March, 1919 oP the Naval Board found it necessary to make restrictions for safety at sea in mechanical refrigeration equipment, we didn’t have to change a bolt or a nut in our Standard- Toledo Refrigeration Sets. They are scientifically designed to maintain the greatest cooling efficiency with entire safety. Made and shipped in a unit with a great saving in cost of installation. Refrigeration Engineering Co. Toledo Factories Building Toledo, Ohio FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS THE PENBERTHY INJECTOR has enjoyed recognized leadership, not» alone in the United States, but throughout the world. The Penberthy never disappoints you—it is invariably dependable, That’s the reason, a pretty good one, too! You should have Penberthy feed your boilers, Catalogue on request. PENBERTHY INJECTOR COMPANY Established 1886 Canadian Factory. DETROIT, MICH New York Depot Windsor, Ont. 71 Beekman St. Ashton Dependable High Grade Pop Valves, Steam Gages. Whistles Specially Adapted for ’ High Pressure Marine Service Unequalled for ‘ Efficiency, Durability and Low Cost of Maintenance The Ashton Valve Co. 161 First St. Cambridge, Mass. : Branches New York Boston Chicago San Francisco THE MARIN E REVIEW Absolute Safety _ Highest Efficiency Least Bulk and Weight This - equipment answers all possible require- ments. KROESCHELL CARBONIC ANHYDRIDE REFRIGERATING EQUIPMENT is in use on the following Lake Vessels: North American; South American; Northland; Seeandbee; City of Cleveland; Detroit IIT; Tionesta; Juniata; Octorara; Harvester; Noronic; Rochester; Hamonic; Toronto; Arthur Orr; Minnesota; J. H. C. Hagarty; Geronia; Alabama; Nevada and others. May we send you our literature ? KROESCHELL BROS. ICE MACHINE CO. New York City CHICAGO Detroit, Mich. “NORWALK” COMPRESSORS» Air, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Acetylene Years of satisfaction to our customers merits your confidence in the “NORWALK” Any pressure, size or capacity ° Standard line of snes Specifications gladly furnished The Norwalk Iron Works Co. South Norwalk, Conn. Please mention THe Marine Review when writing tc Advertisers 143