economy over other types of material handling apparatus. Write foday for Bulletin No. 104. THE DRAVO CONTRACTING CO. Chicago Engineering Works Dept. Pacific Coast Cleveland Representatives: Philadelphia Hamilton & Hansell Indianapolis DRAVO-DOYLE CO. Rialto Bldg., san PITTSBURGH San Francisco LARGEST CHAIN MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD “« Milwaukee Cranes”’ are built for service. Ship- é 2 : : yards all over the country A shipyard Mies better than its poorest equipment. Don’t let gee telling of aan dale iene the poor edulpment consist of your cranes where a slip might oak eae needs will put one lives. Specify “The Milwaukee Crane” and get the best. ee ee Let-us:know your require- : ee service. sot ranmers bank | MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC CRANE & MFG. CO NEW YORK: BLDG. _ MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN ‘ 50.CHURCH ST. Please mentiun THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers