March, 1919 SPEEDWAY SHIPYARD TUGS — Steel W ood Seagoing Harbor with complete machinery installation © SEABURY STEAM ENGINES AND WATER TUBE BOILERS Contractors for U.S. Navy and Shipping Board Tugs Gas Engine & Power Company and Charles L. Seabury & Company CONSOLIDATED Morris Heights New York City Sydney C. McLouth Marine City, Mich. SHIPBUILDING STEEL and WOOD Plenty of water at dock for any boat. Repairs made to Hulls, Boilers or Machinery, nights, days or Sundays. THE MARINE REVIEW 135 MODERN MARINE BOILERS and STEEL SHIP BUILDING TUGS, PASSENGER STEAMERS and SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION WRITE E JOHNSTON BROTHERS FERRYSBURG, MICHIGAN _ ‘THEBETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION LIMITED — DELIVERED To the United States Navy during the war: More DESTROYERS than all other shipyards and navy yards combined ; More than half of all the SUBMARINES. To the United States Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation: About 25 per cent of the total STEEL MER- CHANT TONNAGE. PLANTS Fore River Plant, ounee Mass. Harlan Plant, Wilmington, Del. Moore Plant, Elizabeth, N. J. Union Plant, San Francisco, Cal. parrows ’Point Plant, Bourke Point, Md Shipbuilders and sr neneere Marine & Stationary ‘nginecre Curtis Marine Turb Water Tube & Scotch Boilers Auxiliary M Sunes Special Facilities for Repair Work BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, OD: GENERAL OFFICES: BETHLEHEM, PA. BRANCH OFFICES 111 Broadway, New York 260 California Ave., San Francisco ST. LAWRENCE MARINE RAILWAY COMPANY OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Carriage accommodates every ship of Welland Canal size, Fully equipped for repairs to Wood and Steel boats. BOILER AND MACHINE SHOP HIGH CLASS WORK Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers